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Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (121)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 121 )
Tehnician Mentenanta
expirat: 31.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Supplier and Metrology Quality Engineer
7 Strada Conului, Ploiești
expirat: 20.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Design Change Control Responsible
7 Strada Conului, Ploiești
expirat: 18.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Receiving and evaluating design/process/materials/tools/suppliers changes (through G-BOM/Design notes) and informing all Marelli functions involved in the design change processes;
Management of the notification regarding the product/process design change, received through the GREDV electronic system;
Reviewing the content of the design note to ensure that the data is accurate and relevant; highlighting errors and anomalies to Projects Management Department;
Correctly classifying the change as a "running change" or "set/time change";
Responsible for setting up an action plan based on the instructions received through the design note. These actions and the set dates will form the basis of the implementation plan;
Responsible for organizing and leading the change process until the implementation plan is completed. Maintain contact with all departments involved in the change implementation process (QA, Engineering, Manufacturing, SCM, PM, Sales, Purchasing);
Monitoring stocks; highlighting all changes in stocks that affect the implementation date;
Responsible for the correct maintenance of the BOM and Rollup, in the Glovia system;
Responsible on behalf of the SCM Department for coordinating the implementation of new projects in collaboration with the PM Department;
Weekly/monthly reporting of performance and activity, as well as participation in periodic analysis and reporting meetings
Define and drive sourcing strategy for projects and new customer programmes
Liaise with Commodity Specialists to make sound sourcing recommendations and decisions
Execute new programme sourcing in line with Direct Material Sourcing Process requirements and to customer programme milestones
Execute commodity and operational strategies of assigned commodities within the European region
Develop part family strategies in concert with commodity strategies
Develop and execute robust supplier negotiation strategies to deliver on annual targets
Capture and communicate New Programme Launch, Engineering and Operational requirements to the supply base
Support Head of Purchasing and other internal stakeholders in Make or Buy analysis
Build strong relationships and negotiate best terms (prices, payment terms, lead times, contracts, etc.) with suppliers
Understands price analysis and interrogate the Suppliers price to determine if fair and equitable
Identify and evaluate initiatives to generate cost reductions, through research and procurement best practice tools and methods
Work with cross-functional teams to identify and deliver on cost reduction programmes (resourcing and Technical Cost Reductions) to deliver on annual targets
Track all cost changes, preventing and mitigating price increases with proactive actions
Maintains current and accurate purchase order data in Genic and ERP in accordance with procurement processes and procedures
Resolves discrepancies between supplier performance and purchase order requirements
Manage risk proactively within the supply chain by incorporating the use of Marelli Purchasing System (., Supplier Panel Management, Supplier Quality Performance tool, Supplier Cost Recovery tool, etc.), RapidRating reports, cross functional reviews, and regular reviews with high risk suppliers
Ensures compliance to company and purchasing policies and procedures.
Confident and able to take on projects and additional duties as may be reasonably expected within the scope, spirit and nature of the job
Actively embrace Marelli Values, Mission, and Vision
Participa in mod activ in sedintele de proiect, initiaza planuri de actiune si le urmareste pentru buna desfasurare a proiectului, asigurand continuitatea actiunilor si inchiderea lor in termenul asumat
Intocmeste specificatii si asigura conformitatea masinilor si echipamentelor cu normativele legale in vigoare
Asigura suport la punerea in functiune a echipamentelor si sculelor, realizand coordonarea operatiunilor si a testelor de validare a echipamentelor dupa instalare/relocare
Pregateste specificatiile tehnice de productie a utilajelor si echipamentelor pentru realizarea volumelor de productie
Realizeaza testele de validare, receptioneaza echipamentele si sculele de la furnizor, conform procedurilor in vigoare
Pregateste amplasamentele liniei de productie / sprijina modificarea acestora, pentru instalarea noilor masini / echipamente
Realizeaza analiza capabilitatii produselor si echipamentelor pentru a oferi feedback asupra dezvoltarii produselor
Creeaza / tine sub control documentele specifice ingineriei pentru liniile de productie, urmareste proiectele repartizate de catre superiorul direct
Asigura expertiza tehnica pentru problemele de la masini, echipament si scule produs, pentru rezolvarea si optimizarea/imbunatatirea proceselor deficitare, inclusiv implicarea furnizorilor in rezolvarea deficientelor
Asigura activitatile de pre-productie (APQP, PPAP)
Monitorizeaza si tine sub control cheltuielile de buget
Posibilitatea coordonarii unei echipe in cazul extinderii acesteia