Bucureşti Sectorul 1, Str. NICOLAE GOLESCU, Nr. 17, Etaj 1
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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
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Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (452)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 452 )
Head Accountant
expirat: 17.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Junior Accountant wt SAP
expirat: 09.03.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Processing the monthly accounting data in SAP according to the legal provisions
Filing the primary accounting documents according to the established filing system
Maintaining the fixed assets register and the low value assets register up to date
Maintaining an accurate and complete master data of customers and suppliers at all times
Keeping the stocks statement up to date
Preparation and filing of the statutory reports/statements with relevant authorities
Preparation of the trial balance, the general ledgers, and the movements of accounts
Computation of the corporate income tax - quarterly
Processing the transactions on the bank statements and preparation of any other documents related to bank formalities
Drafting financial reports according to IFRS
Preparation and filing of half year and year - end financial statements with the competent authorities (fiscal administration, etc.), like balance sheet, profit, and loss account, related explanatory notes, shareholder's decision and management report, as well as other specific reporting necessary/ as per request of the management/authorities
Organizing the annual stock taking of its assets and liabilities and prepare the related documentation (stock taking protocol etc)
Training the designated back up personnel to perform the duties in her absence with regard to organizing the filing system and accounting booking in SAP, including the one at the end of the month/ year
Complying with the legal deadlines for the payment of the taxes to the budget/ dues to the local authorities and with regard to the amounts of the taxes/ dues owed, within a term which allows their settling on time
Filing VAT statements and follow up on the reimbursement status, if the case
Informing related to currently applicable fiscal regulations and implementing the necessary measures
Preparing explanations in case of tax inspections/ audits and provide all information requested by the authorities /auditors
Maintaining contact with the services / goods providers, according to the requests and related to topics within the area of responsibilities. Issuing invoices- from the accounting software SAP
Checking formally the correctness and completeness of the incoming invoices and booking them in the accounting system
Organizing the documents related to topics within the area of responsibilities on server and physically
Various reporting and control activities, as per the requests of the management and related to topics within the area of responsibilities
Any other activities as requested by the management and related to topics within the area of responsibilities
Elaboreaza studii si analize cu privire la eficienta utilizarii capitalului de lucru, evolutia acumularilor banesti, a structurii cheltuielilor materiale si a altor indicatori economico-financiari importanti;
Elaboreaza si asigura implementarea politicilor si strategiile economice;
Asigura organizarea si gestionarea in mod eficient a integritatii intregului patrimoniu al societatii in conformitate cu dispozitiile legale in vigoare si al normelor sau reglementarilor interne ale societatatii;
Organizeaza si coordoneaza contabilitatea operatiilor de capital, contabilitatea imobilizarilor, contabilitatea stocurilor, contabilitatea tertilor, contabilitatea trezoreriei, contabilitatea cheltuielilor, veniturilor si rezultatelor, contabilitatea angajamentelor si altor elemente patrimoniale, contabilitatea de gestiune in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare;
Urmareste respectarea principiilor contabile si ale evaluarii patrimoniului (prudentei, permanentei metodelor, continuitatii activitatii, independentei exercitiului, intangibilitatii bilantului de deschidere, necompensarii);
Organizeaza si coordoneaza controlul financiar-preventiv, stabilind operatiunile si documentele ce se supun controlului financiar-preventiv;
Raspunde de efectuarea inventarierii generale a patrimoniului la inceputul activitatii, cel putin odata pe an, pe parcursul functionarii sale, in orice situatii prevazute de lege;
Organizeaza si participa la intocmirea lucrarilor de inchidere a exercitiului financiar-contabil, la operatiunile de inventariere a patrimoniului urmarind modul de valorificare a rezultatelor inventarierii;
Asigura si raspunde de indeplinirea la termen a obligatiilor societatii fata de bugetul statului si terti in conformitate cu dispozitiile legale in vigoare;
Asigura si raspunde de elaborarea balantei de verificare la termenele stabilite de legislatia in vigoare;
Efectueaza analiza financiar-contabila pe baza de bilant, pe care o prezinta managementului companiei si vine cu propuneri de optimizare
Asigura diverse raportari interne si catre institutii externe;
Executa diverse plati si tine legatura cu banca partenera;
Asigura comunicarea cu firma externa de contabilitate si transmite lunar informatiile necesare calcului salarial;
Elibereaza diverse documente de personal angajatilor companiei;
Reprezinta societatea in cazul controalelor financiare si in relatia cu partenerii externi
Partner development, Contractor and Installer sales development (full program) & Project sales development (installer and investor based) in commercial and residential HVAC segment
Involvement in spreading all the marketing activities B2B and B2C as well as sales actions and number of showrooms development for reaching high instore share (target set per customer)
While main tasks are connection with partner network, keeping the existing partners and acquiring new ones the job holder will be also searching for new direct partners, acquisition of the new dealers and installers and pro-actively searching of new projects
Tracking of the sales progress & following qualitative targets of dedicated partners according to contracts
Follow up of marketing campaigns – info sharing towards installer market & Cooperation in literature making process with Marketing Coordinator
Support the in planning, directing, managing, and coordinating day-to-day business activities
Monitor tasks delegated by the MD to ensure that completed work is achieved to agreed deadlines. Assist MD to track and provide analytical reports on the development of strategic initiatives and financial performance
Building and managing key relationships with internal and external stakeholders
Manage multiple projects and tasks simultaneously. Prepare materials and presentations. Collects, compiles, and organizes presentation and meeting materials for the MD
Produce regular and ad-hoc research / reports on business development and market landscape
Managing Executive and Management meetings; Attend meetings, sometimes on the MD’s behalf; taking notes and minutes
Prepare agendas, briefings, and preparation materials for meetings, appointments, and events; work closely with other leadership team members to gather agenda items, and other materials, as needed. Distribute meeting materials in advance of meetings
Acting as Trusted Advisor in supporting whole Solutions sales cycle: analysing customer´s needs, scoping the projects, preparing Conceptual and Functional Design using the available tools and methods offering support to own sales team and to partners’ teams
Consultancy in different Information Management and Document Management projects and delivering consultancy on Canon Solutions (ex. IRIS)
Supporting development of product training content for sales channels; deliver product presentations, workshops and technical training classes as an instructor or trainer
Depending on project definition, the job holder can take Lead or Supportive role in delivering content of the Project with severe activities related to different project stages with, Assessment of Project, Meetings, Customer Workshop, Solution Consultancy, Proof of Concept and Solution Architecture
Coordoneaza si raspunde de intreaga activitate financiar-contabil a companiei;
Elaboreaza studii si analize cu privire la eficienta utilizarii capitalului de lucru, evolutia acumularilor banesti, a structurii cheltuielilor materiale si a altor indicatori economico-financiari importanti;
Elaboreaza si asigura implementarea politicilor si strategiile economice;
Asigura organizarea si gestionarea in mod eficient a integritatii intregului patrimoniu al societatii in conformitate cu dispozitiile legale in vigoare si al normelor sau reglementarilor interne ale societatatii;
Organizeaza si coordoneaza contabilitatea operatiilor de capital, contabilitatea imobilizarilor, contabilitatea stocurilor, contabilitatea tertilor, contabilitatea trezoreriei, contabilitatea cheltuielilor, veniturilor si rezultatelor, contabilitatea angajamentelor si altor elemente patrimoniale, contabilitatea de gestiune in conformitate cu legislatia in vigoare;
Urmareste respectarea principiilor contabile si ale evaluarii patrimoniului (prudentei, permanentei metodelor, continuitatii activitatii, independentei exercitiului, intangibilitatii bilantului de deschidere, necompensarii);
Organizeaza si coordoneaza controlul financiar-preventiv, stabilind operatiunile si documentele ce se supun controlului financiar-preventiv;
Raspunde de efectuarea inventarierii generale a patrimoniului la inceputul activitatii, cel putin odata pe an, pe parcursul functionarii sale, in orice situatii prevazute de lege;
Organizeaza si participa la intocmirea lucrarilor de inchidere a exercitiului financiar-contabil, la operatiunile de inventariere a patrimoniului urmarind modul de valorificare a rezultatelor inventarierii;
Asigura si raspunde de indeplinirea la termen a obligatiilor societatii fata de bugetul statului si terti in conformitate cu dispozitiile legale in vigoare;
Asigura si raspunde de elaborarea balantei de verificare la termenele stabilite de legislatia in vigoare;
Efectueaza analiza financiar-contabila pe baza de bilant, pe care o prezinta managementului companiei si vine cu propuneri de optimizare
Asigura diverse raportari interne si catre institutii externe;
Executa diverse plati si tine legatura cu banca partenera;
Asigura comunicarea cu firma externa de contabilitate si transmite lunar informatiile necesare calcului salarial;
Elibereaza diverse documente de personal angajatilor companiei;
Reprezinta societatea in cazul controalelor financiare si in relatia cu partenerii externi
Responsible to achieve sales targets (volume/value per volume potential TT stores, LKA chains TT) within the assigned area by effective and efficient usage of the allocated resources
Analyzing and understanding periodically the regional market dynamics as well as the direct implications in the sales and trade marketing activities
Reach the customer number target per TT
Proposes new and innovative actions to build and develop business in the area
Indirect Management of Distributor’s local Sales Representatives and Merchandisers
Field service work for start-up, maintenance and repair: field interventions, clients’ notification, planning of visits and organising and scheduling subcontractors and HQ technicians
Technical support remotely (by email or phone) and/or on site: technical analysis and reports, documentation
Pre Sales support to Sales Engineers and Service Sales Engineers: field visits to clients’ sites to understand project requirements, technical analysis and report, product spare parts and materials selection, project costing to complete quotations for repairs, upgrades, start-ups and maintenance
Train Dealers on trouble shooting, repairs and new products and train clients on new product after start-up / commissioning
Field sales of service & maintenance contracts to existing clients and new prospects: acquisition of new customers and extension of existing relations; developing long-term relationship, maximizing account penetration and customer retention; proactive search for new business opportunities and constant observation of the service market; promote and propose Service Solutions to Daikin customers
Creating & closing of contracts for service sales products (commissioning, repairs, refurbishment, maintenance)
Preparation of projects and order creations (incl. cost planning & cost control)
Close cooperation and constant information exchange with the local service manager, service technicians and technical customer service and the HQ/ SBU Service
Offering support for the implementation of a CRM system