Bucureşti Sectorul 2, Str. Sold. Ştefan Velicu, Nr. 43, DEMISOL, BIROUL NR.2, BIROUL NR.3, Etaj
Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Offer support to sales team for account management and administrative tasks;
Provide account management and support for clients -small account from inbound;
Complete relevant documentation as required; maintain an accurate record keeping system (manually and electronically), prepare data, reports and documents, analyze information as required;
Update and maintain client database;
Daily recording and updating of activity and project information via CRM;
Manage aspects of the clients' purchase order process;
Collect, verify and rank clients’ non-technical and technical requirements for new product features and function
Initiate changes to and cancelation of orders/backorders upon request and advice from sales team
Receive and handle inbound telephone calls from clients inquiring about products;
Offer support to sales team for account management and administrative tasks;
Provide account management and support for clients;
Complete relevant documentation as required; maintain an accurate record keeping system (manually and electronically), prepare data, reports and documents, analyze information as required;
Update and maintain client database;
Daily recording and updating of activity and project information via CRM;
Manage aspects of the clients' purchase order process;
Collect, verify and rank clients’ non-technical and technical requirements for new product features and functions;
Remain aware and knowledgeable of promotional programs, competitive products;
Initiate changes to and cancelation of orders/backorders upon request and advice from sales team
Vei colabora cu specialiști din domenii conexe (de exemplu instalatori, electricieni, etc.) pentru gestionarea și valorificarea corespunzatoare a resurselor companiei;
Te vei preocupa de gestionarea bunurilor administrative;
Te vei preocupa de protejarea patrimoniului;
Vei asigura suportul administrativ pentru serviciile operationale (organizare lucrări de amenajare, aprovizionare, urmărirea derulării contractelor de întreținere, raportări diverse, oferirea de asistență administrativă angajaților);
Vei furniza suportul tehnic pentru serviciile operaționale (prelucrare și evidență documente, alte servicii logistice);
Vei participa la inventarul anual sau ori de câte ori este stabilit de către conducerea companiei;
Vei coopera cu persoanele cu atribuţii specifice în domeniul securitaţii şi sănătăţii în muncă, atât timp cât este necesar, pentru realizarea oricărei sarcini sau cerinţe impuse de autoritatea competentă pentru prevenirea accidentelor şi bolilor profesionale;
Vei executa alte activitaţi în legatură cu îndeplinirea sarcinilor de serviciu precizate de persoanele care au acest drept;
Provide tier 2 technical customer support, problem resolution and follow-ups in the ticketing system;
Resolve product or service problems by clarifying the customer's request, diagnosing the cause of the problem; selecting and explaining the best solution to solve the request, and by following up to ensure resolution;
Perform in-depth troubleshooting and determine the appropriate resolution for reported issues;
Escalate troubleshooting requests to the next level of support when necessary;
Work with and maintain/update existing internal systems and clusters;
Create and implement customized solutions for customers with complex setups and requirements
Official corporate communications in English for customers regarding outages, new releases, and new features, in both written and oral mediums;
Create and maintain knowledge-based articles and documentation on company’s internal wiki page (for fellow colleagues);
Communicate and coordinate with internal departments;
Conduct market research to find answers about consumer requirements, habits, and trends;
Brainstorm and develop ideas for creative marketing campaigns;
Assist in outbound or inbound marketing activities by demonstrating expertise in various areas (content development and optimization, advertising, events planning etc.);
Liaise with external vendors to execute promotional events and campaigns;
Collaborate with marketing and other professionals to coordinate brand awareness and marketing efforts;
Plan and execute initiatives to reach the target audience through appropriate channels (social media, e-mail, TV etc.);
Assist in analyzing marketing data (campaign results, conversion rates, traffic etc.) to help shape future marketing strategies
Receive and handle inbound telephone calls from EMEA and US clients inquiring about products;
Provide account management and support for clients;
Complete relevant documentation as required; maintain an accurate record keeping system (manually and electronically), prepare data, reports and documents, analyze information as required;
Updating and maintaining client database;
Daily recording and updating of activity and project information via CRM;
Manage aspects of the clients' purchase order process;
Collect, verify and rank clients’ non-technical and technical requirements for new product features and functions;
Assisting with outbound call campaigns to both new and existing customer base, using cold calling, negotiation and closing skills when necessary;
Remain aware and knowledgeable of promotional programs, competitive products;
Initiates changes to and cancelation of orders/backorders upon request and advice from sales team
Offer support to sales team for account management and administrative tasks;
Provide account management and support for clients -small account from inbound;
Complete relevant documentation as required; maintain an accurate record keeping system (manually and electronically), prepare data, reports and documents, analyze information as required;
Update and maintain client database;
Daily recording and updating of activity and project information via CRM;
Manage aspects of the clients' purchase order process;
Collect, verify and rank clients’ non-technical and technical requirements for new product features and function
Initiate changes to and cancelation of orders/backorders upon request and advice from sales team
Receive and handle inbound telephone calls from clients inquiring about products;