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Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Reglor la masini de prelucrare mase plastice
Alba IuliaProductivity analyses
Ad-hoc reports,
Develop, revises and ensures compliance with financial procedures so as to meet the needs of the organization
Advises top management on financial resources and of operation costs, makes all the recomandation for improving cost control.
Planning the financial statements (budget, forecast, strategic plan) and reporting to the organisations.
Collecting information from operational departments necessary for the preparation of controlling reports
Identifying risks and opportunities in the area of responsabilities
Proposing recommendations and solutions in order to rectify potential errors as well as to increase efficiency or reduce costs.
Preparing Profit and Loss analysis per cost centers, per expense categories.
Consolidation of intercompany relationships
Strong analytical and problem solving skills to evaluate alternatives and provide recommandations on business issues.
Production programming regulates the supply of finished product in desired amount at the due date in accordance with the production plan. Programming ensures most efficient use of labour, equipment and capital.
Ensuring the functionality of the system of procedures and processes.
Monitoring the performance of the company.
Financial analysis and managerial reporting
Process and transaction management
Inginer proiect/manager proiect
Alba IuliaEconomist / calcul salarii
Alba IuliaInginer calitate
Alba IuliaSpecialist achizitii
Alba IuliaSef schimb productie
Alba IuliaOperator calitate flux
Alba IuliaAnalist calitate
Alba IuliaInginer automatizari
Alba IuliaInginer proiect
Alba IuliaEconomist / calcul salarii
Alba IuliaEconomist / calcul salarii
Alba IuliaAsistent manager - economist
Alba IuliaArbeitsvorbereitung
10 Strada Tudor Vladimirescu, Alba IuliaLeiter Finanz- und Rechnungswesen / Controlling
10 Strada Tudor Vladimirescu, Alba IuliaKaufmännische Leitung
10 Strada Tudor Vladimirescu, Alba Iulia