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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Menţine înregistrările pentru bunurile materiale primite, emise sau puse în stoc. Acţionează în sensul menţinerii stocului minim de siguranţă pentru categoriile de produse la care se ă evidenţa cantităţilor de piese produse şi predate la depozit în vederea trimiterii acestora la subcontractori
Prelucrarea înregistrărilor referitoare la performanţele muncii manuale
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Tehnician de Proces
Strada Nicolae Filipescu, Oradea
expirat: 27.12.2023
Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Responsabil de procesul de maşinare
Urmăreşte şi intervine în timp util pentru schimbări de scule şi reglaje
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Quality Engineer
Strada Nicolae Filipescu, Oradea
expirat: 24.12.2023
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Quality Engineer
Strada Nicolae Filipescu, Oradea
expirat: 02.11.2023
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Financial Controller
Strada Nicolae Filipescu, Oradea
expirat: 19.10.2023
Middle (2-5 ani)
Monitorizează şi analizează lunar rezultatul operaţional faţă de valorile bugetate
Întocmeşte forecast-urile trimestriale şi bugetul anual
Updatarea trimestrială a structurii de costuri a societăţii
Asigură acurateţia reţelelor de fabricaţie – Bill of materials
Urmăreşte şi intervine în timp util pentru schimbări de scule şi reglaje
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Financial Controller
Strada Nicolae Filipescu, Oradea
expirat: 04.06.2023
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Balance sheet forecast of the entity on a monthly basis
Prepare the cashflow forecast of the entity on short term, medium term and annual budget cashflow. Suggest to the management the solution in case of cash shortages
Actual vs. budget analysis for balance sheet and cash flow including actions to improve the performance
Preparing the financials and KPIs of the entity as per banks requirements for the current engagements or in order to obtain new financing
Managing the leasing contracts in place and prepare the documentation for the new once as need it
Maintain the relation with banks and other financial institutions about financing of the entity. Prepare the documentation necessary by the entity in order to obtain financing (. short/long term loan, working capital, AR factoring) from the banks. Compare the offers from the banks, calculate the impact in the result and suggest the best offer
Responsible for AR sales program of the entity (AR sales as need it, documentation required by banks, other)
Balance sheet forecast of the entity on a monthly basis
Prepare the cashflow forecast of the entity on short term, medium term and annual budget cashflow. Suggest to the management the solution in case of cash shortages
Actual vs. budget analysis for balance sheet and cash flow including actions to improve the performance
Preparing the financials and KPIs of the entity as per banks requirements for the current engagements or in order to obtain new financing
Managing the leasing contracts in place and prepare the documentation for the new once as need it
Maintain the relation with banks and other financial institutions about financing of the entity. Prepare the documentation necessary by the entity in order to obtain financing (. short/long term loan, working capital, AR factoring) from the banks. Compare the offers from the banks, calculate the impact in the result and suggest the best offer
Responsible for AR sales program of the entity (AR sales as need it, documentation required by banks, other)
Fara experienta, Entry (0-2 ani), Middle (2-5 ani)
Asigură repartizarea informaţiilor dinspre management către toate departamentele firmei, precum şi în sens invers
Asigură transmiterea informaţiilor primite din afara firmei, precum şi a celor către exteriorul firmei, persoanelor cărora li se adresează
Urmăreşte în permanenţă dacă mesajele / corespondenţa au fost recepţionate / transmise şi au ajuns la destinaţie
Tehnoredactează diferite materiale şi corespondenţa
Programează audienţele / şedinţele
Primeşte vizitatorii şi îi direcţionează spre persoanele interesate punându-le la dispoziţie echipamentele de protecţie, dacă acestea sunt necesare şi cerându-le acestora să semneze acorduri de confidenţialitate, dacă este cazul
Gestionează papetaria: verificare stoc, comenzi, completarea registrului de evidenţă-eliberare bunuri, recepţia mărfurilor în ceea ce priveşte papetăria
Face rezervări pentru bilete de avion, hotel; urmăreşte rezervările şi facturarea corectă a acestora, cere confirmări pentru emiterea biletelor de la persoanele competente
Balance sheet forecast of the entity on a monthly basis
Prepare the cashflow forecast of the entity on short term, medium term and annual budget cashflow. Suggest to the management the solution in case of cash shortages
Actual vs. budget analysis for balance sheet and cash flow including actions to improve the performance
Preparing the financials and KPIs of the entity as per banks requirements for the current engagements or in order to obtain new financing
Managing the leasing contracts in place and prepare the documentation for the new once as need it
Maintain the relation with banks and other financial institutions about financing of the entity. Prepare the documentation necessary by the entity in order to obtain financing (. short/long term loan, working capital, AR factoring) from the banks. Compare the offers from the banks, calculate the impact in the result and suggest the best offer
Responsible for AR sales program of the entity (AR sales as need it, documentation required by banks, other)
Balance sheet forecast of the entity on a monthly basis
Prepare the cashflow forecast of the entity on short term, medium term and annual budget cashflow. Suggest to the management the solution in case of cash shortages
Actual vs. budget analysis for balance sheet and cash flow including actions to improve the performance
Preparing the financials and KPIs of the entity as per banks requirements for the current engagements or in order to obtain new financing
Managing the leasing contracts in place and prepare the documentation for the new once as need it
Maintain the relation with banks and other financial institutions about financing of the entity. Prepare the documentation necessary by the entity in order to obtain financing (. short/long term loan, working capital, AR factoring) from the banks. Compare the offers from the banks, calculate the impact in the result and suggest the best offer
Responsible for AR sales program of the entity (AR sales as need it, documentation required by banks, other)