Bucureşti Sectorul 3, Aleea BUCHETULUI, Nr. 2, Bloc C2
Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Planificarea, organizarea, supervizarea și coordonarea activitatii personalului medical;
Setarea si evaluarea obiectivelor echipei in mod permanent;
Asigurarea respectării protocoalelor și standardelor medicale;
Asistență în procedurile medicale complexe;
Monitorizarea stocurilor de echipamente și consumabile medicale, precum si intocmirea necesarului de consumabile din departament si gestionarea corespunzatoare;
Respectarea termenelor de intocmire a comenzilor lunare
Colaborarea strânsă cu echipa medicală pentru optimizarea proceselor de îngrijire;
Oferirea de suport și îndrumare colegilor mai puțin experimentați
Verificarea zilnica a activitatii asistentelor cu privire la pregatirea cabinetelor medicale;
In cazul in care este necesar, practica activitatea medicala conform calificarii si pregatirii profesionale
Ensures a Well-Maintained Environment, keeping the environment safe, clean, and well-maintained. This includes the full scope of the clinic’s facilities, such as: Heating and cooling systems, Ventilation systems, Plumbing, Hazardous waste removal, Lighting fixtures, Floors and floor coverings, Furniture, Computers and office equipment, Medical equipment, Medical supplies, Elevators. The facilities manager should routinely inspect all of these elements or schedule professional inspections as needed to make sure they’re in proper working order. As well, the facilities manager must schedule and arrange for routine preventive maintenance
Manages Day-to-Day Operations, serving as essential point of contact for a variety of issues within the facility (for example: taking care of the maintenance and repairs, review proposals for new building project, tour and inspect facility rooms, compare pricing on new furniture options for the waiting room, negotiate a service contract with the cleaning crew, train new employees on proper emergency evacuation procedures, etc), while ensuring that all these activities remain within the allocated budget
Develop and implement a maintenance strategy for optimal medical facility operations
Work closely with the medical and management team
Handles compliance and certification and offers support whenever is needed for these processes to take place and be implemented
Identify potential areas of compliance vulnerability and conduct risk assessments
Drive the procurement process for facility-related activities
Maintain and improve supplier relationships to identify best practices
Ensure facility management strategy supports business growth
Implement and support sustainable processes
Manage budgets and monitor costs
Track and follow up on quality performance using set KPIs