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Expeditor International
expirat: 04.08.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Seafreight operator ( LCL & FCL)
Strada Copilului, București
expirat: 12.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Manage seafreight operations from booking receipt to final delivery
Track and update shipment information in our in-house internal systems
Monitor and update shipments statuses to our customers, ensuring on-time and optimal deliveries
Knowledge and further handle of all necessary documentation involved in a transport order
Maintain effective communication with clients and suppliers in order to proper deal with any delay or other issues which are beyond our control
Provide excellent customer service
Implement new processes / update current ones, in order to improve workflow efficiency
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Expeditor International
expirat: 03.07.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Telesales Executive
expirat: 27.06.2024
Managing existing customers in order to maintain and growth business relationships
Developing in-depth knowledge of customer business to make suitable recommendations based on customers' needs and preferences.
Developing and sustaining solid relationships with customers to encourage repeat business.
Identifying new business opportunities to through cold-calling and email communications to achieve revenue and profit goals
Promptly submitting customers' requests to the relevant department for processing
Resolving customer complaints in a timely and professional manner to maintain customer loyalty.
Identifying new business opportunities to achieve revenue and profit goals.
Achieving quarterly revenue targets
Achieve weekly targeted activity levels such as calls, emails and quotations
Maintain accurate records of daily activities
Prepare monthly sales and activity reports
Monitor the results and status of ongoing projects/objectives
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Expeditor International
expirat: 26.06.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Freight Forwarding - Airfreight Operator
expirat: 04.05.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Expeditor International
expirat: 01.05.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Expeditor International
expirat: 19.08.2023
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Expert contabil
expirat: 24.05.2023
Senior (5-10 ani), Executive (>10 ani)
Realizare si inregistrare: jurnal TVA, balanta, bilant, registre contabile obligatorii etc;
Realizare si depunere a declaratiilor lunare pentru taxe si impozite;
Emitere si inregistrare a documentelor de salarizare si mentinere a legaturii cu ITM si revisal.
Inregistrarea facturilor de vanzare, a facturilor de cumparare de la furnizori interni/internationali;
Inregistrarea extraselor bancare, deconturilor, contractelor de leasing si/sau a celor de credit bancar
completarea registrelor contabile si fiscale obligatorii;
intocmirea contractelor individuale de munca si a eventualelor acte aditionale cat si transmiterea catre revisal;
intocmirea statelor de plata, adeverintelor cat si deciziilor si a notelor de lichidare;
intocmirea si depunerea declaratiilor pentru asigurari sociale
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Head of Road Transports Department
expirat: 28.12.2022
Senior (5-10 ani), Executive (>10 ani)
Manage current road transports operational team (both domestic and international)
Create yearly department budget
Recruit new talents for operational team
Develop strong relationship with company trucking suppliers / identify new strong partners
Identify target customers for profitable growth, develop strategies to address their needs in terms of Road transports
Manage existing customers in order to maintain and growth business relationships
Developing in-depth knowledge of customer business to make suitable recommendations based on customers' needs and preferences
Developing and sustaining solid relationships with existing customers
Resolving customer complaints in a timely and professional manner to maintain customer loyalty
Achieving monthly / quarterly / annual revenue targets
Prepare monthly sales and activity reports
Monitor the results and status of ongoing projects/objectives
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Set up our Timisoara branch - identify location, prepare the initial logistical aspects of a new office
Set up, supervise, and manage a sales team
Identify target customers for profitable growth, develop strategies to address their needs
Manage existing customers in order to maintain and growth business relationships
Developing in-depth knowledge of customer business to make suitable recommendations based on customers' needs and preferences
Developing and sustaining solid relationships with existing customers
Identifying new business opportunities to through cold-calling, email communications and visits to achieve revenue and profit goals
Preparing and delivering sales presentations to potential and existing customers
Resolving customer complaints in a timely and professional manner to maintain customer loyalty.
Achieving monthly / quarterly / annual revenue targets
Prepare monthly sales and activity reports
Organize working time and make necessary business visits
Monitor the results and status of ongoing projects/objectives
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operator Introducere Date
expirat: 04.11.2022
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Introduce corect și la timp datele în sistemul informatic
Verifică corectitudinea datelor introduse și efectuează corecții
Verifică dacă documentele sunt întocmite corespunzător
Asigură comunicarea cu clientul prin telefon și email
Oferă suport clienților;
Întocmește rapoarte specifice activității
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Economist Junior
expirat: 04.11.2022
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Verificare conturi bancare conform adresă de confirmare a contului bancar pentru companiile din grup;
Efectuare rapoarte de plăți și plăți electronice zilnice / săptămânale pentru companiile din grup;
Înregistrare și verificare facturi furnizori în sistemul informatic;
Monitorizarea respectării procedurilor și să menținerea relație cu băncile partenere pentru companiile din grup;
Întocmire liste de plăți către furnizori;
Actualizare situație soldurilor bancare zilnice aferente entităților din grup;
Verifică săptamanal clienții intârziați și le trimite atenționări sau notificari;
Verifică periodic corectitudinea înregistrării cheltuielilor și a veniturilor alocate pe departament, pe centri de cost, proiecte
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Freight Forwarding - Airfreight Operator
expirat: 03.11.2022
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Telesales Executive
expirat: 03.11.2022
Managing existing customers in order to maintain and growth business relationships
Developing in-depth knowledge of customer business to make suitable recommendations based on customers' needs and preferences.
Developing and sustaining solid relationships with customers to encourage repeat business.
Identifying new business opportunities to through cold-calling and email communications to achieve revenue and profit goals
Promptly submitting customers' requests to the relevant department for processing
Resolving customer complaints in a timely and professional manner to maintain customer loyalty.
Identifying new business opportunities to achieve revenue and profit goals.
Achieving quarterly revenue targets
Achieve weekly targeted activity levels such as calls, emails and quotations
Maintain accurate records of daily activities
Prepare monthly sales and activity reports
Monitor the results and status of ongoing projects/objectives
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Field Sales Executive
expirat: 03.11.2022
Managing existing customers in order to maintain and growth business relationships
Developing in-depth knowledge of customer business to make suitable recommendations based on customers' needs and preferences
Developing and sustaining solid relationships with customers to encourage repeat business
Identifying new business opportunities to through cold-calling, email communications and visits to achieve revenue and profit goals
Preparing and delivering sales presentations to potential and existing customers
Promptly submitting customers' requests to the relevant department for processing
Resolving customer complaints in a timely and professional manner to maintain customer loyalty.
Achieving monthly / quarterly / annual revenue targets
Achieve weekly targeted activity levels such as calls, emails and visits
Maintain accurate records of daily activities
Prepare monthly sales and activity reports
Organize working time and make necessary business visits
Monitor the results and status of ongoing projects/objectives
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Freight Forwarding Road Operator
expirat: 26.02.2021
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Field Sales Executive
expirat: 26.02.2021
Managing existing customers in order to maintain and growth business relationships
Developing in-depth knowledge of customer business to make suitable recommendations based on customers' needs and preferences
Developing and sustaining solid relationships with customers to encourage repeat business
Identifying new business opportunities to through cold-calling, email communications and visits to achieve revenue and profit goals
Preparing and delivering sales presentations to potential and existing customers
Promptly submitting customers' requests to the relevant department for processing
Resolving customer complaints in a timely and professional manner to maintain customer loyalty.
Achieving monthly / quarterly / annual revenue targets
Achieve weekly targeted activity levels such as calls, emails and visits
Maintain accurate records of daily activities
Prepare monthly sales and activity reports
Organize working time and make necessary business visits
Monitor the results and status of ongoing projects/objectives
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Telesales Executive
expirat: 26.02.2021
Managing existing customers in order to maintain and growth business relationships
Developing in-depth knowledge of customer business to make suitable recommendations based on customers' needs and preferences.
Developing and sustaining solid relationships with customers to encourage repeat business.
Identifying new business opportunities to through cold-calling and email communications to achieve revenue and profit goals
Promptly submitting customers' requests to the relevant department for processing
Resolving customer complaints in a timely and professional manner to maintain customer loyalty.
Identifying new business opportunities to achieve revenue and profit goals.
Achieving quarterly revenue targets
Achieve weekly targeted activity levels such as calls, emails and quotations
Maintain accurate records of daily activities
Prepare monthly sales and activity reports
Monitor the results and status of ongoing projects/objectives
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Freight Forwarder ROAD / Dispecer transport rutier
expirat: 04.12.2020
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Freight Forwarder ROAD / Dispecer transport rutier
expirat: 04.12.2020
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Seafreight operator ( LCL & FCL)
44 Strada Lainici, București
expirat: 31.08.2019
să preia cererile de oferte şi comenzile din partea clienţilor;
să organizeze transporturile în cele mai bune condiţii, cu respectarea calităţii şi termenelor cerute la fiecare din transporturi cat si de standardele firmei;
să găsească soluţiile optime de desfăşurare a transporturilor şi comunicarea pe mai departe a soluţiilor alese către clienţi;
sa completeze zilnic in fisierele/sistemele interne, in mod corect si responsabil, toate detaliile legate de transporturile in derulare
să cunoască si sa stapanesca termenii si conditiile de transport intern si international şi să respecte prevederile legale cu privire la legislatia vamala
sa tina permanent legatura, sa informeze in avans si sa transmita catre parteneri(transportatori rutieri/comisionari vamali/parteneri externi/depozitari ) documentele si informatiile aferente operatiunilor pe care doreste sa le intreprinda;
sa se asigure ca facturile intocmite de furnizori pentru transporturile organizate sunt conforme contractelor in derulare ori a comenzilor de transport si ulterior sa se ocupe de introducerea lor in sistemul intern si predarea catre departamentul financiar contabil
sa se asigure de emiterea conforma catre clienti a facturilor aferente fiecarui transport
sa se asigure in cazul fiecarui transport alocat, de informarea prompta si proactiva a tuturor partilor implicate asupra oricaror operatiuni/situatii ce impacteaza in mod direct transportul respectiv si informarile transmise pana atunci
să optimizeze costurile legate de transport;
sănbsp;stabilească relaţii optime cu clienţii, pentru rezolvarea în timp util şi în bune condiţii a tuturor problemelor ocazionale
să aibăapacitateaerganizare loculuieuncă
să participe activ la rezolvarea sarcinilor echipei
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Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate