Sat Remetea Mare, Comuna Remetea Mare, Nr. 637, OLYMPIAN PARK TIMIȘOARA, HALA 2, DN 6/E70
Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Efectueaza inventar periodic in linie pe baza unui plan clar stabilit, in functie de rezultatele inventarelor anterioare si respectiv topul pierderilor / discrepantelor pe part number
Ofera suport SAP supervizorilor si sefilor de echipa
Genereaza saptamanal sau de fiecare data cand este necesar raportul de scrap din SAP si raportul de consum aditional de materie prima (MUV), genereaza saptamanal raportul de eficienta
Analizeaza situatiile in care apar discrepante de materiale
Organizeaza si monitorizeaza inventare periodice pe arie, verifica stocurile de produs finit si materie prima
In cazul in care sesizeaza discrepante intre lista de materiale si realitatea din teren, comunica sefului de echipa si / sau sefului de schimb, aceste discrepante in vederea actualizarii consumurilor
Verifica si corecteaza erorile de tranzactie (914; COGI)
Plaseaza comenzi in sistemul automat de gestiune SAP
Verifica comenzile de productie (confirmari; paletizari) si respecta termenului de inchidere a acestora
Inchide si arhiveaza comenzile de productie, contabilizeaza si verifica intrarile/iesirile de materii prime catre alte arii (SQA, Warehouse, Quality) din aria de productie si invers
Checks daily the finished goods stock evolution and adjusts the production plan based on customer requirements;
Production planning for finished goods;
Prepare delivery plan together with Customer Service Representative
Confirm the delivery schedule to customer service;
Maintains master data for finished goods in SAP;
Check availability & line capacity;
Keep the communication with raw material planners and other departments to ensure the right qty at the requested date in front of Customer Service Representative;
Identify problems in the assembly lines, determine their origin and recommend ways to prevent them by submitting proposals for design changes or by working with other departments;
Evaluate existing assembly methods and tooling in terms of technology, efficiency and quality;
Design and implement assembly methods, processes and tooling which support product quality and reduce assembly hours;
Improve the process for components and assemblies;
Write technical specifications and interact with suppliers or outsourced equipment;
Involvement in the planning of layouts and in the installation / assembling of the utilities and the equipment in case of new acquisitions, changing and transferring from other production units;
Collaborate with the production and quality team for optimizing the process, including defining new requests and process specifications, to review the technical part and the methods of production;
Develop and improve the programs used by production equipment;
Identifica si marcheaza pentru a fi date la reparat sculele defecte sau care nu prezinta siguranta in utilizare;
Efectueaza intretinerea curenta pentru a mentine dispozitivele si aparatele in stare de functionare corecta, in conformitate cu procedurile sau reglementarile in vigoare;
Identifica componentele, ansamblele si aparatura din schemele electrice, conform simbolurilor specifice;
Intelege si interpreteaza corect legile electrice, pentru determinarea circuitelor si legaturilor dintre componente;
Foloseste cunostintele de desen tehnic pentru interpretarea corecta a schemelor electrice;
Identifica echipamentele si componentele defecte, in vederea remedierii;
Alege sculele, materialele si aparatele de masura conform schemei de lucru;
Repune sub tensiune instalatia electrica, in vederea verificarii calitatii lucrarii;
Remediaza eventualele defecte si prezinta lucrarea pentru receptie persoanelor abilitate;
Search and identify potential suppliers of goods, services, spare parts and equipment;
RFQ and benchmark management (quotation comparison, supplier awarding, price negotiations, contract management) for indirect materials: spare parts, equipment, goods, services
Prepares bid requests, evaluates bids, negotiates purchase prices and commercial conditions with allocated suppliers, prepares and places orders to suppliers;
Selects and evaluate suppliers;
Elaborates contracts and additional procurement documents;
Proactively identifies and solves issues related to suppliers and allocated products/ services;
Negotiate the contractual conditions and follow the development of the concluded contracts;
Evaluates, prepares and presents various business scenarios based on market research and understanding, quotations and suppliers inputs
Establishes, communicates and monitors deliveries for internal stakeholders ;
Prepares the weekly and monthly specific reports for MRO
Supplier selection, supplier management, supplier development, business reviews
Proactively identifies continuous improvement opportunities within the procurement process •KPIs implementation and monitoring: price increases, cost savings, cost reduction plan
Identifica si marcheaza pentru a fi date la reparat sculele defecte sau care nu prezinta siguranta in utilizare;
Efectueaza intretinerea curenta pentru a mentine dispozitivele si aparatele in stare de functionare corecta, in conformitate cu procedurile sau reglementarile in vigoare;
Identifica componentele, ansamblele si aparatura din schemele electrice, conform simbolurilor specifice;
Intelege si interpreteaza corect legile electrice, pentru determinarea circuitelor si legaturilor dintre componente;
Foloseste cunostintele de desen tehnic pentru interpretarea corecta a schemelor electrice;
Identifica echipamentele si componentele defecte, in vederea remedierii;
Alege sculele, materialele si aparatele de masura conform schemei de lucru;
Repune sub tensiune instalatia electrica, in vederea verificarii calitatii lucrarii;
Remediaza eventualele defecte si prezinta lucrarea pentru receptie persoanelor abilitate;
Search and identify potential suppliers of goods, services, spare parts and equipment;
RFQ and benchmark management (quotation comparison, supplier awarding, price negotiations, contract management) for indirect materials: spare parts, equipment, goods, services
Prepares bid requests, evaluates bids, negotiates purchase prices and commercial conditions with allocated suppliers, prepares and places orders to suppliers;
Selects and evaluate suppliers;
Elaborates contracts and additional procurement documents;
Proactively identifies and solves issues related to suppliers and allocated products/ services;
Negotiate the contractual conditions and follow the development of the concluded contracts;
Evaluates, prepares and presents various business scenarios based on market research and understanding, quotations and suppliers inputs
Establishes, communicates and monitors deliveries for internal stakeholders ;
Prepares the weekly and monthly specific reports for MRO
Supplier selection, supplier management, supplier development, business reviews
Proactively identifies continuous improvement opportunities within the procurement process •KPIs implementation and monitoring: price increases, cost savings, cost reduction plan
Persoana autorizata sa porneasca si sa opreasca masinile de injectat, a echipamentelor auxiliare, precum si cu montarea si demontarea matritelor pe respectivele masini de injectat;
Responsabil cu efectuarea intretinerii preventive de gradul intai a matritelor din productie;
Responsabil cu executia si verificarea intretinerii preventive a masinilor de injectat si a echipamentelor auxiliare in concordanta cu planul de intretinere preventiva;
Responsabil de a face reglajele necesare pentru obtinerea de piese corespunzatoare din punct de vedere calitativ;
Responsabil sa intervina pentru remedierea defectiunilor echipamentelor, iar daca este necesar sa ceara ajutor personalului specializat;
Responsabil sa evalueze problemele care apar in aria sa de responsabilitate, sa recomande si sa efectueze actiuni de imbunatatire;
Ofera suport la realizarea diferitelor teste si reglarea de parametrii in cazul unor produse noi
Constata si apreciaza situatia reala a componentelor si determina cauza uzurii acestora;
Provides financial information to management by researching and analyzing accounting data;
Preparing reports;
Records chronologically and systematically in the accounting the supporting documents (invoices);
Keeps the correct and up-to-date records of the cashier’s office, expense statements, travel advances and operates bank account statements;
Keeps records of fixed assets and all operations related to their registration in accounting;
Prepares purchase requests for the Finance Department; prepares situations for the closing of the month;
Contributes to the correct and up-to-date keeping of the financial and accounting records, as well as to the saving of data in the company’s computer system;
Archives the documents work;
Maintains customer confidence and protects operations by keeping financial information confidential;
Represents the interface between the company and the customers;
Processes the orders received from customers (intercompany and external) and analyses possible variations;
If these variations exceed the flexibility rules agreed with the customer, analyses internally in the organization the generated opportunities /limitations and presents alternative scenarios for the delivery of the parts ordered by the customer;
Seeks the status of costs recovery regarding special actions previously agreed with customers;
In case of risk related to the capacity to meet customer requirements, prepares together with the planning team alternative scenarios that ensure customer deliveries;
Follows and monitors the inventory levels and on time deliveries to the customers;
Defines new stock levels, in order to reduce risks and optimize the supply chain inventory volume permanently;
Keeps permanent contact with the support departments, Engineering, Quality and Production, to identify the process risks and analyses their effect on customer requirements;
Ensures the correctness of the ERP database in terms of finished products (lead time, MOQ, transit time, prices, accounts, cycle time)
Take the necessary actions in order to avoid backlogs;
Prepares and reports the list of critical finished products;
Revises the need for special deliveries, before sending them for approval;
Monitors and reports the customer complaints on the customers logistics portal, completes documents in order to comply with the terms agreed for settlement of claims and proposes solutions in the short, medium and long term to avoid recurrence;
Represents the interface between the company and the customers;
Processes the orders received from customers (intercompany and external) and analyses possible variations;
If these variations exceed the flexibility rules agreed with the customer, analyses internally in the organization the generated opportunities /limitations and presents alternative scenarios for the delivery of the parts ordered by the customer;
Seeks the status of costs recovery regarding special actions previously agreed with customers;
In case of risk related to the capacity to meet customer requirements, prepares together with the planning team alternative scenarios that ensure customer deliveries;
Follows and monitors the inventory levels and on time deliveries to the customers;
Defines new stock levels, in order to reduce risks and optimize the supply chain inventory volume permanently;
Keeps permanent contact with the support departments, Engineering, Quality and Production, to identify the process risks and analyses their effect on customer requirements;
Ensures the correctness of the ERP database in terms of finished products (lead time, MOQ, transit time, prices, accounts, cycle time)
Take the necessary actions in order to avoid backlogs;
Prepares and reports the list of critical finished products;
Revises the need for special deliveries, before sending them for approval;
Monitors and reports the customer complaints on the customers logistics portal, completes documents in order to comply with the terms agreed for settlement of claims and proposes solutions in the short, medium and long term to avoid recurrence;