Bucureşti Sectorul 2, Str. GARA HERĂSTRĂU, Nr. 2, SECTIUNEA 1, Etaj 4
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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (174)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 174 )
Operator Call Center (6/8h)
2 Strada Gara Herăstrău, București
expirat: 08.03.2023
Entry (0-2 ani)
350 - 400 € net / luna
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operator Call Center (6/8h)
2 Strada Gara Herăstrău, București
expirat: 01.12.2022
Entry (0-2 ani)
350 - 400 € net / luna
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Underwriting Analyst
2 Strada Gara Herăstrău, București
expirat: 27.08.2022
Middle (2-5 ani)
Coordinate the risk assessment of the company's insurance contracts, in accordance with the company's model, principles and guidelines;
Ensure operational effectiveness and achievement of department’s objectives, continuous monitoring of the accomplishment of the departmental tasks and improvement of the KPIs (quantitative and qualitative)
Actively participates in product development projects;
Optimize underwriting processes, improves offers and contract pricing tools, update and develop underwriting procedures;
Collaborate with specialists (doctors, actuaries, etc.) for proper assessment of risks – if needed;
Monitor the implementation of different parameters in the bidding process;
Implementation of strategic, custom insurance contracts and products within the IT system;
Ensure compliance with the flows of subscription documents;
Provide technical support for the sales team, participation in meetings for strategic and/or large accounts;
Develop personalized insurance offers based on commercial, partners and customer inputs
Monitor and analyze the performance of pricing and risk assessments on the entire portfolio of customers
Monitor and analyze the performance of specific products
Implicarea in toate proiectele dezvoltate în parteneriat cu canalele de distributie sau cu forta de vanzari a companiei;
Interfata intre companie si colaboratori sau parteneri, pe probleme administrative si suport, pentru a rezolva solicitarile clientilor;
Monitorizarea cazurilor escaladate de catre canalele de vanzare catre departamentele operationale, pentru probleme legate de clienti si parteneri;
Realizarea de raportari specifice departamentului de Vanzari – directe si/sau indirecte;
Elaboreaza, administreaza si arhiveaza contractele de colaborare in functie de caalul de distributie;
Administreaza (inclusiv in sistemele informatice) contractele si anexele de comisioane specifice canalelor de distributie ale Companiei;
Asigura implementarea, procesarea si efectuarea deconturilor de comisioane si bonusuri pentru partenerii de distributie;
Îndeplineste rolul de persoana de contact pentru canalele de distributie ale Companiei – directe si/ sau indirecte;
Actualizeaza permanent bazele de date ale Companiei legate de departamentul in care activeaza;
Elaboreaza diverse raportari, la solicitarea superiorilor ierarhici sau cerute de legislatia romana / autoritati;
Interpreteaza rezultatele din vanzari, in functie de canalele de distributie, conform criteriilor agreate impreuna cu Directorul Comercial;
Furnizeaza sprijin corespunzator in proiectele de optimizare a proceselor si aplicatiilor Companiei;
Contribuie la elaborarea de propuneri de regulamente si proceduri operationale pentru canalele de distributie ale societatii si se asigura de implementarea lor
Prepare the audit plan and submits it for approval to the Management Board;
Manage key activities in audit life cycle: scoping, planning, fieldwork execution, reporting and issue tracking;
Develop and updates audit programs and check lists;
Verify the security of IT systems according to the law of data protection of personal information;
Assess the accuracy and the credibility of the financial books that sustain the financial statements and financial reporting;
Verifies the efficiency of the informational flows between different departments of the company;
Evaluate the compliance with the legislation in force, the requirements of ethical codes, as well as the way the company policies and procedures are implemented;
Reports to the Company management any problem regarding audit, if necessary, and ensures monitoring on progress of recommendation implementation;
Ensures smooth collaboration with external auditors;
Reports upon findings and eventual dysfunctions at least on a quarterly basis to the Supervisory Board, to the Management Board and to internal control function. Reporting to the Supervisory Board and to the Management Board upon very serious situations is mandatory;
Provides specific reports according to the requirements of the legislation / of the Insurance Supervisory Commission or other authorities, of the Supervisory Board, of the shareholders and / or of the Management Board
Ensure implementation of approved strategies within agreed budgets and time frames;
Organize, coordinate and supervise external events in order to increase brand awareness and impact sales;
Responsible with designing and writing various marketing, communication and promotional materials, including product files, brochures and presentations;
Interface with advertising agencies, printing houses, various providers of advertising materials;
Responsible with design and updates of the company’s website;
Promoting the company on social media sites (LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, etc.);
In charge with company’s PR activities (internal and external)
Ensure implementation of approved strategies within agreed budgets and time frames;
Organize, coordinate and supervise external events in order to increase brand awareness and impact sales;
Responsible with designing and writing various marketing, communication and promotional materials, including product files, brochures and presentations;
Interface with advertising agencies, printing houses, various providers of advertising materials
Responsible with design and daily updates of the company’s website;
Promoting the company on social media sites (LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, etc.);
In charge with company’s PR activities (internal and external).
Furnizarea de informatii catre clienti cu privire la serviciile medicale oferite;
Preautorizarea seviciilor medicale pentru asigurati, in functie de necesitatea medicala si de pachetul de asigurare de care beneficiaza asiguratul;
Verificarea eligibilitatii asiguratilor si efectuarea de programari in clinicile partenere;
Completarea si actualizarea bazei de date cu informatii medicale despre clienti;
Inregistrarea cererilor venite din partea asiguratilor si operarea lor in aplicatiile software specifice;
Verificarea disponibilitatii furnizorilor de servicii medicale si stabilirea programarilor in functie de solicitarile asiguratilor si programul furnizorilor;
Respectarea confidentialitatii cu privire la datele cu caracter personal si/sau medical ale asiguratilor;
Analizeaza din punct de vedere medical dosarele de dauna alocate, din perspectiva conditiilor contractului de asigurare (conditii preexistente datei inceperii acoperirii, excluderi, conditii speciale de acceptare a contractului) si in vederea verificarii concordantei dintre necesitatea medicala obiectiva si serviciile recomandate/efectuate (analiza medicala a daunei);
Intocmeste documentatia necesara stabilirii deciziei asupra dosarelor de dauna;
Proceseaza daunele in baza de date, conform procedurii de lucru si in concordanta cu rezolutia fiecarei daune;
Gestioneaza cazurile non-standard, in colaborare cu departamentul de evaluare a riscului si cu departamentul juridic;
Verifica documentele de plata aferente serviciilor medicale efectuate;
Mentine legatura cu furnizorii de servicii medicale agreati pentru obtinerea de documente aferente platilor
Answer, screen and direct incoming calls; take and deliver messages to internal clients;
Organize and manage the directorial office’s agenda;
Responsible with arranging hotel reservations and booking plane tickets for management board members and other senior staff;
Receive Company’s business partners and guests and coordinate the protocol activities;
Translate materials and documents, as requested by superiors (English - Romanian and vice versa);
Coordinate reservations of conference rooms;
Perform general clerical duties, such as faxing, photocopying, editing;
Offer administrative support for Legal department (responsible with electronic archive and legal records, registering and organizing legal documents in the electronic registry, initial check of legal documents, drafting standard legal documents, etc.)
Preparing, issuing and collating insurance contracts, presenting them to Management approval;
Preparing and sending the correspondence to Company's customers;
Portfolio administration of insured persons (Process personnel fluctuation; Issue Payment notification; Issuing and preparing of the welcome packages);
Providing information regarding the operational aspects or insurance products required by distribution partners and customers
Responsible of direct group insurance sales to companies within allocated region and/or towards allocated data base of clients
High level networking at regional area, actively and regular participation at corporate events, business forums and clubs, etc
Identifies contact persons (DMUs) from the targeted companies, approaches the contact persons preferably through networking and develop a qualitative business relationship
Identifies the clients’ needs related to personnel and especially employees benefits and group products
Development of a client-specific strategy and communication plan for each assigned region/client
Maximizes customer satisfaction & retention by upholding excellent relation with corporate clients
Co-design and implement the database of IMMs and their DMUs
Analyze local competition
Supervise claims handling in relation with own client portfolio
Cooperate with branches to maximize individual sales within clients portfolio