Bucureşti Sectorul 2, Str. ING. GEORGE CONSTANTINESCU, Nr. 4B, si STR. ING. GEORGE CONSTANTINESCU NR. 2-4, LOT 2, Etaj 1-3
Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Data collection - collection and validation of data from various sources of information, assistance for data contributors, increasing the response rate;
Customer service - coordinating the activity with the national associations for the countries for which he will be responsible;
Statistical audit of the collected data (data audit 2 times / year); and making statistical reports;
Reporting - delivery of periodic or ad-hoc reports and execution of personalized data queries for various clients
Works with IT counterparts and business partners to understand their new/changing business goals, how they are being implement ted through business processes work on solving the needs into IT. Demonstrate new functionality to showcase achievements
As a Product Owner create and maintain a Prioritized Backlog with at least 3 sprints worth of Ready for Dev user stories. Is eager to mature and perfect requirements to unleash development productivity/throughput; allows for sprint delivery with minimum to no need for clarification/rework. Gauges the required level of backlog detail based on feature team needs
Creates and maintains detailed and well written Epics, Features and Users Stories up to date in TFS in order to have consistent communication with all interested parties
Product Ownership: Understands and is able to explain the Business Goals being implemented by your feature team in each release
Partner with the Scrum team members, program managers, solution architects and business on transforming Product Vision into Product Releases: Facilitates Releases’ target scope and prioritization discussions with various forums by balancing business needs & time to market with known constraints
Communicate with precision: Crafts high quality and detailed diagrams, reports and presentations as needed. Masters verbal communication and presentations in various forums
Is able to work in flexible hours to accommodate time zone differences (Bucharest, Austin, Ireland, Hyderabad, Porto Alegre)
Technical communication with developers and architecture member from client;
Responsible to deliver architecture and coding principles to scrum team;
Design and implement software solutions for our platform;
Perform code reviews;
Write unit tests;
Design, develop, and implement software solutions based on Microsoft and open source technologies: .Net framework, .Net core, C#, ASP.NET Web API, REST, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, XML, HATEOAS (Siren), SQL Server, DDD, Micro services, TFS;
Consider performance-tuning, improvements and focus on quality standards
Create and develop marketing ideas which are innovative, original and creative for marketing initiatives, campaigns, collateral materials, events and trade show materials, brochures, social media, newsletters, infographics, e-books, advertising, as well as provide design support for all visual materials;
Be responsible for the whole process of art direction and designing from conceptualization to the final artwork;
Brainstorm and collaborate with content developer and marketing team to develop compelling creative concepts that answer the briefs. Work with the Marketing and HR team closely to translate their needs into effective and memorable communication insights as well as creating professional and visually appealing designs;
Demonstrate advanced knowledge on Adobe programs and Illustrator, strong design skills and up date with the latest versions;
Create layouts and apply principles of design including layout, typography, photography composition, and usability. Combine graphic with technical Knowledge;
Stay on top of tech industry trends, tuned with latest design trends and technologic tools to widen knowledge and grasp insights to better serve our needs;
Handle multiple projects in a fast-paced work environment and complete the task on time. Work requires the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment to evaluate priorities among the marketing projects
Receptioneaza, verifica si centralizeaza informatiile necesare calculului salariilor si al taxelor aferente primite de la manageri si departamentul HR (lista persoane angajate/plecate in cursul lunii si informatiile aferente, modificarile contractuale si de alta natura intervenite in cursul lunii, pontajele lunii curente, bonusuri acordate, etc.);
Actioneaza ca persoana de contact cu ceilalti angajati si cu manageri in toate problemele legate de calculul si plata salariilor;
Asigura plata la data prevazuta in contractele de munca a salariilor prin virament bancar;
Se asigura de indeplinirea tuturor prevederilor legale cu privire la calculul si plata salariilor si a taxelor aferente;
Primeste, verifica, centralizeaza si raporteaza cererile de avans salariu de la manageri pentru subalterni;
Efectueaza plata avansurilor de salarii;
Se asigura de punerea corecta in aplicare a procedurilor interne cu privire la calulul si plata salariilor;
Transmite informatiile centralizate pentru calcul si procesare catre compania care intocmeste statele si declaratiile salariale;
Alte sarcini privind prelucrarea datelor salariale, emiterea de rapoarte etc.;
Verifica modul de acordare a tichetelor de masa, lanseaza comanda pentru tiparirea lor la furnizori, efectueaza plata si receptia tichetelor de masa;
Distribuie tichetele de masa si fluturasii catre angajati;
Verifica indeplinirea conditiilor legale de acordare a concediilor (medical, de odihna, de maternitate, de studii, fara plata, etc.);
Genereaza raportul privind delegatiile anjajatilor din luna curenta si confrunta aceste informatii cu datele din pontaje, la nevoie ajuta la reconcilerea lor;
Colaboreaza cu manageri si departamentul HR pentru intocmirea corecta si semnarea notelor de lichidare ale persoanelor care pleaca;
Verifica completitudinea si acuratetea informatiilor din dosarele de personal;
Identifica si clarifica discrepantele din statele de salarii si dosarele de personal;
Inregistreaza in contabilitate statele de plata a salariilor lunare;
Tine sub control si reconciliaza periodic soldurile conturilor de salarii si de taxe salariale;
Mentine la zi baza de date cu conturile bancare ale angajatilor;
Genereaza rapoartele necesare pentru audituri / controale interne / externe;
Indosariaza toate statele, declaratiile aferente si alte documente justificative (Pcf-uri, pontaje, cereri de concediu, etc) si se asigura de pastrarea si arhivarea lor in conditiile legii;
Primeste, listeaza, verifica, circula la semnat si transmite pentru depunere la autoritati toate declaratiile prevazute de lege in legatura cu salariile angajatilor;
Pastreaza in mod organizat si regulat copii electronice ale tuturor corespondentelor, documentelor, rapoartelor generate in procesul de desfasurare a activitatii
Ensuring internal communication within the team, holding monthly/quarterly team meetings, keeping team up-to-date with the project details;
Ensuring planning, schedules, breaks, code of conduct are respected by team members;
Evaluating performance and developing team members through coaching and mentoring;
Performing monthly one on one meetings with technical support staff;
Supporting the team members in case of problems or escalation; being the first point of referral for escalated queries or problems with the infrastructure, network or systems;
Taking care of new starters, introducing them to the team, their tasks and role;
Ensuring procedures are followed in accordance with Stefanini quality standards and work instructions;
Ensuring organization on the floor in order to get the right person in the right place at the right time;
Identify and implement process improvement initiatives in conjunction with manager and team;
Chairing Review meetings with the customer for operational results and/or complaints.
Create and develop marketing ideas which are innovative, original and creative for marketing initiatives, campaigns, collateral materials, events and trade show materials, brochures, social media, newsletters, infographics, e-books, advertising, as well as provide design support for all visual materials;
Be responsible for the whole process of art direction and designing from conceptualization to the final artwork;
Brainstorm and collaborate with content developer and marketing team to develop compelling creative concepts that answer the briefs. Work with the Marketing and HR team closely to translate their needs into effective and memorable communication insights as well as creating professional and visually appealing designs;
Demonstrate advanced knowledge on Adobe programs and Illustrator, strong design skills and up date with the latest versions;
Create layouts and apply principles of design including layout, typography, photography composition, and usability. Combine graphic with technical Knowledge;
Stay on top of tech industry trends, tuned with latest design trends and technologic tools to widen knowledge and grasp insights to better serve our needs;
Handle multiple projects in a fast-paced work environment and complete the task on time. Work requires the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment to evaluate priorities among the marketing projects