Bucureşti Sectorul 3, Str. NEGOIU, Nr. 8, PARTER, Bloc D14, Scara 1, Apartament 1
Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Analizeaza zilnic si interpreteaza indicatorii de performanta ai operatiunilor de productie si mentenenta conform procedurilor companiei
Intocmeste şi transmite managementului punctului de lucru si al companiei rapoarte operaţionale de status a mentenantei (asa cum sunt ele definite in procedurile interne ale companiei): raport mentenanta, etc
Participa la procesul de intocmire al bugetului anual de cheltuieli al punctului de lucru
Intocmeste si transmite catre aprobare managementului punctului de lucru planul de mentenanta
Planifica, organizeaza si controleaza operatiunile de mentenanta prin stabilirea activitatilor pe termen scurt (plan de interventii), pe termen lung (Planuri de mentenanta preventiva)
Propune si implementeaza concepte moderne de mentenanta preventiva/predictiva cadrul fabricii
Configureaza si utilizeaza orice sistem informatic de management al mentenantei existent sau propus spre implementare.
Utilizeaza Sistemul de Control al Productiei si analizeaza indicatorii specifici de mentenanta in cadrul analizei OEE.
Stabileste mecesarul de piese de schimb si monitorizeaza stocurile aferente lor si echipamentelor.
Se ocupa de organizarea magaziei de piese de schimb (electrice/mecanice) si are pregatit in orice moment situatia acestora.
Monitorizeaza procesul de mentenanta, intreprinde masuri corective imediate pentru remedierea deficientelor constatate si face recomandari de crestere a eficientei proceselor
Dezvolta si imbunatateste procedurile de mentenanta si documentatiile tehnice
Participa si uneori conduce proiecte de instalare echipamente
Stabileste si implementeaza proceduri si instructiuni de lucru pentru toate activitatile din responsabilitatea sa precum si documentatii tehnice
Sprijina, impreuna cu Managerul de Fabrica , procesul de trecere de la dezvoltare de produs la productia efectiva.
Sprijina, impreuna cu Managerul de Fabrica procesul de Inovare la nivel de unitate
Anticipeaza potentiale probleme care pot aparea in cadrul procesului de productie si actioneaza pentru a asigura continuitatea productiei
Interactioneaza cu furnizorii de echipamente pentru a preveni si rezolva probleme comune in scopul imbunatatirii conditiilor echipamentelor
Create and implement marketing plan consisting of initiatives with impact in Marketing & Sales Funnel and with impact in Customer Experience and increased Customers Loyalty
Create and execute communication campaigns for the product(s) s/he is in charge to build & strengthen the product’s equity over a period of time
Understand the in-depth customers’ needs in the addressable clients’ segments and design innovative plans to meet those expectations of clients (B2B) and consumers (B2C);
Tailor marketing activities and communication with products and segment specificities in order to reach maximum results
Cooperate tight and regular with internal stakeholders (ie. Product Management, Digital Team, Sales, CX&Ops, etc) and external stakeholders (ie. Agencies) in order to build and implement successfully marketing plan
Drive awareness & purchase intent for the product(s)
Develop marketing campaigns to deliver on business objectives for the Product
Involve in the running of specific digital campaigns for clients, merchants, and consumers
Run product-specific, tactical marketing campaigns
Continuous tracking of competition actions through specific tools related with the products and customer segments
Track regular results (ie. leads, sales volumes/values) both in Marketing and Sales Funnels related with the marketing plan activities and suggest adjustments measures if necessary
Prelucreaza, verifica si confirma in SAP comenzile sosite de la distribuitori;
Comunica telefonic, pe email cu distribuitorii, colegii din departamentul vanzari, mentine legatura cu alte persoane/departamente/furnizori/colaboratori in vederea indeplinirii responsabilitatilor pozitiei;
Confirma comenzile catre distribuitori in baza limitei de credit si raportului de clienti , tinand cont de stocul din fabrici si alocarile de marfa;
Urmareste comenzile pana cand marfa ajunge la destinatie, astfel incat termenul de livrare sa fie minim;
Intocmeste si verifica facturile proforma, facturi de marfa avans, storno avans, bonus, paleti retur;
Transmite documente pe email, fax sau diverse platforme;
Verifica lista de incasari si limita de credit in baza carora lanseaza liberul de incarcare la fabrici;
Efectueaza calculatii pentru discounturi suplimentare si comenzi speciale;
Executing financial closing operations (. account analysis and reconciliation of general ledger accounts, bank reconciliation, register the related provisions etc.) as per agreed deadlines;
Prepare specific reports
Performing reconciliations between ERP systems and analizing variuos reports
Prepare half-annual and annual reporting in relation with ANAF and make sure that submission of all required documents and declarations will be always on time;
Support in monthly reporting to the Group;
Interact with internal and external auditors in completing audits;
Involved in preparation and updating of internal regulations and procedures of the company and enssure that the accounting compliance is in line with local legislation and group accounting standards
Involved in implemetation of new controls and responsible for achieving the final results based on the controls defined
Support for technical issues resolution
Participate in projects of creation of new products and/or accounting parameterization
Create and maintain the needed ecosystem architecture and websites’ internal structures
Ensure that all websites in the ecosystem are kept along time technically optimized
Build & apply internal mechanisms to ensure all content is optimized for targeted search queries and in general for SEO, across all platforms and user experiences (websites, mobile, social, video, blogs, portals etc)
Fuel content production with relevant ideas from search queries research and competition watch & make sure existing content gaps are filled
Conduct both offsite and onsite/on-page SEO activities, applying basic and advanced techniques
Manage tools related to SEO (Google Search Console, Deepcrawl, SEMRush, SEO plugins like Yoast…)
Document processes, architecture of local digital marketing ecosystem and data flows - if any -related to SEO (with support of IT if needed)
Monitor health indicators and analyse performance indicators as underlying components of overall marketing and business objectives. Report progress
Research and monitor competitors’ activity/progress and performance
Based on performance & competitive analysis, adapt & optimize the action plan on a continuous basis. Proactively identify bugs or issues and providing successful resolutions
Keep abreast of industry best practices, emerging trends such as voice search and podcast search (not limited to)
Manage the SEO budget, if any
In case an external agency is hired to support SEO activities: Provide clear direction; Analyze & validate proposed strategy & operational plan; Control execution and performance; Reprioritize tasks and deliverables as needed
Collaborating closely with Content and Website Management Expert, Paid Digital Media Expert, Social media & influencer Marketing Expert, Communication team, Product team, Digital Asset Owners, Regional Digital Marketing Competence Center lead, Competence Center SEO expert
Handle new product introduction ensuring compliance with EU and local related legislation (Assessment/approval of new products for local sales by checking product compliance with EU and national legislation in line with the company Policy and Standard)
Coordinating generation of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and warning labels (CLP label) in local language for chemical products
National Environmental Reports according to national requirements:
National Product Registration, Certification and Declaration:
Chemical product notification to national Poison Centers
Chemical product registration at national competent authorities
Biocidal product registration at national competent authorities
Handle customer request (internal and external)
Authority to independently handle customer inquiries regarding the toxicological, industrial hygiene, environmental or legal (chemical) aspect or the company products. This involves seeking and evaluating facts and recommendations, informing and advising customers
Support Sales & Marketing with expertise in the industrial hygiene, toxicological, environmental and legal (chemical + related) areas. Authority to advise S&M regarding product evaluations, sale of chemical products to consumers, marketing texts, etc
Tracking EU and national legislation
Interaction with experts at customers and authorities in a wide range of questions (tox, legal, environment, etc)
coordonarea si respectarea tuturor cerintelor legale aplicabile prevazute de legislatia specifica in domeniul SSM si SU de la fabricile din Berca si Gura Ocnitei si ocazional la sediul companiei din Bucuresti
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Senior Accountant (Supervisor) SAP MM
expirat: 25.10.2020
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Coordonator Mentenanta Fabrica
expirat: 03.10.2020
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Analizeaza zilnic si interpreteaza indicatorii de performanta ai operatiunilor de productie si mentenenta conform procedurilor companiei
Intocmeste şi transmite managementului punctului de lucru si al companiei rapoarte operaţionale de status a mentenantei (asa cum sunt ele definite in procedurile interne ale companiei): raport mentenanta, etc
Participa la procesul de intocmire al bugetului anual de cheltuieli al punctului de lucru
Intocmeste si transmite catre aprobare managementului punctului de lucru planul de mentenanta
Planifica, organizeaza si controleaza operatiunile de mentenanta prin stabilirea activitatilor pe termen scurt (plan de interventii), pe termen lung (Planuri de mentenanta preventiva)
Propune si implementeaza concepte moderne de mentenanta preventiva/predictiva cadrul fabricii
Configureaza si utilizeaza orice sistem informatic de management al mentenantei existent sau propus spre implementare.
Utilizeaza Sistemul de Control al Productiei si analizeaza indicatorii specifici de mentenanta in cadrul analizei OEE.
Stabileste mecesarul de piese de schimb si monitorizeaza stocurile aferente lor si echipamentelor.
Se ocupa de organizarea magaziei de piese de schimb (electrice/mecanice) si are pregatit in orice moment situatia acestora.
Monitorizeaza procesul de mentenanta, intreprinde masuri corective imediate pentru remedierea deficientelor constatate si face recomandari de crestere a eficientei proceselor
Dezvolta si imbunatateste procedurile de mentenanta si documentatiile tehnice
Participa si uneori conduce proiecte de instalare echipamente
Stabileste si implementeaza proceduri si instructiuni de lucru pentru toate activitatile din responsabilitatea sa precum si documentatii tehnice
Sprijina, impreuna cu Managerul de Fabrica , procesul de trecere de la dezvoltare de produs la productia efectiva.
Sprijina, impreuna cu Managerul de Fabrica procesul de Inovare la nivel de unitate
Anticipeaza potentiale probleme care pot aparea in cadrul procesului de productie si actioneaza pentru a asigura continuitatea productiei
Interactioneaza cu furnizorii de echipamente pentru a preveni si rezolva probleme comune in scopul imbunatatirii conditiilor echipamentelor
stabileste obiectivele de dezvoltare ale fabricii in concordanta cu obiectivele strategice ale companiei si gestioneaza eficient bugetele alocate;
intocmeste planuri de productie sau planuri operative conform comenzilor, contractelor si in conformitate cu cerintele de calitate ale planurilor de productie asumate;
monitorizeaza continuu si controleaza indeplinirea planurilor;
asigura folosirea optima a operatiunilor si capacitatilor de munca;
asigura continuitatea si operativitatea productiei;
intocmeste planuri de coordonare pentru productie si pentru departamentele din companie implicate in pregatirea productiei, in standardizare si folosirea de control automat si sisteme de lucru pentru planuri operative, pentru emiterea de comenzi cu privire la productie si operare, pentru planificarea capacitatii de productie;
intocmeste grafice de productie, liste cu capacitatea locurilor de munca, liste cu numarul de unitati si echipamente tehnologice in conformitate cu capacitatile de productie;
hotaraste asupra tehnologiei, conditiilor tehnice, aprovizionarii, conditiilor de lucru;
raporteaza, proceseaza documentatie, monitorizeaza si tine inregistrari referitoare la orele lucrate, materialele de consum, capacitatile folosite, productia si performantele obtinute, vanzarile efectuate, proiectele finalizate,etc;
raspunde de informarea imediata a persoanelor responsabile privind orice defectiune in functionare a echipamentului cu care isi desfasoara activitatea;
reprezinta compania alaturi de colegii din departamentul de Vanzari in raporturile cu clientii si posibilii clienti ai companiei;
evalueaza activitatea personalului din subordine, asigura dezvoltarea continua a competentelor de comunicare, atat personale, cat si ale celor din echipa de lucru prin participarea la traininguri;
raspunde de respectarea procedurilor interne, a legislatiei in vigoare si de buna desfasurare a activitatii;
raspunde de intocmirea corecta si la termen a raportarilor cerute de superiorii ierarhici;
raspunde de respectarea prevederilor legislatiei in domeniul securitatii si sanatatii in munca si masurile de aplicare ale acestora pentru personalul angajat;
respecta si aplica in cadrul fabricii cerintele standardelor de referinta ISO, ISsi ale standardului de sanatate si securitate in munca, precum si prevederile procedurilor / instructiunilor sistemului de management integrat de calitate-mediu-sanatate si securitate ocupationala (SMI);
supravegheaza functionarea SMI, la nivel de departament si comunica Reprezentantului Managementului Integrat (RMI) informatiile legate de performantele obtinute, conform procedurilor aplicabile;
coordoneaza punerea in practica in domeniul de responsabilitate a principiilor stabilite de conducerea companiei prin politicile si strategiile stabilite in domeniul managementului integrat si participa la stabilirea obiectivelor calitatii, mediului, sanatatii si securitatii ocupationale;
are obligatia de a respecta cerintele legale de protectia mediului si referitoare la situatiile de urgenta aplicabile activitatilor desfasurate
Book into the accountancy of the Branch all the operations and economic transactions, using the software of the group and also the Romanian software
Keep the analytical evidence of goods, fixed assets, low-value inventory with the Romanian software
Payroll accounting: salary calculation, payroll preparation, payment of salaries, keep personnel files, draw up the addendum to the contracts, submit the modifications of personnel data online, in Revisal
Calculates the performance indicators for the annual evaluation of the employees and prepares the evaluation documents
Draw up and submit all the fiscal declarations(monthly) and financial statements (twice a year)
Monthly analysis of all the accounts of the balance sheet
Prepares the lists for the annual inventory of the company and book the results of the inventory in the accountancy
Prepares the balance confirmations for the customers and for the main suppliers
Requests to the banks, once a year, the balance confirmations for the bank accounts
Calculate the annual Budget of revenues and expenses and monthly update the P&L with the actual figures for the Controlling Department of the mother company
Calculate the annual Cash Budget and monthly update it with the with actual figures for the Accounting department of the mother company
Provides all the reports requested by the audit company and maintain the relation regarding the annual audit of the financial statements
Calculate and submit the Financial Statements requested by the Accounting department of the mother company for the financial consolidation of the group
Prepare expenses and revenues forecasting requested by the management whenever it’s needed
Check the situation of payments/receipts for the suppliers/customers
Check the situation of payments and bank guarantees received from customers
Prepare and make the online payments through the banks whenever it’s needed
Go to the bank for submitting the cheques/promissory notes received from the customers
Keep the evidence of packages by submitting the monthly quantities to the company who take the responsibilities to recycle and by submitting monthly the declaration to the Environment Administration
Keep the evidence of the insurance policies for cars and building, maintain the relation with the insurance company by submitting the necessary documents and payments
Calculate and submit the statistical reports to the National Bank and National Institute of Statistics
Maintain the relation with the banks, with central and local fiscal administration and with the Environment administration
Calculate and submit all the other reports requested by the Accounting and Controlling departments of the mother company
Book into the accountancy of the Branch all the operations and economic transactions, using the software of the group and also the Romanian software
Keep the analytical evidence of goods, fixed assets, low-value inventory with the Romanian software
Payroll accounting: salary calculation, payroll preparation, payment of salaries, keep personnel files, draw up the addendum to the contracts, submit the modifications of personnel data online, in Revisal
Calculates the performance indicators for the annual evaluation of the employees and prepares the evaluation documents
Draw up and submit all the fiscal declarations(monthly) and financial statements (twice a year)
Monthly analysis of all the accounts of the balance sheet
Prepares the lists for the annual inventory of the company and book the results of the inventory in the accountancy
Prepares the balance confirmations for the customers and for the main suppliers
Requests to the banks, once a year, the balance confirmations for the bank accounts
Calculate the annual Budget of revenues and expenses and monthly update the P&L with the actual figures for the Controlling Department of the mother company
Calculate the annual Cash Budget and monthly update it with the with actual figures for the Accounting department of the mother company
Provides all the reports requested by the audit company and maintain the relation regarding the annual audit of the financial statements
Calculate and submit the Financial Statements requested by the Accounting department of the mother company for the financial consolidation of the group
Prepare expenses and revenues forecasting requested by the management whenever it’s needed
Check the situation of payments/receipts for the suppliers/customers
Check the situation of payments and bank guarantees received from customers
Prepare and make the online payments through the banks whenever it’s needed
Go to the bank for submitting the cheques/promissory notes received from the customers
Keep the evidence of packages by submitting the monthly quantities to the company who take the responsibilities to recycle and by submitting monthly the declaration to the Environment Administration
Keep the evidence of the insurance policies for cars and building, maintain the relation with the insurance company by submitting the necessary documents and payments
Calculate and submit the statistical reports to the National Bank and National Institute of Statistics
Maintain the relation with the banks, with central and local fiscal administration and with the Environment administration
Calculate and submit all the other reports requested by the Accounting and Controlling departments of the mother company
Executing financial closing operations (. account analysis and reconciliation of general ledger accounts, bank reconciliation, register the related provisions etc.) as per agreed deadlines;
Prepare specific reports
Performing reconciliations between ERP systems and analizing variuos reports
Prepare half-annual and annual reporting in relation with ANAF and make sure that submission of all required documents and declarations will be always on time;
Support in monthly reporting to the Group;
Interact with internal and external auditors in completing audits;
Involved in preparation and updating of internal regulations and procedures of the company and enssure that the accounting compliance is in line with local legislation and group accounting standards
Involved in implemetation of new controls and responsible for achieving the final results based on the controls defined
Support for technical issues resolution
Participate in projects of creation of new products and/or accounting parameterization
Promote sales and increasing market share by introducing company products as business solutions within a defined territory targeting small to medium sized businesses;
Develop B2B partnership strategy and manage sales activity for private sector (Corporate), that covers the allocated area;
In charge of clients and prospects between 20 and 249 employees;
Contribute directly to the achievement of business objectives by retaining and developing existing accounts and gaining new clients;
Achieve sales profitability, growth and account penetration within the assigned territory and market segment;
Manage clients and prospects portfolio within a specific area followed by inserting the data in CRM. Participate in business events and develop a strong network of partners
Enhance the company’s voice and presence through online and offline channels
Manage media relations and requests
Write the press releases, speeches and other PR copy or provide the PR agency with needed information
Plan and supervise events, fairs, conferences etc
Support the implementation of promotional plans
Present solutions in times of PR crisis
Facilitate the resolution of disputes with the public or external vendors
Social media marketing activities
Content management (keep track and work with agency to write up or re-write content, to do edits, to produce content that is action triggering so that each piece of content serves the business goal of driving awareness and consideration, keep track of content from product groups and distribute it in multiple formats to markets, ensure content is findable in search engines, provide editorial calendar for content, communicate with market leads directly)
Assist with the business cases and assess requests’ feasibility;
Eliciting requirements and requirements analysis;
Translate stakeholder needs (business requirements) into clear, comprehensive and concise specifications and maintain them through all phases of SDLC;
Requirements and documentation management; projects prioritization;
Contribute actively to project plans; prioritize, plan and monitor through all life cycle; conduct review sessions to gain approval of requirements and manage changes and change requests;
Present/support/propose projects in the Board; communicate design to all stakeholders;
Manage a project’s scope, acceptance, installation and deployment
Drive the design and review of test cases
Write, update, organize and manage procedures
Provides references for users by writing and maintaining user documentation; provide help desk support; train users
Lead cross-functional business process re-engineering teams
Partner with business units to negotiate and prioritize work items over the life time of IT projects
Share with business an in-depth knowledge in emerging technologies and software delivery; support business to follow new technologies, propose new products and/or developments
Implementarea strategiei, planului si obiectivelor activitatilor de marketing
Analizeaza rezultatele de business prin prisma aspectului de pacient si propune actiuni pentrucresterearatelor de achizitie si retentie
Urmareste cresterea numarului de clienti, valoarea lor, numarul de servicii consumate si loialitatea lor
Propune actiuni care sa sustina indicatorii de mai sus
Urmareste piata de dermatologie clinica si estetica si propune directii, dezvoltari, servicii noi
Propune planul de marketing si se ocupa de executia/ îmbunatatirea acestuia
Urmareste mixul de marketing si propune optimizari ale acestuia
Este legatura operationala cu agentia de comunicare a Centrului: mentine corespondenta, furnizeaza cereri si informatii, analizeaza gradul de îndeplinire a actiunilor si urmarirea termenelor, precum si rezultatele acestora
Este transparent si comunica deschis cu toți factorii implicati în procesul de executie a planului de marketing
Perform accounting operations, compliant with local financial legal requirements, by studying existing and new legislation, enforcing adherence to requirements, and advising management on needed actions
Prepare, summarize and legally sign the financial status, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports (where applicable)
Support month and year-end close process, compute taxes and prepare tax returns,
Substantiate financial transactions by auditing documents
Verify, allocate, post and reconcile transactions
Maintain financial security by following internal controls
Promote sales and increasing market share by introducing company products as business solutions within a defined territory targeting small to medium sized businesses;
Develop B2B partnership strategy and manage sales activity for private sector (Corporate), that covers the allocated area;
In charge of clients and prospects between 20 and 249 employees;
Contribute directly to the achievement of business objectives by retaining and developing existing accounts and gaining new clients;
Achieve sales profitability, growth and account penetration within the assigned territory and market segment;
Manage clients and prospects portfolio within a specific area followed by inserting the data in CRM
Participate in business events and develop a strong network of partners
Promote sales and increasing market share by introducing company products as business solutions within a defined territory targeting small to medium sized businesses;
Develop B2B partnership strategy and manage sales activity for private sector (Corporate), that covers the allocated area;
In charge of clients and prospects between 20 and 249 employees;
Contribute directly to the achievement of business objectives by retaining and developing existing accounts and gaining new clients;
Achieve sales profitability, growth and account penetration within the assigned territory and market segment;
Manage clients and prospects portfolio within a specific area followed by inserting the data in CRM
Participate in business events and develop a strong network of partners
Promote sales and increasing market share by introducing company products as business solutions within a defined territory targeting small to medium sized businesses;
Develop B2B partnership strategy and manage sales activity for private sector (Corporate), that covers the allocated area;
In charge of clients and prospects between 20 and 249 employees;
Contribute directly to the achievement of business objectives by retaining and developing existing accounts and gaining new clients;
Achieve sales profitability, growth and account penetration within the assigned territory and market segment;
Manage clients and prospects portfolio within a specific area followed by inserting the data in CRM. Participate in business events and develop a strong network of partners
Promote sales and increasing market share by introducing company products as business solutions within a defined territory targeting small to medium sized businesses;
Develop B2B partnership strategy and manage sales activity for private sector (Corporate), that covers the allocated area;
In charge of clients and prospects between 20 and 249 employees;
Contribute directly to the achievement of business objectives by retaining and developing existing accounts and gaining new clients;
Achieve sales profitability, growth and account penetration within the assigned territory and market segment;
Manage clients and prospects portfolio within a specific area followed by inserting the data in CRM. Participate in business events and develop a strong network of partners