Bucureşti Sectorul 1, Şos. BUCUREŞTI-PLOIEŞTI, Nr. 42 D, Baneasa Shopping City, Etaj 3, Apartament cam.1
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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
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Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (142)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 142 )
Reprezentant servicii clienti
expirat: 20.12.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Tehnician Parcare
expirat: 24.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Info Point Assistant, 6 ore/zi
expirat: 29.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Digital Content Coordination
42 Șoseaua București-Ploiești, București
expirat: 16.06.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Info Point Assistant, 6 ore/zi
42 Șoseaua București-Ploiești, București
expirat: 13.06.2024
Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Info Point Assistant, 6 ore/zi
42 Șoseaua București-Ploiești, București
expirat: 25.02.2024
Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
IT Technician
expirat: 07.02.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Provide IT operational and technical support to internal customers in a professional and friendly manner, ensuring that positive relationships are built and maintained with all parties
Configuring and troubleshooting issues with Windows operating system and handled systems
Cabling and maintenance of all IT infrastructure
Give primarily support on different internal software packages
Ensure that customers are provided with relevant user guides and advice for future reference
Resolve a high percentage of IT calls, aiming to resolve as many of them as possible during first contact with the customer
Ensure that audit requirements are met in day-to-day operations by documenting changes, incidents and problems in the ticketing system
Assure correct recording of inventory management for PC’s, handheld devices, printers, etc
Assist in the development of experiential marketing programs as part of an integrated marketing mix to drive client and consumer engagement and growth of our brand
Partner with agencies, internal departments and marketing teams on the creation of all event logistics
Assist with execution of programs by practicing efficient event planning skills
Manage vendors, SOWs, and budgets
Strong ability to facilitate meetings and communicate results to team and management
Measure and optimize campaigns results and give insights for what can be improved
Provide IT operational and technical support to internal customers in a professional and friendly manner, ensuring that positive relationships are built and maintained with all parties
Configuring and troubleshooting issues with Windows operating system and handled systems
Give primarily support on different internal software packages
Ensure that customers are provided with relevant user guides and advice for future reference
Resolve a high percentage of IT calls, aiming to resolve as many of them as possible during first contact with the customer
Ensure that audit requirements are met in day-to-day operations by documenting changes, incidents and problems in the ticketing system
Assure correct recording of inventory management for PC’s, handheld devices, printers, etc
Coordoneaza si verifica activitatile departamentului de mentenanta tehnica, coordoneaza echipele de tehnicieni (respectand bugetele alocate)
Coordoneaza si verifica activitatea firmelor terte care presteaza servicii pentru companie (curatenie, securitate, securitatea si sanatatea in munca etc.)
Raspunde de implementarea tehnologiilor de varf in companie
Executa lucrari de mentenanta preventiva si corectiva in domeniul constructiilor
Participa la implementarea de proiecte noi/proiecte speciale
Actualizeaza cartea tehnica a constructiei in urma eventualelor modificari.
In charge of the day to day administration of Active Directory (including policies, domain optimization and organization with respective OUs, users rights, applications rights and integration);
VMWARE administration and maintenance;
Windows servers administration and maintenance;
Administrate email and collaboration services based on Office 365 (Exchange, SharePoint, Skype);
SQL server administration and maintenance;
Implementation, configuration and management of infrastructure services like DHCP, DNS;
In charge of 2nd level support for infrastructure systems (Change and Incident Management);
In charge of providing technical documentation for his/ her area of responsibility
Coordoneaza si verifica activitatile departamentului de mentenanta tehnica, coordoneaza echipele de tehnicieni (respectand bugetele alocate)
Coordoneaza si verifica activitatea firmelor terte care presteaza servicii pentru companie (curatenie, securitate, securitatea si sanatatea in munca etc.)
Raspunde de implementarea tehnologiilor de varf in companie
Executa lucrari de mentenanta preventiva si corectiva in domeniul constructiilor
Participa la implementarea de proiecte noi/proiecte speciale
Actualizeaza cartea tehnica a constructiei in urma eventualelor modificari.
Provide technical support to internal customers in a professional and friendly manner;
Resolve a high percentage of calls at first point of contact with the customer;
Promptly escalate calls to the relevant next level when not possible to solve;
Ensure that written responses are accurate, professional, clear and concise;
Ensure that customers are provided with relevant user guides and advice for future reference;
Ensure positive relationships are built and maintained with all parties;
Ensure that knowledge and experience is well documented and shared with colleagues;
Ensure that communication between the IT team and customers is smooth and effective with IT Service Desk being a Single Point of Contact with the customers;
Ensure that regular follow up is provided to all customers in a timely manner;
Ensure that regular daily responsibilities are always completed on time;
Ensure that audit requirements are met in day-to-day operations by documenting changes, incidents and problems in the ticketing system;
Ensure that quality of the provided service is constantly verified with the customers through the feedback system;
Ensure confidentiality of the information provided by customer (. user name, password, others);
Ensure nonstandard change management process is executed to ITIL standards;
Ensures technical safeguards are maintained to provide controlled user access, integrity of electronic mail, applications, and user data;
Assure correct recording of inventory management for PC’s, handheld devices, printers, etc
Provides constructive feedback and commitment to continuous improvement in client-wide quality initiatives;
Communicate with user in friendly and productive way;
Contribute to the improvement process with ideas and constructive attitude;
Assure proper Change Management process for changes in Infrastructure;
Propose improvement solutions, optimizations (Problem Management) and prepare recommendations to Management
In charge of the day to day administration of Active Directory (including policies, domain optimization and organization with respective OUs, users rights, applications rights and integration);
VMWARE administration and maintenance;
Windows servers administration and maintenance;
Administrate email and collaboration services based on Office 365 (Exchange, SharePoint, Skype);
SQL server administration and maintenance;
Implementation, configuration and management of infrastructure services like DHCP, DNS;
In charge of 2nd level support for infrastructure systems (Change and Incident Management);
In charge of providing technical documentation for his/ her area of responsibility
Realizeaza zilnic inventarierea stocurilor din gestiune
Estimeaza vanzarea de produse luand in calcul informatiile furnizate de softul de vanzare si evenimentele zilei si realizeaza aprovizionarea barurilor cu produse
Raspunde de cantitatea, calitatea si valabilitatea produselor vandute
Face receptia calitativa si cantitativa a marfii
Intocmeste corect programul de filme necesar organizarii accesului si evacurarii salilor de spectacol, si se asigura ca angajatii gestioneaza fluxurile de clienti in functie de acest program
Verifica functionalitatea instrumentelor de lucru (case de marcat, imprimanta fiscala, cititoare de carduri, dozatoare, plasma, POS, statii de emisie receptive, calculator, imprimanta) si raspunde de integritatea acestora. In cazul unor defectiuni informeaza superiorul direct si departamentele abilitate si se asigura ca sunt reparate in timp util
Colecteaza sumele incasate de catre casieri si se asigura ca acestea sunt conforme cu sumele reflectate de softul de vanzare
se asigura ca toate materialele destinate proiectiei sunt livrate la timp
pastreaza evidenta interna a materialelor, asigura copierea, transferul si testarea materialelor
coordoneaza acomodarea testelor premergatoare transmisiilor prin satelit si trimiterea specificatiilor catre colaboratori
intocmeste lista automatizarilor necesare proiectiei corecte a fiecarui titlu, in functie de necesitatile specifice fiecaruia (ex: flat/ scop, scene lumini, tip proiectie 3d/2d)
introduce programul saptamanal de filme in soft
raspunde de mentenanta tuturor echipamentelor de proiectie
gestioneaza stocurile consumabilelor asigurand utilizarea eficienta a pieselor de schimb