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Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (26)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 26 )
Accountant - Accounts Receivable
expirat: 20.03.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Periodic reviews customer invoices for export and local market; ensures the correct and timely booking; reviews and archives the additional documents for EU deliveries and export deliveries
Issues and register the various sales invoices
Performs customer account statements, balance reconciliation with customers
Process daily bank statements
Records the employees' travel statements and checks the cash advances; reconciles account balances 542 with employees
Reconciliation of the assigned accounts to correctly establish the balance component and timely registration of any adjustments
Registration of invoices for service providers and various materials
Registration of expenses in advance - 471
Records and keeps track of costs not invoiced by suppliers at the end of the month
Archives the accounting documents that it registers or revises according to the archiving procedure
Prepares specific reports and situations at the request of the hierarchical superior
Provides support in the closing activity of the month, actively participates in the financial audit, in the inventory of the patrimony of fixed assets and goods
Answer and direct phone calls in a polite and friendly manner
Welcome visitors and answer any questions from visitors
Ensure that the company office space is maintained properly (clean, orderly, respects the protocol rules, etc.)
Preparation of daily and monthly time sheets, preparation of supporting reports for payroll calculation as meal vouchers, vacation and medical leave, daily allowance for travel, employees' benefits
Maintain office security by following safety procedures and controlling access via the reception desk (monitor logbook, issue visitor badges)
Keep contact with courier companies and arrange mail dispatches as requested
Receive, sort, and distribute daily mail/deliveries
Keep office supplies inventory and manage on time supplies refill
Responsible for processing cash using the cash register;
Responsible for collecting and registration of the company customer promissory notes and checks
Verifica si inregistreaza facturile emise catre clientii interni/externi; se asigura ca toate facturile sunt inregistrate corect si la timp; verifica documentele livrarilor intra-comunitare si de export;
Inregistrare si emitere facturi de vanzare diverse;
Efectueaza reconcilieri, verificari fise de cont, confirmari de sold cu clientii;
Inregistreaza extrasele bancare zilnice;
Inregistreaza deconturile de calatorie ale angajatilor si verifica avansurile de trezorerie; reconcilieaza soldurile contului 542 cu angajatii;
Reconcilieaza incasarile cu facturile de vanzare si face compensarile necesare;
Revizuirea reconcilierilor conturilor asignate in vederea stabilirii corecte a componentei soldului si inregistrarea la timp a eventualelor ajustari
Arhiveaza documentele contabile pe care le inregistreaza sau le revizuieste conform procedurii de arhivare
Intocmeste rapoarte si situatii specifice la cererea superiorului ierarhic
Asigura suport in activitatea de inchidere de luna, participa activ la auditul financiar, la inventarierea patrimoniului de mijloace fixe si marfuri;
Verifica si inregistreaza facturile primite de la furnizorii interni/externi de marfa; se asigura ca toate facturile sunt inregistrate corect si la timp; Verifica corelarea facturilor cu comenzile din SAP; Se asigura ca toate diferentele cantitative si de pret existente intre receptie si factura sunt procesate la timp si rezolvate;