Bucureşti Sectorul 2, Şos. COLENTINA, Nr. 23B, CAMERA NR 2, Bloc 1B, Etaj 2, Apartament 7
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Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (38)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 38 )
Cost Controller | Alba County
Alba Iulia
expirat: 13.04.2018
Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Senior Internal Auditor | Leading European Holding
expirat: 13.04.2018
Senior (5-10 ani)
Maintain a working knowledge of relevant legislation, codes of practice and departmental policies and ensure these are adhered to;
Assess the adequacy and operational effectiveness of internal controls;
Review the ongoing suitability of specific policies and procedures;
Assist in proving reasonable assurance on whether risk management, control, and governance systems are functioning as intended to enable the organisation to meet its goals and objectives;
Report risk management issues and internal controls weaknesses, and propose value-added recommendations for improving the organisation’s operations both from an efficiency and effectiveness perspective;
Follow-up on management’s response and the implementation status of audit recommendations. Be responsible for logging, tracking and managing the status of unactioned observations;
Maintain ongoing dialogue with the Chief Internal Auditor and participate in audit committee meetings as and when required;
Assist management in the design of suitable internal controls without compromising the independence or objectivity of the Internal Auditor
Perform financial analyzes to sustain the business decisions;
Prepare the company's budget and monitor the company's financial results, compare them with the budget and make recommendations for being within the budget;
Provide analytics on cost centers according to different company’ projects;
Centralize the sales and inventory registers;
Responsible for the Profit & Loss analyses;
Ensure the financial date information update for the management and shareholders;
Perform different financial analysis and prepare their presentations to the management;
Work closely with the accounting department to prepare the financial statements;
Set up reports on cost centers, sales & marketing expenditures and track the income and expenses;
Prepare financial models for new project developments;
Participate in the preparation of presentation materials for different stakeholders;
Comply with the applicable provisions of the Integrated Management System;
Check opening balances for accounts opened in partners bank, input information in excel spreadsheet and agree with Treasury Manager all transfers between accounts in order to meet banking requirements;
Update daily files for treasury activities (withdrawal/ deposits vs. issue/ collection, loan tables);
Prepare documentation for withdrawals from credit facilities;
Deal with queries, specific claims and issues from banks and all company departments;
Prepare weekly borrowing report;
Provide input into the planning and reporting process for currency and interest rate expectations inclusive and exclusive of hedging positions;
Prepare monthly interest analysis;
Supply all necessary data to Accounting Department for monthly closing;
Perform project tasks as required to support treasury initiatives.
Inregistreaza intrarile (achizitii, proiecte interne finalizate), iesirile (vanzari, casari, scoaterea din functiune) de mijloace fixe, investitiile in curs cu respectarea legislatiei in vigoare;
Verifica lunar calculul amortizarii contabile a mijloacelor fixe si efectueaza inregistrarea acesteia in contabilitate;
Pregateste registrul de mijloace fixe, rapoartele privind miscarea acestora in perioada, precum si alte rapoarte necesare pentru a satisface cerintele de raportare ale societatii;
Senior Accountant | FMCG Industry - Nestle Romania
expirat: 13.10.2017
Senior (5-10 ani)
Contribution to the accounting period-end closing process (monthly, quarterly and annual);
Preparation and reconciliation of sub-ledgers in SAP, including checking and clearing of GL open items within Accounting Operation stream;
Contribution to the preparation of the Statutory Accounts ( in charge with Romanian Accounting Standards adjustments, Local Trial Balance preparation and reconciliation);
Assists with annual statutory external audit process;
Makes regularly analysis of the accounting, controls policies/ standard routines and proposes improvements;
Acts as project manager for the accounting team, if required;
Continuously keeps up to date about the latest statutory accounting regulations, requirements and practice;
Works closely with Shared Service Center to achieve efficiency and reduce non-value adding activities
Inregistreaza intrarile (achizitii, proiecte interne finalizate), iesirile (vanzari, casari, scoaterea din functiune) de mijloace fixe, investitiile in curs cu respectarea procedurilor companiei si a legislatiei in vigoare;
Verifica lunar calculul amortizarii contabile a mijloacelor fixe si efectueaza inregistrarea acesteia in contabilitate;
Pregateste registrul de mijloace fixe, rapoartele privind miscarea acestora in perioada, precum si alte rapoarte necesare pentru a satisface cerintele de raportare ale societatii;
Reconciliaza conturile de contabilitate in care sunt inregistrate mijloacele fixe/ investiile in curs, precum si amortizarea aferenta acestora;
Participa la imbunatatirea/ schimbarea fluxului actual de lucru, precum si la documentarea acestor modificari
Responsible for the accurate booking of all journal entries and accounting documents into the general ledger for allocated clients;
Responsible for the accurate preparation of balance sheet and income statements and various other accounting statements and reports required by the client;
Reviews and checks the accuracy of journal vouchers, payroll records, sales and purchase ledgers;
Prepares on a monthly basis supporting analyses of all balance sheet accounts, by indicated deadlines;
Prepares the monthly tax returns, by indicated deadlines;
Articipate in management team of Romania as member of the Romanian Management Team;
Build a local Key Opinion Leaders („KOL”) network;
Support commercial in all their promotional activities (eg:in the development and approval of promotional material, presentations etc.);
Approve all marketing material to be in line with the approved labeling as per the dossier/ companies policies / local laws;
Follow local scientific literature;
Guarantee compliance with Romanian law;
Intake and forwarding of Adverse Events (concerning medicinal products, cosmetics, biocides, nutritionals - as applicable) to Global Pharmacovigilance & Risk Management (“GPRM”) or partner (as applicable); documentation and tracking of Adverse Events; reconciliation activities and documentation;
Forward Adverse Events regarding surgical and vision care products (medical devices) to the Global Product Safety Surveillance group or Materiovigilance Group EMEA, as applicable;
Perform follow-up activities as applicable and document them;
Acting as local contact person or local Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance for local health authorities as required; 24/7 availability for EU QPPV and health authorities if required;
Submission of aggregate reports to local health authorities; documentation hereof if applicable;
Support of compilation of aggregate reports by providing requested data;
Support labelling update activities;
Support Direct Healthcare Professional Communication, additional risk minimization measures and other risk minimization measure activities according to Risk Management Procedures (in cooperation with Risk Management Group and partner, if applicable);
Perform/organize local literature search (journals not listed in EMBASE); documentation of local literature search;
Organize trainings for local affiliate employees incl. sales representatives as applicable;
Check for changes in local and European regulatory environment and inform upper the Group, in case of relevant new safety information;
Ensure update of pharmacovigilance related local SOPs on a regular basis or if required;
Act as local contact point for audits and inspections and related processes and inform the Group;
Ensure all company staff is trained and up to date on reporting of Adverse Events /Incidents;
Key contact with the Romanian Authorities regarding all Regulatory activities;
Develop, lead and drive regulatory strategies for new submissions & product lifecycle of Pharma products;
Ensure the maintenance and update of registrations in accordance with relevant legislation, regulations and guidelines and in accordance with Company requirements in conjunction with Global Regulatory Affairs;
Policy follow-up and influencing through local industry associations and regulatory forums;
Initiate and approve, as needed, all packaging material to be in line with approved labeling and applicable local regulations in the Group systems;
Address regulatory and technical queries from colleagues, health care professionals or the public;
Liaise and coordinate actions between Global Regulatory Affairs and local authorities;
Foster networking with the competent authorities to ensure company involvement in the regulatory changes and the prompt;
Manage the official pricing process with support of all Company function;
Support reimbursement negotiations activities (after commercial approval) towards the local body in coordination with Company appropriate function support
Responsible to compute company's tax liabilities (Corporate Income Tax, VAT, Environmental tax, Withholding taxes, etc.) ensuring timely and accurate submission of the tax returns;
Ensure proper and correct application of tax legislation within the company, making sure that the information is in line with the company's accounting standards;
Ensure all tax transactions are accounted for and in accordance with the Romanian tax regulations;
Represent the company during any tax audit;
Monitor changes in Romanian tax legislation and ensure overall company awareness by informing and advising colleagues on actions to be taken;
Regularly analyze the taxes paid by the company and identify strategies for tax saving in accordance with tax legislation;
Works closely with the company Business Services to achieve efficiency and reduce non-value adding activities;
In charge to maintain and update all tax standard routines and internal procedures;
Assist the Accounting Manager regarding group tax reporting requirements
Post and process journal entries to ensure all business transactions are recorded;
Update accounts receivable and issue invoices;
Update accounts payable and perform reconciliations;
Assist in the processing of balance sheets, income statements and other financial statements according to legal and company accounting and financial guidelines;
Assist with reviewing of expenses, payroll records etc. as assigned;
Update financial data in databases to ensure that information will be accurate and immediately available when needed;
Prepare and submit weekly/monthly reports;
Assist senior accountant in the preparation of monthly/yearly closings;
Controlează și răspunde de desfășurarea în mod eficient a activității contabile a companiei, în conformitate cu dispozițiile legale in vigoare;
Răspunde de înregistrarea cronologică și sistematică în evidența contabilă a documentelor justificative în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare;
Asigură și răspunde de elaborarea balanței de verificare la termenele stabilite de legislația în vigoare, și respectiv stabilite de companie pentru raportările interne;
Răspunde de verificarea și controlul respectării reglementărilor legale în vigoare cu privire la aspectele contabile și fiscale;
Verifică lunar balanța analitică și sintetică;
Definește și actualizează monografiile contabile pentru toate tranzacțiile;
Furnizează soluții contabile bazate pe raționamente profesionale, în condițiile modificării reglementărilor, ținând cont de cadrul general de întocmire și prezentare a situațiilor financiare;
Comunică și colaborează cu organele de reglementări și cu ANAF în vederea clarificării unor tratamente contabile sau fiscale și implementării corecte în companie;
Întocmește și depune declarațiile fiscale ale companiei;
Întreține, în programul informatic de contabilitate, baza de conturi bancare și furnizori. Oferă suport în reconcilierea și menținerea bazei de date din programul de contabilitate cu alte aplicații;
Participă la procesul de întocmire, aprobare și depunere a situațiilor financiare;
Asigură suport auditorilor externi pe perioada desfășurării acțiunilor respective de auditare;
Asigură respectarea legislației contabile și fiscale în vigoare
Works with the client and engagement team to understand the client’s business and tax needs, provides practical implementable solutions, supports and takes ownership for the implementation of these recommendations;
Assisting international clients on matters pertaining primarily to indirect taxes;
Demonstrates required knowledge and, in addition, an understanding of client’s organization and business/ regulatory environment;
Delivers the assigned work with quality and timely deliverable;
Prepares concise, well written documents using appropriate business and technical language