Bucureşti Sectorul 1, Calea FLOREASCA, Nr. 165, CLĂDIREA ONE TOWER OF BUCHAREST, SPAȚIUL NR. 1, BIROUL NR. 1., Etaj 14
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Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (74)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 74 )
Consultant Inchirieri - Retail - Centre Comerciale
Calea Floreasca, București
expirat: 24.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Implementare strategie de leasing - implementează strategia de leasing, bugetele, rapoartele, prezentările și ofertele de leasing pentru potențiali clienți, inclusiv vizite la fața locului și pregătirea documentelor necesare
Negociere și creare contracte - negociază și creează contracte cu retaileri pentru a închiria sau prelungi spații comerciale în mall-uri, asigurându-se că întregul proces, de la ofertare până la semnarea contractelor de închiriere, este realizat eficient
Îndeplinirea targetelor - îndeplinește targetele agreate și contribuie la atingerea obiectivelor echipei
Suport pentru echipa de retail - furnizează idei noi pentru a genera rezultate comerciale mai bune și menține actualizată baza de date CRM internă
Reprezentarea CBRE - participă la evenimentele din industrie, de networking și promovează constant o imagine de profesionalism
Crestere profesionala continua - caută proactiv să-și îmbunătățească cunoștințele despre piață, concentrându-se pe tendințe și oportunități
Să organizeze activitatea administrativă a companiei in locatie
Să întocmească rapoarte specifice , la solicitarea managerului direct
Să raspundă apelurilor, procesând e-mailurile și adresele primite și trimise
Să redistribuie facturile în cadrul companiei în conformitate cu directivele interne
Sa asigure organizarea, arhivarea documentelor si a fisierelor de lucru
Să efectueze comenzile de birou și de alte bunuri
Să ofere asistență altor membri ai echipei prin copierea, imprimarea, procesarea și intocmirea documentelor, precum si orice alta activitate suport ii este incredintata de catre managerul direct
Să pregătească și să păstreze corespondența cu diferiți furnizori pentru documentația preliminară / documentația de facturare
Să gestioneze organizarea ședințelor si deplasărilor
Sa actualizeze in permanenta baza de date cuprinzand datele de contact ale chiriasilor
Sa pastreze si sa raporteze catre departamentul HR pontajele lunare
Să întâmpine vizitatorii şi să răspundă întrebărilor şi solicitărilor acestora într-un mod prietenos, politicos, energic, cu o atitudine centrată spre clienţi, atât în contactul direct, cât şi telefonic
500 - 600 € net / luna
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Senior Financial Analyst/Property Accountant
expirat: 12.06.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
1000 - 2000 € net / luna
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Digital Marketing Specialist
391 Calea Văcărești, București
expirat: 16.05.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Working closely with the marketing team to develop the online strategy and to deliver results
Manage the website and the social media accounts of the center, create and implement the digital marketing plan
Support the marketing team in developing the overall marketing strategy and recommend improvements with particular focus on digital channels; create integrated marketing campaigns with the Marketing team offline and online
Support the Marketing Manager in various activities: tenant relations, administrative activities, partnerships etc
Evaluate campaigns and ongoing activity, monitor and report on agreed KPIs using analytics tools and methods and create reports for all digital campaigns such as email, display advertising, buzz, online PR and partnerships
Use analytics to better understand consumer behavior and to target and optimize future campaigns
Research local digital and consumer trends
Be responsible for promoting the use of new and innovative technology
Să întâmpine vizitatorii şi să răspundă întrebărilor şi solicitărilor acestora într-un mod prietenos, politicos, energic, cu o atitudine centrată spre clienţi, atât în contactul direct, cât şi telefonic
500 - 600 € net / luna
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Receptionist (angajare prin contractor)
165 Calea Floreasca, București
expirat: 30.03.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Primirea clientilor/vizitatorilor și îndrumarea acestora către persoanele potrivite
Răspunsul la apeluri telefonice și redirecționarea acestora către departamentele corespunzătoare
Primirea, înregistrarea si distribuirea corespondenței - expedierea corespondenței atunci când este cazul
Asigurarea unui mediu de lucru ordonat și curat în birou
Coordinates the technical works executed in the Buildings
Responds to the requests of the Landlord solving any complaints on technical failures of equipment, installations, utilities or any other administrative issues;
Manages the relationship with service providers, ensuring the administration and functionality of the infrastructure and technical and administrative activities;
Supervises daily property and facility management, ensuring the proper functioning of all installations and technical equipment;
Coordinates and monitoring of the works executed by the Shopping Center, preparation of tenders, execution of operational contracts;
Obtaining the necessary operating permits;
Coordinates the technical works executed by the tenants, according to the projects and the Interior Operating Rules;
Verifies the technical documentation and projects, prepared and authorized by the tenants;
Responds to the requests of tenants, solving any complaints on technical failures of equipment, installations, utilities or any other administrative issues;
Prepares and concludes the handover protocols with tenants;
Coordinates the property and facility management activities in order to be compliant with the contracts and legal and technical requirements contracts;
Manages the relationship with service providers, ensuring the administration and functionality of the infrastructure and technical and administrative activities;
Drafting of operational budgets and monitoring their execution;
Prepares and issues the necessary operating and technical Reports;
Să întâmpine vizitatorii şi să răspundă întrebărilor şi solicitărilor acestora într-un mod prietenos, politicos, energic, cu o atitudine centrată spre clienţi, atât în contactul direct, cât şi telefonic
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Facility Manager-Sun Plaza Shopping Center
Calea Văcărești, București
expirat: 06.05.2023
Entry (0-2 ani)
1600 - 1850 € net / luna
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Financial Analyst-VIVO! Constanta
expirat: 28.04.2023
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Lease administration: input of lease contracts in the invoicing system, invoicing, maintenance of lease securities and insurances;
Debt collection (first contact of tenants with overdue balances);
Cost management: record and report on actuals, provide actuals vs. budget analysis, act as controller for budget
Cash management: follow up on invoices due dates, perform payments, prepare liquidity forecasts
Reporting: monthly and quarterly reports on incomes, costs, debt collection, turnovers;
Maintain effective communications with accounting department of clients
Coordinates the technical works executed in the Shopping Center
Responds to the requests of the Lanlord solving any complaints on technical failures of equipment, installations, utilities or any other administrative issues;
Coordinates the facility management activities in order to be compliant with the contracts and legal and technical requirements contracts;
Manages the relationship with service providers, ensuring the administration and functionality of the infrastructure and technical and administrative activities;
Supervises daily property and facility management, ensuring the proper functioning of all installations and technical equipment;
Drafting of operational budgets and monitoring their execution;
Prepares and issues the necessary operating and technical Reports;
Coordinates and monitoring of the works executed by the Shopping Center, preparation of tenders, execution of operational contracts;
Obtaining the necessary operating permits, if the case
Coordinates the technical works executed by the tenants, according to the projects and the Interior Operating Rules;
Verifies the technical documentation and projects, prepared and authorized by the tenants;
Responds to the requests of tenants, solving any complaints on technical failures of equipment, installations, utilities or any other administrative issues;
Prepares and concludes the handover protocols with tenants;
Coordinates the property and facility management activities in order to be compliant with the contracts and legal and technical requirements contracts;
Manages the relationship with service providers, ensuring the administration and functionality of the infrastructure and technical and administrative activities;
Supervises daily property and facility management, ensuring the proper functioning of all installations and technical equipment;
Drafting of operational budgets and monitoring their execution;
Prepares and issues the necessary operating and technical Reports;
Coordinates and monitoring of the works executed by the Shopping Center, preparation of tenders, execution of operational contracts;
Working closely with the marketing team to develop the online strategy and to deliver results
Manage the website and the social media accounts of the center, create and implement the digital marketing plan
Support the marketing team in developing the overall marketing strategy and recommend improvements with particular focus on digital channels; create integrated marketing campaigns with the Marketing team offline and online
Support the Marketing Manager in various activities: tenant relations, administrative activities, partnerships etc
Evaluate campaigns and ongoing activity, monitor and report on agreed KPIs using analytics tools and methods and create reports for all digital campaigns such as email, display advertising, buzz, online PR and partnerships
Use analytics to better understand consumer behaviour and to target and optimise future campaigns
Research local digital and consumer trends
Be responsible for promoting the use of new and innovative technology
Working closely with the marketing team and the online digital agency to develop the online strategy and to deliver results
Plan and implement the digital marketing plan, manage the social media accounts of the center
Support the marketing team in developing the overall marketing strategy and recommend improvements with particular focus on digital channels; create integrated marketing campaigns with the Marketing Team offline and online
Manage the blog editorial calendar to ensure it is regularly updated with content
Monitor, organize, and create video content for the websites and blogs, including uploading and placing on various online sites
Propose and implement lead generation activities for the shopping center – across all channels (email, phone, PPC, social and events)
Test and QA new applications for websites and digital campaigns
Manage a full spectrum of channels: PPC, Paid Social, Email, CRM, Display and retargeting
Evaluate campaigns and ongoing activity, monitor and report on agreed KPIs using analytics tools and methods and create reports for all digital campaigns such as email, display advertising, buzz, online PR and partnerships
Use analytics to better understand consumer behaviour and to target and optimise future campaigns
Research local digital and consumer trends
Be responsible for promoting the use of new and innovative technology