Bucureşti Sectorul 2, Str. SERG. MATEI DUMITRU, Nr. 1-3, SECTIUNEA A, Etaj 2
Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Create and implement a content strategy that will maximize brand visibility, by increasing organic and paid search traffic to a website and encouraging users to engage and take a positive action;
Optimizing copy and landing pages for search engine optimization;
Performing ongoing keyword research including discovery and expansion of keyword opportunities;
Researching and implementing content recommendations for organic SEO success;
Optimize copy and landing pages for search engine marketing;
Perform ongoing keywords discovery, expansion and optimization;
Research and implement search engine optimization recommendations;
Research and analyze competitor advertising links;
Develop and implement link building strategy;
Work with the development team to ensure SEO best practices are properly implemented;
Create and update content for promotions, landing pages, tournaments, website banners.
Implement new promotions / campaigns for our website:
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Graphic Designer
expirat: 25.08.2024
Entry (0-2 ani), Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Junior Marketing Research Specialist
expirat: 25.08.2024
Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
System Administrator Linux
expirat: 25.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Contabil (Accounts Payables)
29 Strada George Călinescu, București
expirat: 21.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Product Owner (CPO)
expirat: 17.08.2024
Senior (5-10 ani), Executive (>10 ani)
Attend requirement-gathering workshops to define user stories for product features
Build and refine a product backlog
Create and prioritize stories that align with the product roadmap and release goals
Work in sync with our Product Management team, contributing to product vision, roadmap, and release planning
Act as a point of communication between the business and software development
Be a champion of user experience and define and execute user stories that ensure superior customer experience when using feature/product
Use agile/scrum methodologies to help drive and deliver product releases
Help remove any impediments that the development team faces during the product life cycle
Provide business with updates on project status while recording and communicating any Risks or Issues that may impact project deadlines
Work collaboratively across all functional departments including marketing, sales, support, professional services, architecture, and others, and drive communication of releases including new features and defects to internal and external stakeholders
Involvement in the project planning & support of software solution development projects through the project lifecycle
Organizează, conduce, controlează și răspunde de eficiența activității financiar-contabile a societății în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare;
Asigură, organizează și gestionează eficient integritatea întregului patrimoniu al societății în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare și cu normele sau reglementările interne ale societății;
Organizează și coordonează contabilitatea operațiunilor de capital, contabilitatea mijloacelor fixe, contabilitatea stocurilor, contabilitatea terților, contabilitatea trezoreriei, contabilitatea cheltuielilor, veniturilor și rezultatelor, contabilitatea angajamentelor și a altor active, contabilitatea de gestiune;
Organizează și coordonează controlul financiar preventiv;
Supraveghează reconcilierile și închiderile de conturi;
Asigură și răspunde de întocmirea balanței de verificare în termenele legale;
Asigură comunicarea cu autoritățile publice precum ANAF, DITL, INS, BNR;
Asigură suport în cadrul auditului;
Efectuează analize financiar-contabile pe baza bilanțului contabil;
Aprobă lucrări pe probleme de contabilitate de stoc, urmărire, înregistrări, decontări, cheltuieli-venituri, bilanț contabil, analiză de sistem, tehnică de calcul
Attend requirement-gathering workshops to define user stories for product features
Build and refine a product backlog
Create and prioritize stories that align with the product roadmap and release goals
Work in sync with our Product Management team, contributing to product vision, roadmap, and release planning
Act as a point of communication between the business and software development
Be a champion of user experience and define and execute user stories that ensure superior customer experience when using feature/product
Use agile/scrum methodologies to help drive and deliver product releases
Help remove any impediments that the development team faces during the product life cycle
Provide business with updates on project status while recording and communicating any Risks or Issues that may impact project deadlines
Work collaboratively across all functional departments including marketing, sales, support, professional services, architecture, and others, and drive communication of releases including new features and defects to internal and external stakeholders
Involvement in the project planning & support of software solution development projects through the project lifecycle
Tehnoredacteaza diferite materiale sau documente primite de la seful ierahic;
Asigura buna comunicare cu furnizori, parteneri si alte entitati juridice;
Asigura o buna comunicare cu toate departamentele firmei si transmite corect si in timp util informatiile;
Urmareste in permanenta daca mesajele/corespondenta au fost receptionate/transmise si au ajuns la destinatie;
Gestionarea si monitorizarea eficienta a stocurilor;
Expedierea si urmarirea comenzilor pana la receptia finala;
Ia masurile necesare pentru ca toate comenzile sa fie executate;
Intocmeşte şi analizeaza cererile de oferta;
Pregateste si transmite corespondenta in numele firmei;
Face aranjamente de ordin logistic pentru sedinte si intalniri;
Se ocupa de organizarea calatoriilor de afaceri (agenda, rezervari, intalniri), precum si de planificarea din timp a conferintelor, targurilor, expozitiilor;
Intocmeste bugete si le trimite spre aprobare;
Transmite corespondența atunci cand îi este solicitat;
Răspunde de preluarea corespondenței sosită pe adresa firmei;
Intocmește situații sau documente la cererea superiorului direct.
Ce oferim:
Salariu foarte atractiv;
Bonusuri lunare de performanta;
Tichete de masa 30 lei/zi lucrata;
Bonusuri pentru Sărbători;
Sprijin social pentru evenimente speciale;
Contract de munca pe perioada nedeterminata;
Oportunitati de dezvoltare personala si profesionala
Plan, organize and attend events in locations, collaborating with casino managers and marketing team;
Implement the marketing strategy for the gaming halls in accordance with the business objectives, under the supervision of the marketing manager;
Plan and implement promotions / raffles, collaborating with casino managers and head of casino;
Plan and implement campaigns to increase sales and new customers;
Organize the events and implement the promotions in accordance to the established budget, under the supervision of the marketing manager;
Supervise budget for each promotion campaign or any other project (like costumer loyalty campaigns) for Winbet locations;
Planning and implementing promotions for sports betting agencies;
Elaboration of regulations for promotional campaigns;
Efficient management of the suppliers in order to organize the events (catering, Dj, photographer, bartender, artists) and responsible for the relationship with partners, advertising agencies - selection, negotiations, contracting and coordinating;
Plan, organize and attend events in locations, collaborating with casino managers and marketing team;
Implement the marketing strategy for the gaming halls in accordance with the business objectives, under the supervision of the marketing manager;
Plan and implement promotions / raffles, collaborating with casino managers and head of casino;
Plan and implement campaigns to increase sales and new customers;
Organize the events and implement the promotions in accordance to the established budget, under the supervision of the marketing manager;
Supervise budget for each promotion campaign or any other project (like costumer loyalty campaigns) for Winbet locations;
Planning and implementing promotions for sports betting agencies;
Elaboration of regulations for promotional campaigns;
Efficient management of the suppliers in order to organize the events (catering, Dj, photographer, bartender, artists) and responsible for the relationship with partners, advertising agencies - selection, negotiations, contracting and coordinating;
Plan, organize and attend events in locations, collaborating with casino managers and marketing team;
Implement the marketing strategy for the gaming halls in accordance with the business objectives, under the supervision of the marketing manager;
Plan and implement promotions / raffles, collaborating with casino managers and head of casino;
Plan and implement campaigns to increase sales and new customers;
Organize the events and implement the promotions in accordance to the established budget, under the supervision of the marketing manager;
Supervise budget for each promotion campaign or any other project (like costumer loyalty campaigns) for Winbet locations;
Planning and implementing promotions for sports betting agencies;
Elaboration of regulations for promotional campaigns;
Efficient management of the suppliers in order to organize the events (catering, Dj, photographer, bartender, artists) and responsible for the relationship with partners, advertising agencies - selection, negotiations, contracting and coordinating;