Sat Giarmata-Vii, Comuna Ghiroda, Str. AEROPORT, Nr. 46
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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (242)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 242 )
Tehnician mentenanta
expirat: 17.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Tooling Engineer
expirat: 20.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Economist (perioada determinata)
expirat: 18.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Tehnician mentenanta
expirat: 17.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Reаlizeаzа activitati de mentеnantа prеvеntivа lа utilaje si echipamente;
Executa activitatile si operatiile prevazute in programele de mentenanta preventive ale utilajelor, echipamentelor si instalatiilor;
Supravegheaza functionarea echipamentelor, utilajelor si a instalatiilor existente pentru preintampinarea eventualelor defecte;
Intervine rapid pentru repararea defectiunilor aparute la utilaje si echipamente;
Completeaza documentele aferente lucrarilor de intretinere/reparatie si informeaza seful direct asupra problemelor aparute in desfasurarea activitatii.
Provides leadership on daily warehouse operations, including the management of goods receipts, goods issues, picklists, cycle counting, logistics, quality control/assurance;
Responsible for staff scheduling to include: work assignments/rotations, employee training, employee vacations, employee breaks, overtime assignments, back-up for absent employees, and shift rotations;
Provides, maintains, and organizes the warehouse areas on separate, distinct areas, with sizes appropriate to the volume of goods;
Ensures the flow of products;
Keeps track of performance indicators for the warehouse at both individual and team level;
Monitors operations activities on specific area, to ensure smooth functioning of warehouse operations;
Promotes a stable work environment with open lines of communication with personnel;
Responsible to schedule and monitor the annual inventory and weekly inventory counts;
Ensures that the warehouse equipments are maintained in good conditions and all the inspections are up to date
Reаlizeаzа activitati de mentеnantа prеvеntivа lа utilaje si echipamente;
Executa activitatile si operatiile prevazute in programele de mentenanta preventive ale utilajelor, echipamentelor si instalatiilor;
Supravegheaza functionarea echipamentelor, utilajelor si a instalatiilor existente pentru preintampinarea eventualelor defecte;
Intervine rapid pentru repararea defectiunilor aparute la utilaje si echipamente;
Completeaza documentele aferente lucrarilor de intretinere/reparatie si informeaza seful direct asupra problemelor aparute in desfasurarea activitatii.
Reаlizeаzа activitati de mentеnantа prеvеntivа lа utilaje si echipamente;
Executa activitatile si operatiile prevazute in programele de mentenanta preventive ale utilajelor, echipamentelor si instalatiilor;
Supravegheaza functionarea echipamentelor, utilajelor si a instalatiilor existente pentru preintampinarea eventualelor defecte;
Intervine rapid pentru repararea defectiunilor aparute la utilaje si echipamente;
Completeaza documentele aferente lucrarilor de intretinere/reparatie si informeaza seful direct asupra problemelor aparute in desfasurarea activitatii.
Reаlizeаzа activitati de mentеnantа prеvеntivа lа utilaje si echipamente;
Executa activitatile si operatiile prevazute in programele de mentenanta preventive ale utilajelor, echipamentelor si instalatiilor;
Supravegheaza functionarea echipamentelor, utilajelor si a instalatiilor existente pentru preintampinarea eventualelor defecte;
Intervine rapid pentru repararea defectiunilor aparute la utilaje si echipamente;
Completeaza documentele aferente lucrarilor de intretinere/reparatie si informeaza seful direct asupra problemelor aparute in desfasurarea activitatii.
Good knowledge of production processes, quality control, costs and different other techniques for output
Mechanical knowledge of machines and tools;
Design, test and evaluate new layouts by combining several machines in one working area in order to reduce the cycle time, buffers waiting times etc.;
You will describe the needed technical requirements for automation equipment and will interface with automation partners to supply the correct solution;
Cooperating with automation and maintenance departments to fulfil the adjustment requirements of special machines, proposing automation solutions for different assembly process
Good knowledge of production processes, quality control, costs and different other techniques for output
Mechanical knowledge of machines and tools;
Design, test and evaluate new layouts by combining several machines in one working area in order to reduce the cycle time, buffers waiting times etc.;
You will describe the needed technical requirements for automation equipment and will interface with automation partners to supply the correct solution;
Cooperating with automation and maintenance departments to fulfil the adjustment requirements of special machines, proposing automation solutions for different assembly process