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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Middle (2-5 ani), Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Coordinating various AP entries processes according to the tasks assigned by the manager;
Vendor invocies to book into the ERP system as per Celestica processes
Travel expenses check and posting for various sites;
Processing, following up, chasing and any other task related to wither AP invoices according to the needs of the sites supported by the Global Business Services organisation;
Preparing bank payments, analysing bank statements, posting and clearing bank outgoing payments to vendors;
Performing various calculations required by the accounting and finance processes
Document preparation and review to make sure they are compliant to Celestica policies and local Gaaps
Manages supplier RFQ process for specific Commodity groups (Metal and Plastic parts) across multiple projects to ensure all costing due dates are achieved.
Lead component level supplier negotiations to establish competitive cost solutions
Develop & execute commodity strategy including competitive benchmarking, delivering a commodity strategy enabling the overall program strategy, supplier analysis, development & selection.
Able to identify and justify alternate component solutions
Able to provide competitive cost estimate for complex parts (Bid only)
Provides insight and recommendations to support proposed solutions to key stakeholders.
Updates material prices database, analyzes components for competitiveness and customer compliance, review with management.
oferă suportul tehnic necesar și coordonează construirea de prototipuri, asigurându-se că noile componente sunt realizate la timp și în buget;
este responsabil de procesul de dezvoltare/îmbunătățire a produselor electronice pe partea de Placement (Fuji) şi Printing;
este responsabil pentru evaluarea si introducerea de noi echipamente / procese de Placement (Fuji) şi Printing;
este responsabil de procesul de dezvoltare/îmbunătățire a produselor electronice pe partea de Placement (Fuji) şi Printing;
crează noi programe de Placement (Fuji) şi Printing pentru noile produse electronice;
revizuiește și interpretează specificațiile primite de la clienți;
oferă expertiză pe partea de inginerie pentru toate problemele tehnice care au de a face cu produsele clienților, de la proiectarea acestora până la punerea lor în funcțiune;
adună, înțelege și transformă datele primite de la clienți în produse de fabricație;
verifica ca specificațiile produselor să fie conforme cu standardele clientului, ale industriei și ale companiei;
asistă la selectarea și programarea echipamentelor de producție;
asista la producerea primului lot al noilor produse;
acționează ca focus-point pentru toate problemele tehnice ale produsului;
poate oferi suport și coordonare pe partea de inginerie pentru construirea unui prototip care să sigure că produsele sunt terminate la timp;
sprijină tranziția de la cerințele clienților la produsul manufacturat și participa împreună cu colegii la acest schimb
oferă suportul tehnic necesar și coordonează construirea de prototipuri, asigurându-se că noile componente sunt realizate la timp și în buget;
este project manager pentru proiectele in care este implicatul departamentul de Site Engineering;
este responsabil pentru design-ul echipamentelor din procesul de Conformal Coating şi PCB/PCBA Cleaning Process;
este responsabil pentru evaluarea si introducerea de noi echipamente / procese de Conformal Coating şi PCB/PCBA Cleaning Process;
este responsabil de procesul de dezvoltare/îmbunătățire a produselor electronice pe partea de Conformal Coating şi PCB/PCBA Cleaning Process;
crează noi programe pentru procesul de Conformal Coating şi PCB/PCBA Cleaning Process pentru noile produse electronice;
proiectează paleți/tool-uri pentru Conformal Coating şi PCB/PCBA Cleaning Process;
revizuiește și interpretează specificațiile primite de la clienți;
oferă expertiză pe partea de inginerie pentru toate problemele tehnice care au de a face cu produsele clienților, de la proiectarea acestora până la punerea lor în funcțiune;
lucrează îndeaproape cu clientul la proiectarea noilor produse;
adună, înțelege și transformă datele primite de la clienți în produse de fabricație;
verifica ca specificațiile produselor să fie conforme cu standardele clientului, ale industriei și ale companiei;
asistă la selectarea și programarea echipamentelor de producție;
asista la producerea primului lot al noilor produse;
coordonează și efectuează selectarea și calificarea componentelor;
acționează ca focus-point pentru toate problemele tehnice ale produsului;
interacționează cu clienții pentru a rezolva problemele pentru a cește calitatea și randamentul produselor;
poate oferi suport și coordonare pe partea de inginerie pentru construirea unui prototip care să sigure că produsele sunt terminate la timp;
poate conduce o echipă de lucru sau o echipa de proiect compusă din 1 sau mai multe persoane de sprijin și/sau personal profesional cu puțină îndrumare de la supervizorul său, sau poate oferi suport și asistență în aria sa de expetiză;
caută noi oportunități pentru a construi relații interne și externe, menținându-și relațiile actuale;
sprijină tranziția de la cerințele clienților la produsul manufacturat și participa împreună cu colegii la acest schimb;
realizează activităţi de proiectare şi dezvoltare având responsabilitatea realizării mai multor proiecte legate de diferite discipline tehnice (Mechanical hardware, Electrical hardware, Firmware şi Software) cu preponderenţă în aria de testare a produselor manufacturate;
urmărește executarea proiectelor în curs de dezvoltare din punct de vedere tehnic;
asistă echipele tehnice din CFT și business development prin furnizarea de informații tehnice și de direcție pentru a ajuta la îndeplinirea obiectivelor proiectului sau în funcţie de cerințele clientului;
se asigură că orice probleme primite de la client sau din producție legate de produsele existente sunt abordate cu prioritate ridicată;
inițiază cercetarea și evaluarea de noi tehnologii și tehnici de testare;
conduce mici sub-echipe care investighează eventuale probleme de proiectare de la client;
oferă suport inter-site altor organizaţii de dezvoltare din companie, oferă input de planificare strategica pe termen lung şi acţionează ca interfaţă tehnică cheie pentru client în timpul proiectelor de dezvoltare;
efectuează o analiză și/sau o testare a produselor de inginerie pentru a valida faptul că produsele îndeplinesc cerințele clienților;
raportează săptămânal status-ul privind proiectele către Test Development Manager;
identifica şi implementeaza modalitati care pot duce la reducerea costurilor şi/sau îmbunătăţirii calităţii;
sesizează apariţia oricăror nereguli care pot duce la producerea accidentelor de muncă sau deteriorarea echipamentelor de lucru;
desfășoară instruire, coaching sau mentorat pentru a răspunde nevoilor imediate de cunoștințe și abilități și / sau pentru a înlătura impedimentele pentru implementarea proiectelor in desfasurare;
supravegheaza / monitorizeaza si evalueaza proiectele, asigurandu-se ca acestea se desfasoara in conformitate cu graficele si bugetele aferente;
eleboreaza si supravegheaza punerea in aplicare a masurilor de remediere;
ghideaza colegii noi, sau pe cei aflati in practica în implementarea standardelor, procedurilor și liniilor directoare din cadrul companiei
Working knowledge of corporate accounting policies
Strong system skills, including common office platforms such as MS Office and Access, along with strong analytical skills
Good communication, negotiation and presentation skills
Ability to manage multiple tasks while maintaining attention to detail and accuracy and working under tight time deadlines. ~Can distinguish between urgent and important issues and prioritize their work accordingly
Ability to evaluate, prioritize and problem solve a variety of tasks to ensure their timely and accurate completion
Ability to effectively communicate, both verbally and in writing, with a wide variety of internal and external customers
Thorough understanding of accounting principals
Can apply Corporate Accounting policy and procedures manual
Ability to manage specific general ledger accounts including reconciliations and understanding of accounting processes related to these accounts
Ability to prepare a forecast for one element of the business (cost center, profit center, pricing forecast or key balance sheet component)
Ability to calculate and do basic interpretation of all key business metrics
Provide interpretation of reports/results to users
Generates reports with job-related software
Understanding of the capabilities of the tools can identify problems and trouble shoot input errors
Understands inter-relationships between departments
Competente tehnice , cunoasterea si respectarea procedurilor;
pornirea liniei si coordonarea CHO-lor :
Isi ajuta colegii pentru a asigura conformitatea cu std-ul,
Corecteaza erorile de pozitie dacă este necesar, ajusteaza lățimea conveyoarelor și verifica suportul central, poate rezolva erorile de mașină obișnuite (PCB-uri blocare, verificare tooling și / sau ajustarea erorilor de printing, erorile de feeder, verificarea corectă a modului in care s-au introdus tavitele in Tower, suportul echipei de mentenanta daca este cazul;
Respecta regulamentul de ordine interioara al firmei Celestica Romania;
Respecta programul de lucru stabilit al firmei;
Realizeaza operatia tehnologica pentru care a fost instruit in conditii de calitate si cantitate specifice liniei de productie;
Respecta intocmai documentele de lucru (WP, avertizari) si semnaleaza superiorilor, inginerilor/tehnicienilor de NPI neconformitatile intalnite;
Utilizeaza numai echipamentul si materialele pentru care a fost instruit si raspunde de utilizarea acestora in conditiile prevazute de instructiunile de lucru (WP);
Respecta Normele de Protectie a Muncii, ordinea si curatenia la locul de munca, cantina si in celelalte locuri din firma;
Respecta procedurile generale si specifice in care este implicat departamentul de NPI;
Coopereaza cu ceilalti colegi implicati in procesul de NPI in vederea realizarii unei productii cantitative si calitative conform specificatiilor primite;
Semnaleaza in timp util ierarhic superiorilor, spre rezolvare, problemele de productie care il impiedica sa realizeze planul calitativ si cantitativ stabilit pentru postul in care isi desfasoara activitatea;
Pentru problemele personale se adreseaza ierarhic superiorilor;
Respecta procedura de comunicare dupa cum este specificat in procedurile si instructiunile de lucru, astfel:
Inginerului / Manager de NPI / - probleme tehnice, operationale, de calitate;
Inginerului,tehnicianului QA - probleme de calitate;
Inginerului / Manager de NPI- probleme legate de proces;
in timpul programului de lucru nu paraseste locul de munca sau firma fara aprobarea superiorului;
Fara experienta, Entry (0-2 ani), Middle (2-5 ani)
Coordinating various AP entries processes according to the tasks assigned by the manager;
Vendor invocies to book into the ERP system as per Celestica processes
Travel expenses check and posting for various sites;
Processing, following up, chasing and any other task related to wither AP invoices according to the needs of the sites supported by the Global Business Services organisation;
Preparing bank payments, analysing bank statements, posting and clearing bank outgoing payments to vendors;
Performing various calculations required by the accounting and finance processes
Document preparation and review to make sure they are compliant to Celestica policies and local Gaaps
Coordinating various AP entries processes according to the tasks assigned by the manager;
Vendor invocies to book into the ERP system as per Celestica processes
Travel expenses check and posting for various sites;
Processing, following up, chasing and any other task related to wither AP invoices according to the needs of the sites supported by the Global Business Services organisation;
Preparing bank payments, analysing bank statements, posting and clearing bank outgoing payments to vendors;
Performing various calculations required by the accounting and finance processes
Document preparation and review to make sure they are compliant to Celestica policies and local Gaaps
Manage material pricing for global customers for the Health Tech market segment.
Accountable for delivering competitive material pricing solutions to support growth and margins as per company objectives
Typically manages multiple projects across 10+ support employees per project
Collaborate with global customer unit, customer, program management, business proposal lead, finance and/or sales to determine material pricing strategy. (Awareness)
Align on trade-offs between proposal cycle-time, solution precision and scope with clients to deliver agreed to pricing strategy. (Awareness)
Project manage supply chain solution with commodity management, costing teams, engineering teams to deliver desired pricing and margin solutions. (Proficient)
Prepares material pricing solutions for new business opportunities (bids) and manage ongoing pricing through the lifecycle of the product (re-pricing) including generation of Bill of Material, cost-competitive analysis, margin recommendations. (Proficient)
Provide insight and recommendations to support external (customers or suppliers) negotiations. (Intermediate)
Presents proposed solution to key stakeholders. (Awareness)
Perform take-down trends analysis and modeling to leverage insight in service requests. (Intermediate)
Conduct market research and generate product teardowns to enable competitiveness assessments in service request. (Awareness)
Provide supply chain internal or external consulting / solutioning. (Awareness)
Provide value engineer proposals (Awareness)
Develop annual material margin build-up plan, obtain alignment with key stakeholders and proactively project manager during the year. (Awareness)
Consolidates, tabulates, analyzes and reports on various commitment and performance metrics as per reporting schedule. (Intermediate)
Proactively drive continuous improvement in margin expansion, cycle-time, pricing competitiveness, pricing tactics and process efficiency. (Intermediate)
Working knowledge of corporate accounting policies
Strong system skills, including common office platforms such as MS Office and Access, along with strong analytical skills
Good communication, negotiation and presentation skills
Ability to manage multiple tasks while maintaining attention to detail and accuracy and working under tight time deadlines. ~Can distinguish between urgent and important issues and prioritize their work accordingly
Ability to evaluate, prioritize and problem solve a variety of tasks to ensure their timely and accurate completion
Ability to effectively communicate, both verbally and in writing, with a wide variety of internal and external customers
Thorough understanding of accounting principals
Can apply Corporate Accounting policy and procedures manual
Ability to manage specific general ledger accounts including reconciliations and understanding of accounting processes related to these accounts
Ability to prepare a forecast for one element of the business (cost center, profit center, pricing forecast or key balance sheet component)
Ability to calculate and do basic interpretation of all key business metrics
Provide interpretation of reports/results to users
Generates reports with job-related software
Understanding of the capabilities of the tools can identify problems and trouble shoot input errors
Understands inter-relationships between departments
Working knowledge of corporate accounting policies
Strong system skills, including common office platforms such as MS Office and Access, along with strong analytical skills
Good communication, negotiation and presentation skills
Ability to manage multiple tasks while maintaining attention to detail and accuracy and working under tight time deadlines. ~Can distinguish between urgent and important issues and prioritize their work accordingly
Ability to evaluate, prioritize and problem solve a variety of tasks to ensure their timely and accurate completion
Ability to effectively communicate, both verbally and in writing, with a wide variety of internal and external customers
Thorough understanding of accounting principals
Can apply Corporate Accounting policy and procedures manual
Ability to manage specific general ledger accounts including reconciliations and understanding of accounting processes related to these accounts
Ability to prepare a forecast for one element of the business (cost center, profit center, pricing forecast or key balance sheet component)
Ability to calculate and do basic interpretation of all key business metrics
Provide interpretation of reports/results to users
Generates reports with job-related software
Understanding of the capabilities of the tools can identify problems and trouble shoot input errors
Understands inter-relationships between departments
Provides task leadership to teams responsible for receiving, logging, and converting Customer’s product data into formats used by our systems (Bills of Materials, preferred supplier information)
Initiates Engineering Change Orders
Supports Data Associate positions as a mentor
Responsible for implementing process improvements and ensuring the quality of all data
Communicates with teams from all areas of engineering and supply chain as appropriate
Works with internal and external customers to resolve data integrity issues
Ensures the proper storage and ease of retrieval of the data
Disseminates notification of data readiness and/or distributes data as appropriate
Acts as the focal point for all product data related technical issues
Interacts with customers to resolve problems and increase the quality and yield of the product data release process. Is the S2P focal point to Clients for coordinating the setup of both technical and commercial data from data receipt to info record setup into ERP
Coordinates and manages the material cost activity for select customers and/or sites with minimal as appropriate
Competente tehnice , cunoasterea si respectarea procedurilor;
pornirea liniei si coordonarea CHO-lor :
Isi ajuta colegii pentru a asigura conformitatea cu std-ul,
Corecteaza erorile de pozitie dacă este necesar, ajusteaza lățimea conveyoarelor și verifica suportul central, poate rezolva erorile de mașină obișnuite (PCB-uri blocare, verificare tooling și / sau ajustarea erorilor de printing, erorile de feeder, verificarea corectă a modului in care s-au introdus tavitele in Tower, suportul echipei de mentenanta daca este cazul;
Respecta regulamentul de ordine interioara al firmei Celestica Romania;
Respecta programul de lucru stabilit al firmei;
Realizeaza operatia tehnologica pentru care a fost instruit in conditii de calitate si cantitate specifice liniei de productie;
Respecta intocmai documentele de lucru (WP, avertizari) si semnaleaza superiorilor, inginerilor/tehnicienilor de NPI neconformitatile intalnite;
Utilizeaza numai echipamentul si materialele pentru care a fost instruit si raspunde de utilizarea acestora in conditiile prevazute de instructiunile de lucru (WP);
Respecta Normele de Protectie a Muncii, ordinea si curatenia la locul de munca, cantina si in celelalte locuri din firma;
Respecta procedurile generale si specifice in care este implicat departamentul de NPI;
Coopereaza cu ceilalti colegi implicati in procesul de NPI in vederea realizarii unei productii cantitative si calitative conform specificatiilor primite;
Semnaleaza in timp util ierarhic superiorilor, spre rezolvare, problemele de productie care il impiedica sa realizeze planul calitativ si cantitativ stabilit pentru postul in care isi desfasoara activitatea;
Pentru problemele personale se adreseaza ierarhic superiorilor;
Respecta procedura de comunicare dupa cum este specificat in procedurile si instructiunile de lucru, astfel:
Inginerului / Manager de NPI / - probleme tehnice, operationale, de calitate;
Inginerului,tehnicianului QA - probleme de calitate;
Inginerului / Manager de NPI- probleme legate de proces;
in timpul programului de lucru nu paraseste locul de munca sau firma fara aprobarea superiorului;
Fara experienta, Entry (0-2 ani), Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Commodity Management Associate- 6-month contract
expirat: 01.07.2021
Fara experienta, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inventory Clerk
expirat: 25.06.2021
Fara experienta, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
CNC Technician
expirat: 19.06.2021
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Global Commodity Engineer
expirat: 15.04.2021
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Documents, maintains and improves implementation of processes
Provides advanced technical expertise for production or customer-identified material problems
Maintains quality of materials to ensure cost and delivery targets are met
Visits suppliers to evaluate their process controls and reliability programs
Provides quality and reliability performance data to suppliers and internal management team
Performs supplier assessments/risk analysis and makes recommendation regarding supplier selection
Works with suppliers to improve overall yield of assemblies and quality of materials
Defines process problems that lead to throughput or quality issues
Determines root cause of problems and implements short- and long-term solutions to stabilize processes
Leads the selection of new manufacturing equipment
Evaluates software and hardware upgrades and new equipment
Defines, evaluates and implements process control standards for equipment and products
Gathers, analyzes, sorts and distributes data to understand and solve quality issues
Utilizes quality tools and team problem solving methods to drive root cause analysis of problems and implement improvements
Works directly with customers to resolve systemic problems in the process. Analyzes feasibility in acquiring and implementing new assembly/test technology and prepares technical reports of findings
Responsible to perform supplier quality system audit . ISO9001 and ISO 13485
Responsible for supplier process audit and assessment
Responsible to review customer expectation and drive alternate lower cost solution
Responsible for localization activity as assigned
Manage NPI project related to commodity assigned and meet target dateline
Ensure supplier complete on time . PPAP documentation, FAI etc
Responsible to support MVP cost reduction as assigned
Responsible to drive supplier performance management . DPPM, SQIP
Coordinating various AP entries processes according to the tasks assigned by the manager;
Vendor invocies to book into the ERP system as per Celestica processes
Travel expenses check and posting for various sites;
Processing, following up, chasing and any other task related to wither AP invoices according to the needs of the sites supported by the Global Business Services organisation;
Preparing bank payments, analysing bank statements, posting and clearing bank outgoing payments to vendors;
Performing various calculations required by the accounting and finance processes
Document preparation and review to make sure they are compliant to Celestica policies and local Gaaps
Maintains local and/or regional responsibility for a specific indirect commodity or group of indirect commodities for price/value determination, sourcing, negotiations, terms & conditions and supplier relationship development, working independently
Quotes and negotiates all indirect materials and services under the assigned commodities according to Indirect Procurement process/procedures
Identifies opportunities in the assigned commodities for increased value proposition
Analyze the market and recommends alternative suppliers where applicable;
Negotiate services & purchase agreements terms and conditions for the proper conduct of business;
Evaluate suppliers performance and recommend solutions for cost savings/avoidance, on time deliveries and overall quality
Supports internal customers to resolve quality, serviceability and performance related issues for products or bid activities
Issue purchase orders in accordance with company procedures
Manage purchase orders, follows compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in these orders;
Generate reports related to the position
Receives assignments in the form of tasks and goals and follows established guidelines, procedures and policies to meet individual and department objectives
Works within established professional standards and practices
Plans, organizes, controls and executes a production schedule for a designated product or products including program coordination
Develops production schedules based on actual and forecasted customer demand, product demand profiles and knowledge of the customer
Analyzes inputs (., capacity, board cycle times, urgency of request, material availability, etc.) to help determine schedule
Analyzes internal impact (., line scheduling, procurement, logistics, shipping, etc.) of customer scheduling
Revises plans as required based on analysis of actuals versus plan
Participates in the introduction of new products and supports the transfer/de-transfer of existing products through planning and analyzing of common and unique materials in support of project deadlines
Communicates information on materials availability to support build plans throughout the product life cycle
Maintains knowledge of customer volume fluctuations and determines the materials required
Provides information to procurement on demand variances
Develops and communicates short- and long-term commitments to customers to ship products
Coordinates necessary resources to meet shipment commitments
Reviews and reports on aggregate levels of product inventory, inventory exposure, backlog, availability and on-time delivery
Develops recovery plans if missed shipments occur
Leads continuous improvement of planning processes
Facilitates development of processes and best practice models for outbound order fulfillment
Provides leadership and support to employees of NAOF
Makes decisions surrounding workload allocation and hiring practices
Provides expert role to other sites and other departments for North American Order Fulfillment models and practices
Provides training, guidance and may assign work to less experienced employees
Coordinates and manages the material cost activity for select customers and/or sites with minimal direction (in the Green Energy Segment)
Prepares material pricing independently for new business opportunities (bids) including generation of Bill of Material, cost analysis, collaboration with Commodity Management and presentation to team leaders and managers
Updates material prices database and analyzes Bill of Material for competitiveness
Works closely with commodity management, IPOs, management, sourcing teams, engineering teams, and financial cost engineers
Participates in kick-off meetings and interacts with global customers units as well as counterparts in other regions
Audits and analyzes quarterly cost variances
Consolidates, tabulates, analyzes and reports on various commitment and performance metrics.
drives the Quality aspects of a new Health Tech Customer (HTC) or New Product Introduction;
participates in releasing Quality Plans, Control Plans, First Article reports;
creates, publishes, reviews, controls and constantly improves process documentation;
develops, maintains, and communicates Change management processes in conformance with ISO, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards, Medical Device and Diagnostics standards and regulations, and Customer’s requirements;
initiates and participates in an annual review process to ensure data integrity and revises existing documentation to reflect process changes;
collects data/information releasing analysis and reports;
acts as the lead auditor for Internal Quality System Audits. Plans, directs, performs, and reports the results of process, product, systems, supplier, and ISO quality audits;
acts as contact person in external second party or third party audits in the team of the Management Responsible for the audited systems;
performs independent, comprehensive reviews of the existence, correctness and effectiveness of standards and controls used to perform specific functions;
develops, documents, and monitors key processes such as the Design Transfer and Validation Process, Corrective Action Process, Audit Process etc.;
provides consultation and training in the areas of Health Tech Quality requirements, Quality Tools, Statistical Process Control, Risk Management, Workmanship, PCA skills, standards, audit, etc.
coordinating various AR, AP and GL entries processes according to the tasks assigned by the manager;
travel expenses check and posting for various sites;
preparing bank payment, analysing bank statements, posting and clearing bank incoming or outgoing payments and any other task related to cash accounting activities;
preparation of the Intercompany reconciliation process either on the AR or AP side of various sites;
performing various calculations required by the accounting and finance processes and preparing the necessary journal entries including Fixed Assets accounting; document preparation and review to make sure they are compliant to Celestica policies, local GAPS and IFRS; monthly preparation of the account reconciliations assigned;
any activity either on accounting, controlling or financial analysis required by the manager during month end closing process; month end workings preparation for corporate reporting and financial statements preparation and analysis; inventory calculations and knowledge related to inventory accounting processes under IFRS;
working with the auditors for providing any information or documents required during any type of audit on any supported site in SSC;
being involved and responsible for properly archiving the documents according to Celestica’s policy and the particular site procedures;
preparing any reports or documents required by the manager in relation to the job assigned
Acts as support for the development of financial budgets and plans for a business group or customer account
Develops timelines, plan guidance and plan assumptions
Gathers and analyzes information on which budget assumptions are based
Oversees the development and preparation of alternative budgets/plan models. Prepares and presents summaries to management
Prepares weekly and monthly financial reporting packages including forecasts, results and financial and operational metrics
Completes special projects involving the analysis of financial information related to costs, headcount, profit maximization, expense targets both within finance or as a member of a cross functional team
As required, plays a leadership role with junior members of other teams, coordinating and guiding activities, providing direction or leading some group projects.
coordinating various AR, AP and GL entries processes according to the tasks assigned by the manager;
travel expenses check and posting for various sites;
preparing bank payment, analysing bank statements, posting and clearing bank incoming or outgoing payments and any other task related to cash accounting activities;
preparation of the Intercompany reconciliation process either on the AR or AP side of various sites;
performing various calculations required by the accounting and finance processes and preparing the necessary journal entries including Fixed Assets accounting; document preparation and review to make sure they are compliant to Celestica policies, local GAPS and IFRS; monthly preparation of the account reconciliations assigned;
any activity either on accounting, controlling or financial analysis required by the manager during month end closing process; month end workings preparation for corporate reporting and financial statements preparation and analysis; inventory calculations and knowledge related to inventory accounting processes under IFRS;
working with the auditors for providing any information or documents required during any type of audit on any supported site in SSC;
being involved and responsible for properly archiving the documents according to Celestica’s policy and the particular site procedures;
preparing any reports or documents required by the manager in relation to the job assigned
Maintains regional or global responsibility for a specific commodity or group of commodities for price/value determination, sourcing, negotiations, terms & conditions and supplier relationship development working independently. Quotes and negotiates all products and services quarterly.
Develops cost of customer bids within response time objectives. Supports bid activities by interacting with the site teams to compile and deliver the material commitment to the customer. Participates in Commodity Council Corporate negotiation team and /or the Customer Materials Commitment process by providing material pricing and data analysis. Conducts Quarterly Business Reviews with top suppliers and review customer BOMs for quarterly commits. Coordinates any supplier communication.
Reviews and resolves issues on supplier performance feedback, supplier report card and bids. Supports the site SCM buying teams in times of product shortage or suppliers not meeting performance requirements including escalation within the supplier and alternative source development/recommendations. Supports customers to resolve quality, serviceability and performance related issues for products or bid activities. Consolidates, tabulates, analyzes and reports on various commitment and performance metrics.
Coordinating various AR, AP and GL entries processes according to the tasks assigned by the manager;
Various accounting processes conducted as per the instructions of the manager:
Travel expenses check and posting for various sites;
Processing, following up, chasing and any other task related to wither AP or AR invoices according to the needs of the sites supported in the Shared Service Center;
Preparing bank payment, analysing bank statements, posting and clearing bank incoming or outgoing payments;
Preparation of the Intercompany reconciliation process either on the AR or AP side of various sites;
Performing various calculations required by the accounting and finance processes and preparing the necessary journal entries;
Document preparation and review to make sure they are compliant to Celestica policies and local Gaaps
Monthly preparation of the account reconciliations assigned;
Any activity either on accounting, controlling or financial analysis required by the manager during month end closing process;
Various other activities required by the manager such as:
Working with the auditors for providing any information or documents required during any type of audit on any supported site in SSC;
Being involved and responsible for properly archiving the documents according to Celestica’s policy and the particular site procedures;
Preparing any reports or documents required by the manager in relation to the job assigned