Bucureşti Sectorul 3, Str. DOAMNEI, Nr. 14-16, corp A, etajele 1 și 2
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Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (479)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 479 )
Application Engineer
expirat: 16.04.2022
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Big Data DevOps Engineer
expirat: 31.03.2020
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Deploy, maintain/operate, test and evaluate big data solutions
Integrate solutions with the architecture used across the company
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
PL/SQL Developer
expirat: 31.03.2020
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Informatica Administrator Consultant
expirat: 31.03.2020
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Senior Java Developer
expirat: 21.03.2020
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Junior JAVA developer
expirat: 21.03.2020
Entry (0-2 ani), Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Application Engineer
expirat: 13.03.2020
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Business Analyst - XML Standards
expirat: 02.03.2020
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Analizarea cerintelor de business si redactarea de specificatii functionale
Suport acordat in fazele ulterioare redactarii specificatiilor functionale (echipei de dezvoltare in timpul analizei tehnice, echipelor de testare in timpul testelor interne de conformitate si testelor utilizator)
Analizarea erorilor si identificarea modalitatilor de solutionare
Responsible for deal orchestration, deal structure, developing value-based propositions, crafting and selling solutions mapped to customer business outcomes
Develop relationships with customer level Business and Technical Decision Makers
Drive solution sales scenarios through understanding the customer, the industry, and the competition
Map customer business needs to solutions providing a differentiating value proposition
Ensure opportunities are accurately qualified and mapped to customer budget cycle, aligned with Account Teams and aligned to account plan strategy
Orchestrate both Customer and Partners key resources in a virtual team environment to define solution vision and achieve desired business outcomes
Creating with your manager and executing a business plan to ensure your services and product revenue, and unit goals are achieved including developing a healthy pipeline of qualified opportunities
Recommends/designs structures and tools for systems, which meet business needs and takes into account target environment, performance, security requirements and existing systems;
Produces detailed designs and documents all work using required standards, methods and tools, including prototyping tools where appropriate;
Delivers technical visualization of proposed solutions for approval by customer and execution by system developers;
Assesses associated risks, and advice on proper risk responses. Translates logical designs into physical designs and produces detailed design documentation;
Maps work to user specification and removes errors and deviations from specification to achieve user-friendly processes
Understand how data within the core business systems relates to business activity
Fully understanding the data within the core business systems. This will include ensuring all data is mapped correctly for KPI and analytic reporting purposes and that this it in line with the business operational approach
Understand the mappings of source systems to dimensional data models in the target data warehouse schema
Test Extract Transformation and Load (ETL) processes developed using Oracle ODI and PL/SQL procedures in order to ensure the accuracy of data mapping and applied business rules
Write, update and execute test cases
Report, follow-up, confirm and close issues
Regression testing of software prior to code releases
Liaise with the development teams during system testing phases of the project to identify and work to resolve defects
Liaise with business analysts and key stake holders during user acceptance testing phases of a project to ensure that deliverables are meeting set business requirements and working to achieve this if not contribute to the definition and implement testing practices for the BI
Make defect prioritization decisions based upon considering both technical merit and business value
Ensure that standardized testing processes are in place and followed
Discuta cu liniile de business, exploreaza cerintele si ideile de business, vine cu recomandari, evidentiaza fezabilitatea, motivatia, beneficiile si riscurile lor
Ofera consultanta in redactarea propunerilor de cerinte si proiecte impreuna cu responsabilii pentru aceasta activitate si liniile de business
Analizeaza impactul implementarii cerintelor de business ale initiatorilor asupra functionarii sistemelor in care urmeaza a fi implementate sau a unor sisteme conectate cu acestea din perspectiva functionala, si a performantei, precum si a serviciilor IT aferente
Coordoneaza estimarile de efort ale analistilor in faza exploratorie si valideaza estimarile de effort pentru faza de analiza
Colecteaza, analizeaza si documenteaza cerintele de business, transforma aceste cerinte in specificatii functionale si non-functionale intr-o maniera structurata, folosind metodologia existenta
Asigura controlul calitatii livrabilelor furnizate de colegii analisti sisteme business prin revizuirea acestora si operarea de modificari
Ia decizii legate de design-ul functional si le aliniaza cu deciziile de tip arhitectural. Intervine pentru a sustine colegii analisti sisteme de business ca si “subject matter expert”
Furnizeaza expertiza de tip “subject matter expert” in cadrul proiectelor aferente ariilor de business acoperite
Ofera consultanta in definirea, modificarea si imbunatatirea proceselor de business din cadrul bancii
Participa la elaborarea designului solutiei impreuna cu responsabilii pentru aceasta activitate
Participa la elaborarea si executia scenariilor de testare pentru testarea FAT si de acceptanta (UAT) impreuna cu analistul de testare
Ofera suport pe parcursul testarii si in implementare: ofera informatii si clarificari suplimentare daca acestea sunt cerute, mentine documentatia cerintelor de business si a specificatiilor (functionale si non-functionale) la zi pe parcursul proiectului, operand modificarile sau adaugirile aprobate
Ofera suport post-implementare in perioada de stabilizare sau ulterior acesteia administratorilor sistemelor pentru remedierea de erori care au o legatura cu noile cerinte de business implementate
Capata si mentine cunostintele functionale si tehnice solide pentru aplicatiile de business din sfera sa de activitate
Este responsabil de organizarea documentatiei specifice ariei/ariilor sale de business pentru a consolida know-how-ul
Furnizeaza analiza functionala si de tip gap in cadrul achizitiilor de aplicatii (RfP) si documenteaza cerintele suplimentare, participa in procesul de evaluare
Executa orice alta sarcina legata de fluxul firesc al activitatii si misiunea postului (se aplica pentru toate nivelurile de specializare)
Regulatory projects and adjustments at the request of the regulator;
Application maintenance in response to technical evolution in related applications;
Monitoring and adapting the code as requested in various requests (technical specifications, performance, security);
In this context, these interventions will be managed in project mode (Agile or V-cycle) or maintenance mode, depending on their importance;
Involvement in the project life-cycle and development after requirements: analyse (technical impact studies, estimation, planning),implementation (technical specifications, coding and unit tests), delivery in different environments (development, integration, UAT and production) support the business owner in the testing phase (in UAT);
Control of the execution of the batch processes;
Application support in the production environment, daily monitoring of the application;
Incident resolution: actions to restore services and knowledge capitalization on these incidents’
Regulatory projects and adjustments at the request of the regulator;
Application maintenance in response to technical evolution in related applications;
Monitoring and adapting the code as requested in various requests (technical specifications, performance, security);
In this context, these interventions will be managed in project mode (Agile or V-cycle) or maintenance mode, depending on their importance;
Involvement in the project life-cycle and development after requirements: analyse (technical impact studies, estimation, planning),implementation (technical specifications, coding and unit tests), delivery in different environments (development, integration, UAT and production) support the business owner in the testing phase (in UAT);
Control of the execution of the batch processes;
Application support in the production environment, daily monitoring of the application;
Incident resolution: actions to restore services and knowledge capitalization on these incidents’
Application maintenance in response to technical evolution in related applications
Improvement solutions/plans Improvement solutions/plans in accordance to the development standards and architectural rules of the group
Monitoring and adapting the code as requested in various requests (technical specifications,performance, security)
Involvement in the project life-cycle and development after requirements: analyze (technical impact studies, estimation, planning), implementation (technical specifications, coding and unit tests), delivery indifferent environments (development, integration, UAT and production), support the business owner in the testing phase (in UAT)
Involvement in the RUN activities: application support in the production environment, control of the execution of the batch processes, daily monitoring of the application, incident resolution: actions to restore services and lessons-learned for similar incidents
Designs, develops and documents Java based software components in accordance with requirements specification, functional and technical design documents
Interacts with business lines to clarify business requirements
Assesses feasibility, benefits and risks and provide opinions/recommendations
Transforms business requirements into functional and technical specifications
Participates in the solution design, supports development and testing
Maintains specifications up to date throughout the project, operating the approved changes
Provides post-implementation support to system administrators during stabilization
Document specific requirements and participate in the evaluation process
Help define project scope, goals and deliverables, define tasks and required resources, plan and manage budget, allocate project resources, create schedule and project timeline, track deliverables, monitor and report on project progress
Perform functional validation on various parts of the system, such as structure, controls, documents, consolidation output rules based on previous accounting knowledge and tool training received
Perform updates in the system’s structure in collaboration with the External tool provider team
Transfer structure changes into all the production instances of the tool, which involved a good understanding of the architecture and communication between the local and consolidated instances of the tool
In charge of the Security of the tool, including auditing and update of the users’ profiles and related system structure
Assistance in the UAT and for users performing activities in the system by granting access rights, creating accounting period and reporting package, importing data and transfer between the phases existing in the system, solving UAT errors (Level 2 support)
Configuration of the Intercompany related tool - granting users access rights, setting up of the system structure, running all the steps for opening the system for booking, UAT errors solving (Level 1+2 support).
Design, develop, deploy, and maintain database and ETL solutions Integrate source data into an enterprise data warehouse, create data marts for end user reporting, and provide data for application use
Participate in code reviews to ensure quality and integrity of project deliverables
Create/Contribute to technical design specification
Analyze and improve existing solutions; performance improvement for database objects
Develop and execute unit and system tests of software
Enhance source control procedures and programming standards
Participate in discussions with people from business
Create and maintain reports for authorities and internal purposes
Keep a good line of communication both with the business, manage workshops with business and understand business need
Have an overview of the project end-to-end
Have a thorough understanding of the applications, systems and (business) processes that are both in scope for the project and exceed project boundaries
Interaction with GTO cross professions
Create and manage individual detailed user stories based on requirements as input for development teams in discussion with relevant stakeholders (architecture, developers)
Remain close in touch with cross-profession teams and provide support for both the capabilities they manage as BAs
Support QA in test cases creation and provide review and feedback
Raise risks related to their work in a timely manner
Participate to the transfer knowledge and training for business, L2 and L3 support teams
Be the liaison between the business units, technology teams and support teams
Contribute to the BA community with own experience and sharing of best practices and standards
Create or review and manage business requirements (both Functional and Non-Functional), change requests, use cases and user stories, display mockups, diagrams, data mapping documents etc
Deliver all artefacts within deadlines. If it is not possible then raise the risk in a timely manner
Keep clear track of requirements and downstream artefacts. This includes keeping the bookings for decisions for audit trail
Ensure traceability from business requirements to delivery
End to end IT Governance, using COBIT 5 IT Governance framework, ISStandard for Information Security Management Systems, ITIL framework for IT Service Management and Agile-Scrum methodology for apps under my responsibility
Create, maintain, customize and ensure close implementation of application specific processes and policies
Conduct periodic risk assessments and compliance evaluations, and follow up for remediation of deviations from governance controls, preventing vulnerabilities and IT audit points
Evaluate and sign off any decisions involving operational risks
Agree and plan with key project stakeholders the application's roadmaps, release calendars and strategic decisions, in line with business requirements, capacity of delivery teams and existing constraints
Single point of contact for the applications
Ensure Reliability and Quality of the Production Service, accountable for level 3 Support activities and for successful completion of all required Disaster Recovery Testing
Infrastructure: provisioning, maintenance and access management and project management
Setup and address escalated security and performance issues
Oversee release management for production deployments
Ensure app and processes are properly documented in line with auditors’ requirements
Complete configuration and mapping calculations (high proficiency)
Understand business requirements from a technical perspective and translate that for the business stakeholders to understand what further clarifications are required
Analyze defects and understand what the root cause might be and pro-actively resolve
Manage a technical run book for deployments
Document technical requirements
Requirements gathering
Be ready to do some unit testing based on the requirements gathered
Be flexible to take on activities that are required to get the work completed on time and help other team members