Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Procesarea documentelor aferente intrarilor-iesirilor de mijloace fixe, inclusiv calculul lunar al amortizarii, precum si scoaterea din folosinta a obiectelor de inventar ;
Analiza si contabilizarea tuturor operatiunile de leasing;
Analiza lunara a contului de cheltuieli in avans;
Evidenta impozitelor si taxelor locale - declararea lor si platile aferente;
Mentinerea legaturii cu furnizorii de imobilizari pentru clarificarea diferentelor de solduri
Suport in misiunile de audit extern si intern;
Pregatire fisier note contabile accize;
Pregatire rapoarte periodice de activitate pentru superiorii ierarhici
Recruit, hire and implement training programs for new employees
Develop organization strategies by establishing human resources objectives that match organizational and group objectives
Implement human resources strategies by establishing department accountabilities, including talent acquisition, staffing, employment processing, compensation, health and welfare benefits, training and development, records management, safety and health, succession planning, employee relations and retention, and labour relations
Direct and monitor benefit packages such as compensation, health insurance, vacation time and maternity leave
Support management by analysing applications and information and providing counsel and advice
Develop and update procedures, methods, policies, and guidelines
Comply with local, state, and federal legal requirements by studying new legislation and advising management on necessary actions
Prepare and maintain a variety of automated and manual personnel records, files, and reports
Handle confidential documents and information
Monitor activities of personnel and take disciplinarian action if needed
Mentine legatura cu furnizorul extern de contabilitate;
Gestionarea facturilor (tine evidenta facturilor primite şi emise);
Întocmeste si/sau verifica facturile de vanzare a produselor/serviciilor;
Asigura suport in limba engleza pentru filiala din strainatate;
Intocmire documente primare de contabilitate: facturi, chitante, bonuri de consum, procese verbale, evidenta incasarilor si platilor, intocmire OP-uri;
Asigura desfasurarea si implementarea standardelor QM in Plant;
Isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru:
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Quality Manager
expirat: 03.03.2019
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Asigura desfasurarea si implementarea standardelor QM in Plant;
Isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru:
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Project Manager - Civil / Mechanical Engineering
expirat: 03.03.2019
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
HR Specialist – Bucharest
expirat: 21.12.2018
Entry (0-2 ani), Middle (2-5 ani)
Responsible for all human resource activities that include recruitment, employment, compensation, labor relations, benefits, training and development;
Manage the whole of the recruitment process, providing a truly centralized service, investigate and drive new avenues of recruitment, organizing interviews, presenting verbal and written offer, update the recruitment database and the recruiting activity reports;
Responsible for the hiring process of the new employees;
Responsible for the Induction & Orientation process;
Updates and administers HR database;
Provide support in implementation of external and internal HR communication programs;
Provide support in training program administration, including program-related communication, scheduling, material production, participant tracking;
Assists with execution according to internal policies of all performance management related activities;
Provide support in organizing company events for employees
Gestioneaza problemele fabricii referitoare la livrarile catre client, de la furnizor, problemele legate de distributie si managementul materialelor;
Ofera support in imbunatatirea si optimizarea sistemelor de depozitare;
Verifica periodic portalurile clientilor in vederea monitorizarii statusului activitatii inregistrate de client;
Identifica, evalueaza si implementeaza: Programari, fluxul informatiei si materialelor, secventare, mod de transport, reteaua de logistica si transport;
Realizeaza definirea si actualizarea ambalajuui de serie pentru fiecare produs pentru optimizarea transportului si manipularii;
Realizeaza planificarea productiei: elaborarea planului de incarcare al masinilor; cerinte de personal; sortare, planul de productie pe termen mediu si lung;
Monitorizeaza performanta a personalului subordonat, identificarea si implementarea trainingurilor necesare;
Responsabil pentru relatia cu clientii, coordoneaza activitatea de vanzare si promovare a produselor companiei cu scopul de a asigura o buna executie in piata, cresterea volumelor de vanzari si atingerea nivelului necesar de profitabilitate in zona stabilita, in concordanta cu politica de vanzari a companiei;
Dezvoltarea portofoliului de clienti;
Mentinerea unei relatii profesionale si activitati de account management;
Respectarea bugetului alocat si optimizarea/monitorizarea costurilor;
Desfasoara activitati de birou si teren -Travel – 70% din timp
Responsible for technical maintenance of a multi-tenanted property;
Liaise with occupiers, being the main point of contact for day-to-day physical operation of the building;
Provide and organize reactive maintenance and day-to-day service requirements undertaken in a timely and cost-effective manner;
Organize and coordinate the maintenance (preventive, periodical and corrective maintenance, periodical and general overhauls, periodical service activities) ;
Contribute to the global ISMS by taking over process responsibility and/or supporting in defined Information Security, processes, . policy & guidelines release
Conduct Information Security audits either on site or remote;
Consult in business projects regarding Information Security;
Represent the company to third parties for the matter of Information Security, . in the event of a 3rd party audit;
Manage CIS projects and report regularly to CIS management on progress;
Coordinate and conduct Information Security trainings for employees;
Ensure close collaboration with the Information Security Coordinators located at each work site
Advising management staff on Information Security and in terms of IS-risk evaluation for decision-making
Manage the building operations and maintenance to ensure members have a trouble-free, first class experience
Update and implement operational processes and procedures
Optimize the service level at your location for meeting rooms, common areas and reception services
Ensure all common areas are in keeping with the company high standards of styling and amenities
Monitor the meeting room agenda and act as a host for our Business club and events
Deliver a range of community initiatives designed to develop connections between members; this includes but is not limited to - an exciting calendar of business and social events, email and print communications
Solve member related issues in a timely and efficient manner
Manage member . support requests, seeking support from the Regional . Manager where needed
Conduct tours for prospective customers
Manage keys and badges (activation/ deactivation) for members
Manage member check-ins and departures
Assist with move ins and move outs; prepare and distribute member welcome packets
Handle all daily incoming and outgoing mail for members
Responsible for opening the centre in the morning and closing the centre at the end of the day
Taking part in an ambitious corporate project, in a listed company that is growing and changing fast, world leader in prepaid corporate services engaged in creating innovative solutions for motivation and building loyalty;
Becoming part of a team that embraced the digitalization challenge and enjoys this transformation every day;
Living our values every day: passion for customers, respect, imagination, simplicity, entrepreneurial spirit;
Responsible for all human resource activities that include recruitment, employment, compensation, labor relations, benefits, training and development;
Manage the whole of the recruitment process, providing a truly centralized service, investigate and drive new avenues of recruitment, organizing interviews, presenting verbal and written offer, update the recruitment database and the recruiting activity reports;
Responsible for the hiring process of the new employees;
Responsible for the Induction & Orientation process;
Updates and administers HR database;
Provide support in implementation of external and internal HR communication programs;
Provide support in training program administration, including program-related communication, scheduling, material production, participant tracking;
Assists with execution according to internal policies of all performance management related activities;
Provide support in organizing company events for employees
Responsible for technical maintenance of a multi-tenanted property;
Liaise with occupiers, being the main point of contact for day-to-day physical operation of the building;
Provide and organize reactive maintenance and day-to-day service requirements undertaken in a timely and cost-effective manner;
Organize and coordinate the maintenance (preventive, periodical and corrective maintenance, periodical and general overhauls, periodical service activities) ;
Coordonarea si supervizarea activitatilor din aria operatiunilor de zi cu zi si in punctele de interactiune cu pacientii/ clientii: receptie, call center (back office);
Coordoneaza si supervizeaza activitatea colectivului din subordinea sa;
Optimizarea fluxurilor si proceselor interne;
Organizarea activităţii privind elaborarea şi revizuirea procedurilor operaţionale de lucru, precum şi monitorizarea aplicării acestora de către functiunile aflate in legatura cu activitatile legate de pacient;
Monitorizarea permanenta a programarilor efectuate;
Participarea alaturi de departamentul HR la procesele de recrutare, selectie, evaluarea performantelor, centralizarea nevoilor de training, integrarea noilor angajati si a echipei din subordine;
Responsible for all human resource activities that include recruitment, employment, compensation, labor relations, benefits, training and development;
Manage the whole of the recruitment process, providing a truly centralized service, investigate and drive new avenues of recruitment, organizing interviews, presenting verbal and written offer, update the recruitment database and the recruiting activity reports;
Responsible for the hiring process of the new employees;
Responsible for the Induction & Orientation process;
Updates and administers HR database;
Provide support in implementation of external and internal HR communication programs;
Provide support in training program administration, including program-related communication, scheduling, material production, participant tracking;
Assists with execution according to internal policies of all performance management related activities;
Provide support in organizing company events for employees
Coordonarea si supervizarea activitatilor din aria operatiunilor de zi cu zi si in punctele de interactiune cu pacientii/ clientii: receptie, call center (back office);
Coordoneaza si supervizeaza activitatea colectivului din subordinea sa;
Optimizarea fluxurilor si proceselor interne;
Organizarea activităţii privind elaborarea şi revizuirea procedurilor operaţionale de lucru, precum şi monitorizarea aplicării acestora de către functiunile aflate in legatura cu activitatile legate de pacient;
Monitorizarea permanenta a programarilor efectuate;
Participarea alaturi de departamentul HR la procesele de recrutare, selectie, evaluarea performantelor, centralizarea nevoilor de training, integrarea noilor angajati si a echipei din subordine;
Produce documente grafice in 2D si 3D si alte documente de studii (liste de echipamente, liste de linii, izometrii, specificatii de echipamente, planuri de cofraj si armare, etc), plecand de la documentatia tehnica incredintata ;
Respecta termenele de predare stabilite;
Elaboreaza listele de cantitati de lucrari in conformitate cu plansele desenate ;
Elaboreaza note de calcul ( dimensionari ) corespunzator eforturilor din listingul aferent modelului de calcul si face verificarile necesare conform normelor de calcul ce guverneaza proiectul ;
Elaboreaza caiete de sarcini pentru executia lucrarilor de constructii montaj, aplicabile proiectului in curs de elaborare ;
Elaboreaza memorii tehnice si programe de control a calitatii lucrarilor , programe de urmarire a comportarii in timp in exploatare pentru obiectivele proiectate ;
Se asigura de coerenta documentelor intocmite (elemente grafice, liste de echipamente, liste de linii, etc) si conformitatea acestora cu procedurile si instructiunile interne ;
Inregistreaza in lista de documente a proiectului, planurile si documentele produse, si asigura trasabilitatea acestora ;
Participa la reuniunile de coordonare pe proiect, atunci cand este solicitat ;
Vegheaza la economia resurselor in proiectele in care este implicat, atat pentru beneficiarul proiectului, cat si pentru compania din care face parte;
Constituie si gestioneaza baza de date tehnice;
Urmareste evolutiile tehnice si reglementarile in domeniu;
Pregateste si pune in forma documente si/sau prezentari
Responsible for technical maintenance of a multi-tenanted property;
Liaise with occupiers, being the main point of contact for day-to-day physical operation of the building;
Provide and organize reactive maintenance and day-to-day service requirements undertaken in a timely and cost-effective manner;
Organize and coordinate the maintenance (preventive, periodical and corrective maintenance, periodical and general overhauls, periodical service activities) ;
Coordonarea si supervizarea activitatilor din aria operatiunilor de zi cu zi si in punctele de interactiune cu pacientii/ clientii: receptie, call center (back office);
Coordoneaza si supervizeaza activitatea colectivului din subordinea sa;
Optimizarea fluxurilor si proceselor interne;
Organizarea activităţii privind elaborarea şi revizuirea procedurilor operaţionale de lucru, precum şi monitorizarea aplicării acestora de către functiunile aflate in legatura cu activitatile legate de pacient;
Monitorizarea permanenta a programarilor efectuate;
Participarea alaturi de departamentul HR la procesele de recrutare, selectie, evaluarea performantelor, centralizarea nevoilor de training, integrarea noilor angajati si a echipei din subordine;
Update and supervise sales prices and margins to ensure all quoted projects and modifications are updated and the KPIs are in line with the objectives
Analyze the gaps between projects’ turnover and KPIs based on volume, price, mix and currency
Analyze and explain the evolution of project vs. latest pricing update
Follow-up project modifications and alert on what is not in line with the objectives, to anticipate risks and minimize them
Control operational data consistency
Update the sales prices, part numbers, perimeters and projects within the project phase (from the award of a project to the start of production)
Track piece price amortization and accruals and follow-up on commercial contracts.
Provide support within the local team concerning the cost accounting principles
Negotiate and liaise with other branch employees to ensure quotations information are followed up in the most effective and efficient manner to meet the objectives
Propose and support the continuous improvements of processes
Support the optimization and automation of tools
Lead maintenance of standard pricing operating procedures in collaboration with the sales team
Capitalize on best practices.
Develop and deliver ad hoc pricing KPI reports
Provide reporting data to the central controller
Collaborate with the central controller to prepare data, reporting and presentations to Top Management
Optimize the current tools and process in Excel VBA & MACRO
Create correspondence tables to link tools in order to increase data accuracy and reduce lead time of data processing
Participate in projects optimization and new tools implementation
Lead the system automation process by improving current Excel tools in order to transfer them into SAP master data
Assume ownership over leading SAP pricing maintenance and development
Ensure the adequate use of the tools is made available to the teams involved in projects acquisition and development
Provide support to the local team on the use of tools and train them on the operational best practices
Design, update and continuously improve a global database with all the awarded projects and modifications to be used as a basis for reporting to support decision makers
Carry out automatic consistency checks to track down errors in data input and processing
Reorganize the follow-up modifications files after each update or milestone to streamline the process in the benefit of the operational teams
Prepare the follow-up modifications files/part numbers that occurred during the project period & give the go-ahead to the operational teams (Sales & Quotations).
Develop and deliver standard pricing KPI reports, weekly and monthly, by plant, project and product family
Optimize the current tools and process in Excel VBA & MACRO
Create correspondence tables to link tools in order to increase data accuracy and reduce lead time of data processing
Participate in projects optimization and new tools implementation
Lead the system automation process by improving current Excel tools in order to transfer them into SAP master data
Assume ownership over leading SAP pricing maintenance and development
Ensure the adequate use of the tools is made available to the teams involved in projects acquisition and development
Provide support to the local team on the use of tools and train them on the operational best practices
Design, update and continuously improve a global database with all the awarded projects and modifications to be used as a basis for reporting to support decision makers
Carry out automatic consistency checks to track down errors in data input and processing
Reorganize the follow-up modifications files after each update or milestone to streamline the process in the benefit of the operational teams
Prepare the follow-up modifications files/part numbers that occurred during the project period & give the go-ahead to the operational teams (Sales & Quotations).
Develop and deliver standard pricing KPI reports, weekly and monthly, by plant, project and product family
Asigura evidenta contabila, sintetica si analitica, a furnizorilor de bunuri si servicii, inclusiv leasing, conform cerintelor locale;
Asigura evidenta contabila a imobilizarilor corporale si necorporale si a amortizarii lor , conform cerintelor fiscale si locale;
Opereaza in contabilitate documentele de intrare furnizori de imobilizari , inclusiv leasing (facturi);
Sustine activitatea Contabilului Sef privind analiza conturilor de imobilizari din balanta de verificare, furnizarea de informatii necesare intocmirii diverselor rapoarte interne si/sau externe si necesare eventualelor controale fiscale
Asigura evidenta contabila lunara a stocurilor de materii prime, materiale consumabile, a mijoacelor fixe si a obiectelor de inventar in depozit;
Asigura evidenta contabila lunara a stocurilor de produse finite, semifabricate si produse reziduale;
Asigura evidenta contabila lunara a stocurilor detinute in custodie si a stocurilor aflate la terti;
Ajuta la analiza conturilor de stocuri din balanta de verificare, furnizarea de informatii necesare intocmirii diverselor rapoarte interne si/sau externe si necesare eventualelor controale fiscale
Update and supervise sales prices and margins to ensure all quoted projects and modifications are updated and the KPIs are in line with the objectives
Analyze the gaps between projects’ turnover and KPIs based on volume, price, mix and currency
Analyze and explain the evolution of project vs. latest pricing update
Follow-up project modifications and alert on what is not in line with the objectives, to anticipate risks and minimize them
Control operational data consistency
Update the sales prices, part numbers, perimeters and projects within the project phase (from the award of a project to the start of production)
Track piece price amortization and accruals and follow-up on commercial contracts.
Provide support within the local team concerning the cost accounting principles
Negotiate and liaise with other branch employees to ensure quotations information are followed up in the most effective and efficient manner to meet the objectives
Propose and support the continuous improvements of processes
Support the optimization and automation of tools
Lead maintenance of standard pricing operating procedures in collaboration with the sales team
Capitalize on best practices.
Develop and deliver ad hoc pricing KPI reports
Provide reporting data to the central controller
Collaborate with the central controller to prepare data, reporting and presentations to Top Management
Optimize the current tools and process in Excel VBA & MACRO
Create correspondence tables to link tools in order to increase data accuracy and reduce lead time of data processing
Participate in projects optimization and new tools implementation
Lead the system automation process by improving current Excel tools in order to transfer them into SAP master data
Assume ownership over leading SAP pricing maintenance and development
Ensure the adequate use of the tools is made available to the teams involved in projects acquisition and development
Provide support to the local team on the use of tools and train them on the operational best practices
Design, update and continuously improve a global database with all the awarded projects and modifications to be used as a basis for reporting to support decision makers
Carry out automatic consistency checks to track down errors in data input and processing
Reorganize the follow-up modifications files after each update or milestone to streamline the process in the benefit of the operational teams
Prepare the follow-up modifications files/part numbers that occurred during the project period & give the go-ahead to the operational teams (Sales & Quotations).
Develop and deliver standard pricing KPI reports, weekly and monthly, by plant, project and product family
Responsible for all human resource activities that include recruitment, employment, compensation, labor relations, benefits, training and development;
Manage the whole of the recruitment process, providing a truly centralized service, investigate and drive new avenues of recruitment, organizing interviews, presenting verbal and written offer, update the recruitment database and the recruiting activity reports;
Responsible for the hiring process of the new employees;
Responsible for the Induction & Orientation process;
Updates and administers HR database;
Provide support in implementation of external and internal HR communication programs;
Provide support in training program administration, including program-related communication, scheduling, material production, participant tracking;
Assists with execution according to internal policies of all performance management related activities;
Provide support in organizing company events for employees