Comuna Dumbrăviţa, Str. MIGDALULUI, Nr. 78, cod poştal 307160, Apartament 10
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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
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Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (148)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 148 )
Machine Engineer - Wave Soldering
expirat: 24.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operator depozit
expirat: 03.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
ME technician
expirat: 03.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Production Team Leader
expirat: 13.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
ME technician
expirat: 16.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Junior Key Account Manager
expirat: 09.08.2024
Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Key Account Manager
expirat: 09.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Key Account Manager
expirat: 02.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Junior Key Account Manager
expirat: 02.08.2024
Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Planner and Material controller
expirat: 16.06.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Ensures the demand for materials, direct and indirect, to the Warehouse area
Formulating production plans, controlling material deliveries and ensuring completion of deliveries;
Collaborating to resolve issues in the delivery process
Prepare the following up table of material shortage, check the information of material shortage, and pull in the factory;
China transshipment of Romanian materials follow up;
Material inventory control, waste prevention, control and treatment
Take over the materials from the warehouse area, effectively check the amount of material delivered from the warehouse and record this material transfer in writing in the ERP system
Checks and ensures the correct handling of materials during takeover and distribution in the production line
Check the transactions in the ERP system: correct registration in the system, correspondence between the physical and the written quantity
Centralizes data and information resulting from production processes: scrap, nonconforming materials, etc
Operation of specific transactions in the system completely, respecting the internal procedures and processes
Responsible for the preparation of inventory activities in the production line and helps to carry it out
Observance of all the rules and regulations specific to the Production and of the departments and systems with which it comes into contact
Tracking material request transactions and confirming the execution of the transaction: physical, written and computer
Actively participates in ensuring the accuracy of stocks in the production line, according to internal processes
Plan, schedule, coordinate and approve production orders, based on material availability, capacity and customer priorities;
Ensures the availability of materials necessary for production, by all appropriate means and means so that availability is in optimal time and in standard conditions of quality of materials
Ensures the demand for materials, direct and indirect, to the Warehouse area
Formulating production plans, controlling material deliveries and ensuring completion of deliveries;
Collaborating to resolve issues in the delivery process
Prepare the following up table of material shortage, check the information of material shortage, and pull in the factory;
China transshipment of Romanian materials follow up;
Material inventory control, waste prevention, control and treatment
Take over the materials from the warehouse area, effectively check the amount of material delivered from the warehouse and record this material transfer in writing in the ERP system
Checks and ensures the correct handling of materials during takeover and distribution in the production line
Check the transactions in the ERP system: correct registration in the system, correspondence between the physical and the written quantity
Centralizes data and information resulting from production processes: scrap, nonconforming materials, etc
Operation of specific transactions in the system completely, respecting the internal procedures and processes
Responsible for the preparation of inventory activities in the production line and helps to carry it out
Observance of all the rules and regulations specific to the Production and of the departments and systems with which it comes into contact
Tracking material request transactions and confirming the execution of the transaction: physical, written and computer
Actively participates in ensuring the accuracy of stocks in the production line, according to internal processes
Plan, schedule, coordinate and approve production orders, based on material availability, capacity and customer priorities;
Ensures the availability of materials necessary for production, by all appropriate means and means so that availability is in optimal time and in standard conditions of quality of materials
Timely processing of all documentation and actions involved in order to assure availability of materials
Available for execution of all inbound and outbound shipments from/to Topband Romania
Responsible for import and export customs clearance of materials and equipment, look up HS code, check packing list, invoice, contract/order, bill of lading and other documents to ensure smooth customs clearance
Make standard operating procedure for import and export materials and equipment to ensure customs compliance and delivery in time
Optimize the best mode of transportation and customs clearance solution for import and export of materials and equipment from China and Europe
Transportation coordination and analysis
Assist in coordination of carrier networking
Assist in development of carrier leveraging capabilities
Choose best transportation method, on qualitative and price point of view
Completing proper documentation and insuring accuracy in all documentation for what is being received and/or shipped
Regular coordination of activity for area of responsibility, including reporting, offers, negotiation of prices, input for budgeting, etc
Oversee management of logistics systems tools
Maintain and promote a strong safety culture and follow all safety policies, procedures and regulations
Keep good relationship with local customs authorities and coordinate with customs broker to ensure customs declaration is completed and EDI is correct
Daily follow up special transportation requirements and reasons, and monthly report for all costs
Payroll docs and report management (attendance, salary payment)
Salary calculation and validation, payment statement
Support deployment of the right solution to apply in the internal system any legislation changes. Generates and submits the D112 declaration on social contributions
Generates the salary accounting note and the monthly reports according to the accounting plan. Provides support and advice to the management team on various cases regarding labour and tax legislation related to salary
Ensures the elaboration of the individual employment contracts and modifications of the contractual elements in the system and the transmission to ReviSal. Prepares and archives the personnel files of employees. Makes various reports at the request of management
Input Payroll and administration data for annual working plan, work out working plan for payroll and administration according to company and department strategy and plan; ensure the implement of yearly plan,
Prepares, evaluates, and proposes efficiency solutions regarding payroll and administration management reports
Connection and transaction handling of relevant Authorities (medical leave, holiday plan and report),
Ensures the relationship with the state institutions
Support HR manager and give advice on below activities:
coordinates HR activities ( recruitment and selection, personnel administration, payroll ~ performed by an external specialized company ~, training, evaluation, motivation, etc.);
identifies training and development needs based on department and company objectives;
Ensures the demand for materials, direct and indirect, to the Warehouse area
Formulating production plans, controlling material deliveries and ensuring completion of deliveries;
Collaborating to resolve issues in the delivery process
Prepare the following up table of material shortage, check the information of material shortage, and pull in the factory;
China transshipment of Romanian materials follow up;
Material inventory control, waste prevention, control and treatment
Take over the materials from the warehouse area, effectively check the amount of material delivered from the warehouse and record this material transfer in writing in the ERP system
Checks and ensures the correct handling of materials during takeover and distribution in the production line
Check the transactions in the ERP system: correct registration in the system, correspondence between the physical and the written quantity
Centralizes data and information resulting from production processes: scrap, nonconforming materials, etc
Operation of specific transactions in the system completely, respecting the internal procedures and processes
Responsible for the preparation of inventory activities in the production line and helps to carry it out
Observance of all the rules and regulations specific to the Production and of the departments and systems with which it comes into contact
Tracking material request transactions and confirming the execution of the transaction: physical, written and computer
Actively participates in ensuring the accuracy of stocks in the production line, according to internal processes
Plan, schedule, coordinate and approve production orders, based on material availability, capacity and customer priorities;
Ensures the availability of materials necessary for production, by all appropriate means and means so that availability is in optimal time and in standard conditions of quality of materials
Payroll docs and report management (attendance, salary payment)
Salary calculation and validation, payment statement
Support deployment of the right solution to apply in the internal system any legislation changes. Generates and submits the D112 declaration on social contributions
Generates the salary accounting note and the monthly reports according to the accounting plan. Provides support and advice to the management team on various cases regarding labour and tax legislation related to salary
Ensures the elaboration of the individual employment contracts and modifications of the contractual elements in the system and the transmission to ReviSal. Prepares and archives the personnel files of employees. Makes various reports at the request of management
Input Payroll and administration data for annual working plan, work out working plan for payroll and administration according to company and department strategy and plan; ensure the implement of yearly plan,
Prepares, evaluates, and proposes efficiency solutions regarding payroll and administration management reports
Connection and transaction handling of relevant Authorities (medical leave, holiday plan and report),
Ensures the relationship with the state institutions
Support HR manager and give advice on below activities:
coordinates HR activities ( recruitment and selection, personnel administration, payroll ~ performed by an external specialized company ~, training, evaluation, motivation, etc.);
identifies training and development needs based on department and company objectives;
Urmareste aplicarea si respectarea prevederile legale in vigoare si alte cerinte referitoare la sanatate si securitate in munca;
Reprezinta punctul de lucru in relatiile cu autoritatile locale cu atributii in domeniul sanatate si securitate in munca la solicitarea acestora sau in caz de evenimente;
Intocmeste raportari periodice legate de managementul sanatatii si securitatii in munca;
Verifica respectarea cerintelor legale si implementarea standardelor SSM;
Efectueaza cercetarea evenimentelor legate de sanatatea si securitea angajatilor si raportari interne si externe legate de aceste evenimente;
Participarea la intocmirea de raportari catre autoritatile din domeniu conform legislatiei in vigoare, cat si catre departamentele interne relevante;
Planificarea si organizarea activitatii de aparare impotriva incendiilor si de protectie civila cadrul organizatiei;
Intreprinde actiuni de prevenirea riscurilor producerii unor situatii de urgenta, activitati de indrumare si control;
Planifica si defasoara controale, verificari si alte actiuni de prevenire privind modul de aplicare a prevederilor legale in domeniul situatiilor de urgenta si stabileste masurile necesare pentru cresterea nivelului de securitate al persoanelor si bunurilor
Desfasoara activitati de informare in randul angajatiilor, partenerilor etc, a tipurilor de risc specifice zonei de competente , masurilor de prevenire precum si a conduitei de urmat pe timpul situatiilor de urgenta
Organizeaza pregatirea personalului voluntar in domeniul situatiilor de urgenta
Participa la elaborarea procedurilor specifice zonei de competena in domeniul prevenirii si interventiei in situatii de urgenta
Se asigura de avizarea / autorizarea in domeniul PSI pentru activitatile desfasurate la locurile de munca, conform recomandarilor ISU a legislatiei
Planifica, elaboreaza si coordoneaza planul operativ pentru SU si alte activitati de pregatire, de verificare a actiunilor intreprinse si a personalului
Cerceteaza cauzele in caz de incendiu, conditiile si imprejurarile carea au determinat ori au favorizat producerea accidentelor si/sau incendiilor;
Intocmeste conform cerintelor ISU; Planul anual de prevenire si stingerea incendiilor, Planul de instruire a salariatilor
Planificarea si organizarea activitatii de aparare impotriva incendiilor si de protectie civila cadrul organizatiei;
Intreprinde actiuni de prevenirea riscurilor producerii unor situatii de urgenta, activitati de indrumare si control;
Planifica si defasoara controale, verificari si alte actiuni de prevenire privind modul de aplicare a prevederilor legale in domeniul situatiilor de urgenta si stabileste masurile necesare pentru cresterea nivelului de securitate al persoanelor si bunurilor
Desfasoara activitati de informare in randul angajatiilor, partenerilor etc, a tipurilor de risc specifice zonei de competente , masurilor de prevenire precum si a conduitei de urmat pe timpul situatiilor de urgenta
Organizeaza pregatirea personalului voluntar in domeniul situatiilor de urgenta
Participa la elaborarea procedurilor specifice zonei de competena in domeniul prevenirii si interventiei in situatii de urgenta
Se asigura de avizarea / autorizarea in domeniul PSI pentru activitatile desfasurate la locurile de munca, conform recomandarilor ISU a legislatiei
Planifica, elaboreaza si coordoneaza planul operativ pentru SU si alte activitati de pregatire, de verificare a actiunilor intreprinse si a personalului
Cerceteaza cauzele in caz de incendiu, conditiile si imprejurarile carea au determinat ori au favorizat producerea accidentelor si/sau incendiilor;
Intocmeste conform cerintelor ISU; Planul anual de prevenire si stingerea incendiilor, Planul de instruire a salariatilor
Timely processing of all documentation and actions involved in order to assure availability of materials
Available for execution of all inbound and outbound shipments from/to Topband Romania
Responsible for import and export customs clearance of materials and equipment, look up HS code, check packing list, invoice, contract/order, bill of lading and other documents to ensure smooth customs clearance
Make standard operating procedure for import and export materials and equipment to ensure customs compliance and delivery in time
Optimize the best mode of transportation and customs clearance solution for import and export of materials and equipment from China and Europe
Transportation coordination and analysis
Assist in coordination of carrier networking
Assist in development of carrier leveraging capabilities
Choose best transportation method, on qualitative and price point of view
Completing proper documentation and insuring accuracy in all documentation for what is being received and/or shipped
Regular coordination of activity for area of responsibility, including reporting, offers, negotiation of prices, input for budgeting, etc
Oversee management of logistics systems tools
Maintain and promote a strong safety culture and follow all safety policies, procedures and regulations
Keep good relationship with local customs authorities and coordinate with customs broker to ensure customs declaration is completed and EDI is correct
Daily follow up special transportation requirements and reasons, and monthly report for all costs