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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (18)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 18 )
Account Manager
82 Calea Griviței, București
expirat: 26.12.2019
Middle (2-5 ani)
Immersing yourself in the essential dynamics, strategies, and drivers of your client’s business
Putting your clients first, interfacing regularly with those in mid-level positions and constantly hunting for integrated solutions that are innovative and relevant
Interfacing regularly with all capabilities, including creative, and strategy teams, and keeping them all informed, focused, and enthused about the work and the business
Communicating changes to plans and working closely with the AD to ensure budget and project calibration
Contributing to the development of business reporting and offering a lens into the client’s competitive environment through competitive analysis and presentations
Staying current on industry trends and campaigns and bringing “outside” thinking to your clients
Demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the dynamics of your client’s business and helping the agency navigate their political structure
“Planning the meeting”, ensuring preparation for every meeting so the work is enthusiastically accepted
Initiating thought leadership projects that enhance our reputation and add value to our client’s business
Demonstrating strong collaboration skills with internal teams building strong links with them
Acting as an open and willing resource to team members in assessing ideas and directions
Participating in the presentation and selling through of work
Consistently helping to deliver flawless creative execution