Municipiul Sfântu Gheorghe, Str. CIUCULUI, Nr. 149/A
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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (58)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 58 )
Sales Representative
Sfântu Gheorghe
expirat: 13.03.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Mecanic intretinere si reparatii masini de cusut
Sfântu Gheorghe
expirat: 01.03.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Customer Relationship Manager
Sfântu Gheorghe
expirat: 18.01.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Building and maintaining profitable relationships with customers
Resolving customer complaints quickly and efficiently
Ensuring the interface between company departments and customers
Understanding the requests received from clients and approaching them effectively, manages communication with clients from product development till production/delivery
Understanding key customer individual needs and addressing these
Building and maintaining profitable relationships with customers
Resolving customer complaints quickly and efficiently
Ensuring the interface between company departments and customers
Understanding the requests received from clients and approaching them effectively, manages communication with clients from product development till production/delivery
Understanding key customer individual needs and addressing these
Building and maintaining profitable relationships with customers
Resolving customer complaints quickly and efficiently
Ensuring the interface between company departments and customers
Understanding the requests received from clients and approaching them effectively, manages communication with clients from product development till production/delivery
Understanding key customer individual needs and addressing these
Building and maintaining profitable relationships with customers
Resolving customer complaints quickly and efficiently
Ensuring the interface between company departments and customers
Understanding the requests received from clients and approaching them effectively, manages communication with clients from product development till production/delivery
Understanding key customer individual needs and addressing these
verifica si prelucreaza zilnic documentele contabile (ex. facturi furnizori, chitante, extrase de cont, registru de casa, facturi clienti, ordine de plata);
intocmeste si verifica tuturor registrelor contabile relevante (ex. registrului jurnal, inventar, registrul de evidenta fiscala);
verifica corectitudinea si legalitatea intocmirii documentelor fiscale cu care lucreaza;
efectueaza inregistrarile contabile, asigurandu-se de corecta componenta a tuturor soldurilor din balanta;
depune la timp formularele specifice in format electronic ,
Placing purchase orders on time with vendors and tracking of receiving OC in due time, quantity, and agreed price;
Tracking imports considering receptions to be done on time;
Tracking leftover stocks for clients assigned with CRM and relocating them in the following production seasons;
Transfers PO to UP in time and complete (without missing accessories) integral / partial;
Ensures that places the orders in time, so that the imports of fabric will be produced at the desired time (When product ordering in the warehouse get ready they do not show any shortages);
Collaborates directly and efficiently with the responsible technologist / customer in relation to setting the size details for specific accessories: straps, zips, strips, etc.;
Achieving suppliers relationship targets and KPI’s as set by the Head of Operations;
Claiming certain qualitative problems of raw and auxiliary materials and follows up solving complaints
Organizes distribution activities, monitors inventory and analyzes requirements in order to develop strategies to achieve desired delivery times and order fill rates;
Coordinates all logistics activities with internal/external customers;
Keeps the contact with internal and external stakeholders, including custom commissioners relating all import/export activities;
Conducts the activities related to custom formalities and all other activities related to import/export;
Monitors the cost effectiveness in the job related field;
Prepares and maintains appropriate records and reports
verifica si comunica cantitatile rezultate din croit
intocmeste un raport de calitate
controleaza pe fluxul de productie calitatea executiei operatiilor conform cu documentatia tehnica aferenta
controleaza calitativ si dimensional produsele in fazele de executie si dupa calcatul final, prin sondaj sau integral la cerea sefului direct
verifica daca in momentul livrarii comanda corespunde ca numar de bucati ca si cantitate croita
urmareste returnarea dispozitivelor, utilajelor de lucru, a plusurilor de materiale si accesorii trimise fabricilor de productie pentru realizarea comenzilor
sa mentina si sa imbunatateasca sistemul calitatii
sa trateze neconformitatile si sa stabileasca masurile corective impreuna cu seful de department (birou)
sa asigure si implementarea tehnicilor, metodelor si instrumentelor specifice managementului calitatii
sa elaboreze si sa implementeze tehnici si metode de asigurare asistata de calculator a calitatii
sa participle la implementarea sistemul calitatii
sa obtina informatii de specialitate
sa acorde consultanta documentarã utilizatorilor in functie de cerintele de informare ale acestora
sa participe activ la rezolvarea sarcinilor echipei
Coordinate and execute follow up studies and activities to improve productivity;
Screening of upcoming styles on time to prepare and implement:
most efficient workmanships
devices, folders + attachments
Daily follow up of productivity reports and KPI;
Daily follow up of general reports;
Follow up of all training activities in factory;
Coordinating the activities of the engineering department;
Verifying the technical documentation sent by clients and elaborating the necessary technical documentation for the development of the activity in the production lines;
Improving the individual and group performance; and motivating staff in the engineering department;
Maintaining and improving the production processes in order to achieve the company’s objectives
Achievement of agreed budget as set up in close cooperation with superior;
Follow up stocks in production;
Hourly follow up target boards in line;
Execute and follow up line balancing;
Follow up achievement of quality standard;
Follow up input of new orders/style;
Read and study technical documentation of each order;
Participate in brainstorming meetings;
Implement and maintain an efficient continuous improvement process regarding productivity, average number of produced pieces per day, excess cost, quality level, return quota and people development;
Create and implement an environment and an atmosphere in which employees in production are motivated to reflect on changes for improvement and to express their ideas and options;
Manage and develop the employees production in a way, which supports their abilities, knowledge, initiative and involvment, and utilize that with the meaning of fulfilling the company's objectives;
Support and effective teamwork between all department leaders and the management of the company in order to run the company successfully;
Prevention of the causes of the non–quality and the waste of time, in order to minimize the costs of the company;
Improvement of the training and development of the group leaders, through the identification of the weak points in training and contribution to diminishing the gaps;
Create teamwork between team leaders and other members of management team.
Coordinates the entire activity of negotiation, preparation and administration of commercial contracts; ensure that they are legally correct;
Provide support in terms of labour legislation.;
Liaise with the technical department and dealing with documentation and obtaining permits required by law
Manage and work with getting the endorsement of company documents (land book, etc.)
Coordinate and handle actively getting documentation required by law in case of investments (ex. building authorization, registration in the Land Registry Book etc.)
Preparing periodic financial statements and reports required by management;
Maintains a very good evidence of invoices on managed area, verifying and approving the invoices; responsible with reporting to CFO Manager the situation of invoices according to the agreed reporting kit
Closely monitories the costs in coordinated area and is responsible with identifying and proposing to CFO best solutions to optimize the costs. Offers support to CFO in budget construction and closely monitories it;
Coordinates and solves the spontaneous situations in coordinated area, involving and proposing solutions to solve the situations;
Plans, coordinates and supervises the activity of the direct subordinates, allocating responsibilities, evaluating the personnel and offering them support when needed to ensure performance on administrative area