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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Lead and manage the end-to-end M&A process, including deal sourcing, due diligence, valuation, negotiation, and integration
Develop and execute M&A strategies aligned with the company's overall business objectives
Perform critical assessments of business plans (for acquisitions and greenfield) and the underlying assumptions, in accordance with the strategic vision of company
Model the financial impacts of greenfield investments and M&A projects
Identify and evaluate potential acquisition targets, conducting thorough market and financial analysis
Collaborate with cross-functional teams to assess and mitigate risks associated with M&A transactions; Work closely with external and internal teams for the due diligence process and act as a facilitator for the integration process;
Build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, including investors, legal advisors, and target company executives
Prepare and present comprehensive reports and recommendations to senior management
Stay updated on industry trends, market conditions, and regulatory changes to identify new opportunities
Conduct thorough financial analysis, including budgeting, forecasting, and variance analysis
Prepare and present financial reports to management, highlighting key findings, deviations/variations and recommendations. Identify improvements measures and track the implementation
Assist in the development of financial models and projections to support business planning and investment decisions. Review investment related invoices versus approved project values
Monitor and analyze market trends, competitor performance, and industry benchmarks to identify potential risks and opportunities
Collaborate with cross-functional teams to gather and analyze financial data, ensuring accuracy and completeness
Provide support in financial planning and budgeting processes, including the development of financial targets and performance metrics
Contribute to the preparation of business cases and investment proposals, evaluating their financial feasibility and potential returns
Partner with Payroll to ensure salaries and benefits are correctly recorded;
Assist in the evaluation of new business opportunities, conducting financial due diligence and risk assessments
Stay updated with relevant financial regulations, accounting standards, and industry best practices
Managementul reclamatiilor si cel al satisfactiei pacientului;
Stabilirea detaliilor legate de sedinte, instruiri si calatorii;
Expedierea coletelor departamentului in timp util;
Intocmeste rapoarte prin colectarea datelor si analiza acestora, inclusiv a indicatorilor de performanta – raporteaza lunar Comitetului de SMC, CM si CD;
Asigură actualizarea in sharepoint a autorizatiilor si avizelor;
Monitorizeaza sesizarile si cererile pe calitate si protectia datelor;
Participa la analizarea performanței SMC la intervalele planificate, pentru a asigura în permanență conformitatea, caracterul adecvat și eficiența acestuia;
Contribuie la mentenanta QMS;
Duce la bun sfarsit proiectele alocate, verifica rezultatele si implementarea acestora;
Participa la instruiri, pregatiri, cursuri in vederea imbunatatirii cunostintelor profesionale
Documentează, realizează, planifică și implementează politicile și procedurile interne medicale , cât și cele mai bune practici în modul de lucru al echipei. Creeaza standarde de conduita medicala pentru toate procesele si procedurile medicale din centrele medicale
Defineste standarde de management al riscului (revizie periodica/anuala a riscurilor clinice)
Gestionează documentația, rapoartele medicale si minutele de sedinte in comisiile medicale si intocmeste rapoarte relevante dupa fiecare sedinta
Intampina clientii care sosesc in clinica si le ofera informatiile solicitate, ii indruma catre cabinetul medical unde va avea loc consultatia/investigatia;
Preia apelurile telefonice;
Programeaza sau reprogrameaza pacientii la diferite consultatii/investigatii;
Incaseaza contravaloarea serviciilor medicale si completeaza facturi fiscale;
Gestioneaza dosarele medicale, fisele si cererile pacientilor;
Elibereaza rezultatele analizelor;
Preia si distribuie corespondenta;
Promoveaza imaginea si seviciile Centrului Medical