Municipiul Timişoara, Calea ARADULUI, DN 69 KM 6 + 625 STG
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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (992)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 992 )
Motostivuitorist cu ISCIR
expirat: 13.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Tehnician Mentenanta Injectie Mase Plastice
expirat: 09.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
CAE Engineer (CFD)
expirat: 13.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Production Manager
expirat: 09.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Economist ( 2 ani determinat)
expirat: 04.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Tehnician Proces
expirat: 28.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Commodity buyer- Plastics
expirat: 25.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Commodity buyer- Plastics
Calea Aradului, Timișoara
expirat: 25.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Execute the purchasing activities within defined commodities (plastics)
Ensure in-time availability of components in right quality fulfilling the cost targets
Collect information about prices, suppliers, technical changes within the field of responsibilities. Clarify demands with related functions. Align prices and delivery times with requirements. Clarify the technical requirements and quality requirements based on drawings, specifications etc. Select suppliers for RFQ process. Initiate technical verification. Initiate VA/VE activities. Follow-up deliveries
Implement purchase strategies and participate in the development of these in consultation with the supervisor respectively the related lead buyer
Negotiate quantities, prices, delivery times, and delivery conditions within the authorization related with the position. Beyond this, prepare requested documentation, support negotiations and initiate internal decisions
Generate price comparisons with the goal to optimize the supply situation, initiate e.g. VA/VE activities, validations, etc
Overall responsibility for the successful execution of Purchasing projects in order to achieve the project objectives concerning costs, quality and timing Coordination of project team members, customers, internal and external development partners, suppliers and production facilities
Functional leadership of the project team where purchasing has the lead Planning and assigning work packages to the team while monitoring and controlling the progress Project reporting and presentation to management committees Create and maintain transparency within the project
Application of company standards / methods / processes and implication of MAHLE global commodity strategies
Supplier visits / meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Internal and external reporting, including related activities; required)
Collaboration in projects and documentation / presentation of results
Member of the Project Core Team, he is the sub-project leader coordinating all purchased component activities, defined in the Purchasing RASIC chart
Responsible for the achievement of Purchasing TARGET (C, Q&T)
Active lead and control for realization / contribution in new projects for purchased components based on project goals and on commodity strategies (Project management, RFQ’s, Tech & Commercial Reviews, Negociations, Supplier selection,contracting, ordering)
Assessment of suppliers and quotations for commercial& technical sustainability
Application of MAHLE standars / methods / processes and implication of MAHLE global commodity strategies
Supplier visits / meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Internal and external reporting, including related activities
Collaboration in projects and documentation / presentation of results
Participation and participation in PFMEA meetings, audits, MOP & mock-up workshops, preliminary and final acceptance
Procurement of machines and assembly equipment
Support of external plant suppliers
Management of project team meetings
Creation and updating of documents accompanying the process (work plans, process parameters, setting plans, work instructions, PAP, dummy specifications, rework plans, emergency plan, safety acceptance, P-FMEA)
Participation in internal process series acceptance
Participation in external process series acceptance
Process optimization of ongoing series projects (VA/VE, PPI, iPCO, fault analyses, failure analyses, set-up time analyses,)
Support during project ramp-up until handover to production
Derularea operatiunilor de import - export in procedura normala de vamuire
Consultanta vamala si comerciala privind procedurile vamale, derularea operatiunilor de comert exterior si a contractelor de transport international
Evidente privind operatiunile vamale
Responsabil cu raportarile statistice Intrastat
Coordonarea activitatii de vamuire si realizarea procedurilor vamale cu maxima operativitate
Organizeaza, urmareaste si raporteaza transporturile speciale generate de toate departamentele respectand procedurile interne
Asigura activitati de back-up in relatia cu furnizorii de transport atat pentru import cat si pentru export
Verifica, la nevoie, facturile transportatorilor pentru transporturile speciale si pastreaza legatura cu departamentul financiar/ team leader-ul in acest sens
Planifica si coordoneaza desfasurarea activitatilor de transport( avizare, calcul volumetric, oferta pret etc)
Benchmark transporturi speciale, analiza oferte pret, organizare transport
Monitorizare aplicatii transport
Coordoneaza activitatea de transport precum si relatia cu partenerii de transport
Ofera suport pentru echipa de material planner si customer logistics
Planifica actiunile necesare in vederea respectarii termenelor de livrare impreuna cu echipa
Intocmeste situatii si rapoarte referitoare la performanta logistica
Analizeaza costurile de transport
Analizeaza costurile de transporturi speciale
Verifica facturile de transport
Intocmeste alte rapoarte referitoare la activitatea de livrare, transport, vama
In functie de necesitati, ajuta la realizarea altor activitati in cadrul departamentului
Conduceți și supravegheați o echipă de lucrători de producție, oferind îndrumări și sprijin pentru a asigura atingerea obiectivelor de producție și a standardelor de calitate
Planifică și organizează programele de producție, asigurând utilizarea optimă a resurselor și respectarea termenelor limită
Monitorizați procesele de producție, identificând zonele de îmbunătățire și implementând soluții eficiente pentru a spori eficiența și productivitatea
Colaborați cu echipe interfuncționale inginerie, control al calității și întreținere, pentru a rezolva problemele de producție și pentru a stimula îmbunătățirea continuă
Formați și dezvoltați membrii echipei, promovând o cultură a învățării și creșterii
As a Requirements Engineer you are responsible for the analysis, documentation, coordination, and management of requirements for systems (mechatronic and mechanical systems) throughout the whole development proces
You identify and understand the customer’s project-specific demands and document them in a clear and binding way. By this, you act as the interface between the customer and the internal and external developers
You will create system and component specifications based on stakeholder requirements, legal requirements, international/national/company standards, and lessons learned
You coordination the information exchange with customers and suppliers
Furthermore, you participate in the Improvement of our requirements management tools and processes
Ofera suport departamentelor interne pe parte de conformare cu cerintele legale de Securitate Sanatate in Munca, Prevenirea Stingerea Incendiilor si ISCIR / CNCIR
Responsabil de instruire si pastrare evidente conform Legiisi Legiiactualizate cu normele de aplicare in vigoare
Inregistreaza si pastreaza evidenta la zi a flotei de echipamente si personal autorizat conform cerintelor ISCIR / CNCIR
Asigura suport in cazul gestionarii deseurilor
Participa activ in cazul cercetarilor de Securitate Sanatate in Munca , Prevenirea Stingerea Incendiilor si ISCIR / CNCIR oferind suport departamentelor interne
Asigura evidenta si pastrarea mijloacelor de stingere in valabilitate si utilizabile
Asigura suport in cazul gestionarii deseurilor
Asigura suport pentru mentinerea sistemelor de management ISISO 45001
Active contribution in new projects for purchased parts (APQP for purchased parts and supplier development)
Planning and assuring quality of purchased parts applying quality methods and tools (FMEA, APQP, PPAP, SPC, 8D)
Assessment and approval of suppliers and supplier production processes
Perform supplier audits according VDA and supplier assessments - define development actions (Audits, PPAP, RunRate,...)
Perform process, risk and quality audits at suppliers (including development), implementation tracking and monitoring of supplier corrective action effectiveness
Problem solving tracking (8D method, Paynter chart,…)
Active contribution in teams to develop supplier strategies (Team work with purchasing, project teams, plants and central functions and for VA/VE activities)
Active contribution in teams to develop quality strategies for supplied parts (team work with central functions of Business Unit)
Preparation, follow-up and wrap up of quality agreements with suppliers
Supplier visits/meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Conduceți și supravegheați o echipă de lucrători de producție, oferind îndrumări și sprijin pentru a asigura atingerea obiectivelor de producție și a standardelor de calitate
Planifică și organizează programele de producție, asigurând utilizarea optimă a resurselor și respectarea termenelor limită
Monitorizați procesele de producție, identificând zonele de îmbunătățire și implementând soluții eficiente pentru a spori eficiența și productivitatea
Colaborați cu echipe interfuncționale inginerie, control al calității și întreținere, pentru a rezolva problemele de producție și pentru a stimula îmbunătățirea continuă
Formați și dezvoltați membrii echipei, promovând o cultură a învățării și creșterii
Analizeaza impreuna cu QS, piesele respinse de catre operatori, completeaza identificarea caracteristici neconforme ale componentelor in analiza cu decizia la neconformitatea constatata pe linia de fabricatie
Colaboreaza cu serviciile adiacente (Productie, Logistica, Calitate, QS)
Stabileste mostre de control pentru inspectia componentelor pe linia de productie
Se asigura inainte de utilizare de valabilitatea din punct de vedere metrologic a echipamentelor de masuraredidotare sianunta Laboratorul in cazul expirarii acestora
Verifica prin calibrari echipamentele utilizate inainte si la sfarsitul procesului de inspectie dimensionala siinformeaza Laboratorul cu privire la neconformitatea acestora
Efectueaza incercari simasuratori prinprelevare impuse, conform cerintelor din planul de control (SAP)
Urmareste calitatea materiilor prime si a materialelor prin efectuarea verificarii buletinelor de analiza respectiv a Certificatului de Conformitate astfel incat materiile prime si materilalele sa fie conforme cu cerintele impuse
Mentineevidenta ca urmare a verificarilor calitatative fisa de masuratori si a planului de control din SAP
Gestioneaza notificarile/reclamatiile de calitate (inclusiv inspectiile loturilor livrate ulterior incidentului de calitate, pentru urmarirea eficientei actiunilor luate de catre furnizor)
Coordoneaza actiunile imediate dupa incidentele de calitate
Gestioneaza CAR (incluzand initierea, urmarirea, escaladarea, validarea actiunilor corective incompanie si la furnizor, verifcarea prezentei marcajelor pe produsele reclamate)
Gestioneaza initierea COPQ
Urmareste si informeaza compania sifurnizoriicu privire la performanta de calitate a componentelor livrate
In caz de probleme calitative se anunta imediat coorodonatorul siurmaresteremedierea problemei, initiaza reclamatia lafurnizor, completata cu detalii referitoare la natura si tipul defectuluiarticipa la completarea acesteia cu planul de actiuni precum si a fisei “5 De Ce / 5M’’
Urmareste actualizarile si modificarile aduse planului de control si semnalarea imediata a oricaror inadvertente dintre ceea ce este scris si ceea ce se face propriu zis coordonatorului
Stabileste modul de lucru sireceptie componente: plan de control, caracteristici de verificat, esantionare, plan de inspectie in SAP
Informeaza QS pentruoprirea productiei in cazul in care reperele nu sunt conforme sau existenta suspiciuni
Member of the Project Core Team, he is the sub-project leader coordinating all purchased component activities, defined in the Purchasing RASIC chart
Responsible for the achievement of Purchasing TARGET (C, Q&T)
Active lead and control for realization / contribution in new projects for purchased components based on project goals and on commodity strategies (Project management, RFQ’s, Tech & Commercial Reviews, Negociations, Supplier selection,contracting, ordering)
Assessment of suppliers and quotations for commercial& technical sustainability
Application of MAHLE standars / methods / processes and implication of MAHLE global commodity strategies
Supplier visits / meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Internal and external reporting, including related activities
Collaboration in projects and documentation / presentation of results
Implement purchase strategies and participate in the development of these in consultation with the supervisor respectively the related lead buyer
Negotiate quantities, prices, delivery times, and delivery conditions within the authorization related with the position. Beyond this, prepare requested documentation, support negotiations and initiate internal decisions
Generate price comparisons with the goal to optimize the supply situation, initiate
VA/VE activities, validations, etc
Overall responsibility for the successful execution of Purchasing projects in order to achieve the project objectives concerning costs, quality and timing Coordination of project team members, customers, internal and external development partners, suppliers and production facilities
Functional leadership of the project team where purchasing has the lead
Planning and assigning work packages to the team while monitoring and controlling the progress
Project reporting and presentation to management committees
Create and maintain transparency within the project
Application of company standards / methods / processes and implication of MAHLE global commodity strategies
Supplier visits / meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Internal and external reporting, including related activities; required)
Collaboration in projects and documentation / presentation of results
Member of the Project Core Team, he is the sub-project leader coordinating all purchased component activities, defined in the Purchasing RASIC chart
Responsible for the achievement of Purchasing TARGET (C, Q&T)
Active lead and control for realization / contribution in new projects for purchased components based on project goals and on commodity strategies (Project management, RFQ’s, Tech & Commercial Reviews, Negociations, Supplier selection,contracting, ordering)
Assessment of suppliers and quotations for commercial& technical sustainability
Application of MAHLE standars / methods / processes and implication of MAHLE global commodity strategies
Supplier visits / meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Internal and external reporting, including related activities
Collaboration in projects and documentation / presentation of results
Product portfolio management (cross segments) for the defined product group / last man standing strategy with profit responsibility for IAM Filter Elements
Responsible for acquisition and PDP phase (OE/OES cabin air & IAM Filter Elements & new IAM product (. coolers))
Analyze market requirements and evaluate business cases for discussion and agreement with the superior - main focus for IAM business
Participate on the definition of the pricing strategy “value based” for new products & pricing strategy for regional projects with alignment of cost calculation and improvement for the defined product group
Profit management based on margin analysis and balance segment profitability to achieve general (profit) target for the defined product group
Global collaboration with other functions (R&D, Purchasing, Quality, and between the regional organizations)
Lead, motivate and develop the subordinates in the area of responsibility
Mentoring of Product Managers and Commercial Planner
Coordination of project team members, customers, internal and external development partners, suppliers and several production facilities with location specific requirements
Planning and assigning work packages to the team while monitoring and controlling the progress
Planning and managing strategic product development projects with a high complexity in an international environment.( task forces)
Ensuring of simultaneous engineering as well as effective opportunity and risk management in projects with an increased risk potential
Execute the purchasing activities within defined commodities. Ensure in-time availability of components in right quality fulfilling the cost targets
Collect information about prices, suppliers, technical changes within the field of responsibilities. Clarify demands with related functions. Align prices and delivery times with requirements. Clarify the technical requirements and quality requirements based on drawings, specifications etc. Select suppliers for RFQ process. Initiate technical verification. Initiate VA/VE activities. Follow-up deliveries
Implement purchase strategies and participate in the development of these in consultation with the supervisor respectively the related lead buyer
Negotiate quantities, prices, delivery times, and delivery conditions within the authorization related with the position. Beyond this, prepare requested documentation, support negotiations and initiate internal decisions
Generate price comparisons with the goal to optimize the supply situation, initiate . VA/VE activities, validations, etc
Overall responsibility for the successful execution of Purchasing projects in order to achieve the project objectives concerning costs, quality and timing Coordination of project team members, customers, internal and external development partners, suppliers and production facilities
Functional leadership of the project team where purchasing has the lead Planning and assigning work packages to the team while monitoring and controlling the progress Project reporting and presentation to management committees Create and maintain transparency within the project
Application of company standards / methods / processes and implication of MAHLE global commodity strategies
Supplier visits / meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Internal and external reporting, including related activities; required)
Collaboration in projects and documentation / presentation of results
Execute the purchasing activities within defined commodities. Ensure in-time availability of components in right quality fulfilling the cost targets
Collect information about prices, suppliers, technical changes within the field of responsibilities. Clarify demands with related functions. Align prices and delivery times with requirements. Clarify the technical requirements and quality requirements based on drawings, specifications etc. Select suppliers for RFQ process. Initiate technical verification. Initiate VA/VE activities. Follow-up deliveries
Implement purchase strategies and participate in the development of these in consultation with the supervisor respectively the related lead buyer
Negotiate quantities, prices, delivery times, and delivery conditions within the authorization related with the position. Beyond this, prepare requested documentation, support negotiations and initiate internal decisions
Generate price comparisons with the goal to optimize the supply situation, initiate . VA/VE activities, validations, etc
Overall responsibility for the successful execution of Purchasing projects in order to achieve the project objectives concerning costs, quality and timing Coordination of project team members, customers, internal and external development partners, suppliers and production facilities
Functional leadership of the project team where purchasing has the lead Planning and assigning work packages to the team while monitoring and controlling the progress Project reporting and presentation to management committees Create and maintain transparency within the project
Application of company standards / methods / processes and implication of MAHLE global commodity strategies
Supplier visits / meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Internal and external reporting, including related activities; required)
Collaboration in projects and documentation / presentation of results
Active contribution in new projects for purchased parts (APQP for purchased parts and supplier development)
Planning and assuring quality of purchased parts applying quality methods and tools (FMEA, APQP, PPAP, SPC, 8D)
Assessment and approval of suppliers and supplier production processes
Perform supplier audits according VDA and supplier assessments - define development actions (Audits, PPAP, RunRate,...)
Perform process, risk and quality audits at suppliers (including development), implementation tracking and monitoring of supplier corrective action effectiveness
Problem solving tracking (8D method, Paynter chart,…)
Active contribution in teams to develop supplier strategies (Team work with purchasing, project teams, plants and central functions and for VA/VE activities)
Active contribution in teams to develop quality strategies for supplied parts (team work with central functions of Business Unit)
Preparation, follow-up and wrap up of quality agreements with suppliers
Supplier visits/meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Member of the Project Core Team, he is the sub-project leader coordinating all purchased component activities, defined in the Purchasing RASIC chart
Responsible for the achievement of Purchasing TARGET (C, Q&T)
Active lead and control for realization / contribution in new projects for purchased components based on project goals and on commodity strategies (Project management, RFQ’s, Tech & Commercial Reviews, Negociations, Supplier selection,contracting, ordering)
Assessment of suppliers and quotations for commercial& technical sustainability
Application of MAHLE standars / methods / processes and implication of MAHLE global commodity strategies
Supplier visits / meetings (including domestic and international travel as required)
Internal and external reporting, including related activities
Collaboration in projects and documentation / presentation of results
Asigura si monitorizeaza procesul de problem solving (0 km si field) la nivel de fabrica
Mentinerea si imbunatatirea procesului de field failures analyse la nivel de fabrica
Monitorizarea cerintelor de standard si a CSR cu privire la tratarea produselor returnate (0km si field)
Mentinerea contactului permanent cu clientul prin canalele de comunicare agreate;
Coordonarea analizei produselor reclamate si inaintarea catre client a raportului de analiza rezultat;
Escaladarea posibilelor termene depasite la client
Analiza reclamatiilor de la clienti impreuna cu serviciile direct implicate( productie, logistica), initierea, completarea si urmarirea raportului 8D/Web 8D; portal client
Extragerea periodica a informatiilor de calitate din sistemele de raportare ale clientului si informarea organizatiei cu privire la acestea
Propunere si realizare de imbunatatiri pentru eficientizarea modului de lucru si rezultatelor obtinute;
Product portfolio management (cross segments) for the defined product group / last man standing strategy with profit responsibility for IAM Filter Elements
Responsible for acquisition and PDP phase (OE/OES cabin air & IAM Filter Elements & new IAM product (. coolers))
Analyze market requirements and evaluate business cases for discussion and agreement with the superior - main focus for IAM business
Participate on the definition of the pricing strategy “value based” for new products & pricing strategy for regional projects with alignment of cost calculation and improvement for the defined product group
Profit management based on margin analysis and balance segment profitability to achieve general (profit) target for the defined product group
Global collaboration with other functions (R&D, Purchasing, Quality, and between the regional organizations)
Lead, motivate and develop the subordinates in the area of responsibility
Mentoring of Product Managers and Commercial Planner
Coordination of project team members, customers, internal and external development partners, suppliers and several production facilities with location specific requirements
Planning and assigning work packages to the team while monitoring and controlling the progress
Planning and managing strategic product development projects with a high complexity in an international environment.( task forces)
Ensuring of simultaneous engineering as well as effective opportunity and risk management in projects with an increased risk potential
Communicate and maintain contact with the customer in order to ensure timely deliveries
Register and track in the system the customer orders in terms of delivery data, quantities, price, payment conditions, delivery
Determines the necessary actions to meet delivery deadlines
Prepares situations and reports regarding the company's performance in relation to customers: delivery performance, logistical incidents, exceptional costs, etc
Ensures the smooth functioning of the electronic communication system (EDI) with customers
Maintains data in the SAP system (system parameters, message monitor, customer orders, commercial conditions, forms, sales prices, etc.)
Asigurarea logisticii de aprovizionare pentru a asigura necesarul de materie prima,produs finiti si seminifit necesara in productie sau pentru livrare
Dezvoltă structura depozitului de planificarea layout-ul, fluxului de materie prima si ambalaje
Asigura dezvoltarea de politici și proceduri de protecție și de acces, coordonarea patrulelor cu departamentul responsabil de securitate
Realizeaza operatiuni eficiente de depozitare și face recomandări pentru planuri strategice și comentarii
Pregăteste și executa planurile de acțiune realizarea de audituri , identificarea tendințelor
Dezvoltă structura depozitului de planificarea layout-ul, fluxului de materiale precum și sisteme de manipulare a produselor; evaluarea și recomandarea de noi echipamente
Stabileste actiunile necesare in vederea respectarii in practica a instructiunilor de lucru
Participa la inventarierea anuala, realizează și îmbunătățește activitățile și metodele de prognoză pentru a menține niveluri eficiente de inventariere
Intocmeste situatii si rapoarte referitoare la performanta companiei: acuratetea stocurilor, warehouse capacity si 5S