Sat Dumbrăviţa, Comuna Dumbrăviţa, DRUMUL JUDETEAN 691, KM 7+192
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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (116)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 116 )
Gestionar Depozit
expirat: 28.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operator Reglor
expirat: 28.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operatori Productie
expirat: 03.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operator Reglor
expirat: 23.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Supplier Quality Engineer
expirat: 09.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operator Reglor
expirat: 20.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Regional Supply Chain Analyst
expirat: 05.09.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Monitors and ensures the efficiency and excellence of supply chain performance for assigned production sites. Analyzes requirements
Improves the supply chain through agility and flexibility of actions implementation
Collaborates with the factory production area to analyze and recommend long-term capacity solutions to proactively address potential supply constraints before they affect the factory and customers
Assists production planners in using advanced planning systems to optimize customer delivery and stock performance
Collaborates with global counterparts to analyse and improve the end-to-end (E2E) supply chain process
Identifies and leads strategic supply chain projects related to optimization
Monitors and reports specific supply chain performance indicators and initiates actions to eliminate any gaps
Monitors the progress of material orders in terms of quantity and delivery time
Sets inventory level objectives. Reviews procedures such as distribution or stock management to ensure maximum efficiency or minimum cost
Provides support to the entire supply chain team regarding data entry and processing
Monitors the accuracy of scheduled orders to improve standard activities
Manages daily operational coordination and escalation, handling exceptions/performance
Middle (2-5 ani), Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Specialist SSM
expirat: 05.04.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Specialist SSM
expirat: 05.04.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Participa activ la implementarea si imbunatatirea proceselor privind Securitatea si Sanatatea in Munca, Preventia si Stingerea Incendiilor si a Protectiei Mediului;
Gestioneaza eficient implementarea proceselor din aria EHS;
Autorizeza eliberarea documentelor si schimbarile din proces;
Este responsabil de indeplinirea obiectivelor stabilite si aprobate in sistemul de evaluare a performantelor;
Participa la realizarea evaluarii de risc SSM pentru toate locurile de munca;
Asigura suportul si coordonarea continua si statutara a comunicarilor, activitatilor, negocierilor, corespondentei si a inspectiilor in locatie si la locurile de munca;
Isi canalizeaza eforturile pentru a implementa tehnologie nedaunatoare mediului si pentru a substitui substantele periculoase;
Participa in activitatile interne si externe ocazionate de accidentele de mediu, inclusiv anchetele legale;
Pregateste statisticile necesare din punct de vedere legal si oficial, FI, soldurile deseurilor, VOC, etc;
Ofera indrumare si coordonare in ceea ce priveste reglementarile legale legate de mediu, prin comunicari, activitati, negocieri, corespondenta, aplicatii, proceduri de aplicare, etc;
Monitorizeza si analizeaza legislatia europeana, nationala, federala si municipala; administreaza procedurile relevante si identifica cerintele de mediu pentru facilitatile noi, modificate sau existente;
Intretine Registrul de Substante Periculoase.
Participa la sedintele Comitetului de Securitate si Sanatate in munca;
Monitorizeaza statistic accidentele de munca si recomanda modalitatile de imbunatatire a sigurantei locului de munca;
Intocmeste instructiunile proprii pentru utilizarea substantelor periculoase;
Monitorizeaza concentratia maxima admisa unde este necesar;
Monitorizeaza periodic siguranta echipamentelor;
Se consulta cu managementul in toate problemele legate de siguranta locurilor de munca, implementarea de noi reguli, planificarea spatiilor de munca, metode de lucru, utilizarea echipamentului de lucru si a substantelor periculoase;
Middle (2-5 ani), Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operatori Productie
expirat: 11.01.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operator Depozit
expirat: 11.01.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Operator Depozit
expirat: 07.12.2023
Middle (2-5 ani), Fără experiență, Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
expirat: 07.12.2023
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Manufacturing Quality Engineer
expirat: 06.12.2023
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Senior Manufacturing Engineer
expirat: 06.12.2023
Middle (2-5 ani)
Supports the client on assigned projects in terms of technical issues during the development of projects and the serial phase (. selection of critical features)
Establishes routes and specifications for current products and implements technical changes for existing products. Carries out studies related to feasibility and cost reduction and can establish necessary work standards
Investigates production processes to improve existing products and equipment in terms of production methods and the flow of materials that increase production and reduce cost.
Database implementation including product data, material composition, routes, etc. Performs routine work measurements and line triggering for new products or improvements to existing products
Establishes production methods and the sequence of the production process to ensure adequate capacity to produce quality products in the desired quantities for a convenient price
Assists in determining production specifications and recommends the material and equipment to be purchased
Assists in the analysis and planning of the capital for the necessary production equipment
Applies the principles of continuous improvement, 6 σ and solves other problems while analyzing process errors and their origin, leads efforts to solve problems related to cost and productivity
Performs installations, maintenance, certification, and advanced repair for TE Application Tooling Equipment either at TE plant or on customer side
Travels domestic and EMEA wide to perform installations, preventive maintenance, repairs, operator training on basic TE Application Tooling Equipment on-site at TE customers advised by local AT management
Analyses and resolves problems on TE equipment and product due to such factors as improper application, poor maintenance and quality control, failed parts etc
Performs advanced customer trainings on TE equipment and TE technologies
Analyses and evaluates warranty topics on customer equipment. Determines if defective and recommends corrective action
In cases of problems he follows up self-driven to interchange with all involved parties to get the problem fixed on professional level by keeping under consideration that this in line with all TE policies and specs
Support AT sales efforts by close cooperation with the resp. Area Manager to increase TE’s business over all. Promotes AT tooling by making new equipment and service offering recommendations
Recommends changes to tooling or product designs in order to meet customer’s application or quality requirements
Prepares and submits complete, accurate and timely reports related to shop, service activities, shop and service scheduling and service expenses
Uses all available communication tools to inform and be informed of all service related activities, issues and events
Adheres to all company policies, procedures and code of ethics
Supports the client on assigned projects in terms of technical issues during the development of projects and the serial phase (. selection of critical features)
Establishes routes and specifications for current products and implements technical changes for existing products. Carries out studies related to feasibility and cost reduction and can establish necessary work standards
Investigates production processes to improve existing products and equipment in terms of production methods and the flow of materials that increase production and reduce cost.
Database implementation including product data, material composition, routes, etc. Performs routine work measurements and line triggering for new products or improvements to existing products
Establishes production methods and the sequence of the production process to ensure adequate capacity to produce quality products in the desired quantities for a convenient price
Assists in determining production specifications and recommends the material and equipment to be purchased
Assists in the analysis and planning of the capital for the necessary production equipment
Applies the principles of continuous improvement, 6 σ and solves other problems while analyzing process errors and their origin, leads efforts to solve problems related to cost and productivity
Performs installations, maintenance, certification, and advanced repair for TE Application Tooling Equipment either at TE plant or on customer side
Travels domestic and EMEA wide to perform installations, preventive maintenance, repairs, operator training on basic TE Application Tooling Equipment on-site at TE customers advised by local AT management
Analyses and resolves problems on TE equipment and product due to such factors as improper application, poor maintenance and quality control, failed parts etc
Performs advanced customer trainings on TE equipment and TE technologies
Analyses and evaluates warranty topics on customer equipment. Determines if defective and recommends corrective action
In cases of problems he follows up self-driven to interchange with all involved parties to get the problem fixed on professional level by keeping under consideration that this in line with all TE policies and specs
Support AT sales efforts by close cooperation with the resp. Area Manager to increase TE’s business over all. Promotes AT tooling by making new equipment and service offering recommendations
Recommends changes to tooling or product designs in order to meet customer’s application or quality requirements
Prepares and submits complete, accurate and timely reports related to shop, service activities, shop and service scheduling and service expenses
Uses all available communication tools to inform and be informed of all service related activities, issues and events
Adheres to all company policies, procedures and code of ethics
Define the signal path along with the analog functional blocks for our magneto-resistive and MEMS sensor products
Determine AFE signal processing circuit requirements (quantization, sampling, specs) to meet overall system requirements
Perform transistor level schematic design, layout design and simulations of analog and mixed-signal circuit blocks
Work with the layout team to ensure proper execution of our IC products
Collaborate with the validation, test and qualification teams to make sure the product meets all the specifications and is ready for high volume manufacturing
Provide detailed technical documentation with specifications, block diagrams, and requirements to stakeholders
Collaborate closely with different departments/stakeholders including Test/Validation/Application Engineering, and Reliability/Qualification/Operations to resolve design, application, or test issues
Supports the client on assigned projects in terms of technical issues during the development of projects and the serial phase (. selection of critical features)
Establishes routes and specifications for current products and implements technical changes for existing products. Carries out studies related to feasibility and cost reduction and can establish necessary work standards
Investigates production processes to improve existing products and equipment in terms of production methods and the flow of materials that increase production and reduce cost.
Database implementation including product data, material composition, routes, etc. Performs routine work measurements and line triggering for new products or improvements to existing products
Establishes production methods and the sequence of the production process to ensure adequate capacity to produce quality products in the desired quantities for a convenient price
Assists in determining production specifications and recommends the material and equipment to be purchased
Assists in the analysis and planning of the capital for the necessary production equipment
Applies the principles of continuous improvement, 6 σ and solves other problems while analyzing process errors and their origin, leads efforts to solve problems related to cost and productivity
Responsible for Archiving the financial documents in accordance with the RO legislation / Scanning invoices for services to the FSSC tool ( Shared service in Poland)
Support for FSSC Center for keeping the AP invoices reconciliation clean : investigate the price discrepancies, qty, etc
Responsible to obtain proper justification docs for Services invoices in accordance with the local legislation for VAT and deductibility cases
Review and maintain the proper GL accounts usage for AP & Share services specific postings
Fixed assets accounting support for FSSC center
Other tasks specific to Romanian GAAP tax reporting
Performs installations, maintenance, certification, and advanced repair for TE Application Tooling Equipment either at TE plant or on customer side
Travels domestic and EMEA wide to perform installations, preventive maintenance, repairs, operator training on basic TE Application Tooling Equipment on-site at TE customers advised by local AT management
Analyses and resolves problems on TE equipment and product due to such factors as improper application, poor maintenance and quality control, failed parts etc
Performs advanced customer trainings on TE equipment and TE technologies
Analyses and evaluates warranty topics on customer equipment. Determines if defective and recommends corrective action
In cases of problems he follows up self-driven to interchange with all involved parties to get the problem fixed on professional level by keeping under consideration that this in line with all TE policies and specs
Support AT sales efforts by close cooperation with the resp. Area Manager to increase TE’s business over all. Promotes AT tooling by making new equipment and service offering recommendations
Recommends changes to tooling or product designs in order to meet customer’s application or quality requirements
Prepares and submits complete, accurate and timely reports related to shop, service activities, shop and service scheduling and service expenses
Uses all available communication tools to inform and be informed of all service related activities, issues and events
Adheres to all company policies, procedures and code of ethics
Supports the client on assigned projects in terms of technical issues during the development of projects and the serial phase (. selection of critical features)
Establishes routes and specifications for current products and implements technical changes for existing products. Carries out studies related to feasibility and cost reduction and can establish necessary work standards
Investigates production processes to improve existing products and equipment in terms of production methods and the flow of materials that increase production and reduce cost.
Database implementation including product data, material composition, routes, etc. Performs routine work measurements and line triggering for new products or improvements to existing products
Establishes production methods and the sequence of the production process to ensure adequate capacity to produce quality products in the desired quantities for a convenient price
Assists in determining production specifications and recommends the material and equipment to be purchased
Assists in the analysis and planning of the capital for the necessary production equipment
Applies the principles of continuous improvement, 6 σ and solves other problems while analyzing process errors and their origin, leads efforts to solve problems related to cost and productivity
Manage project scope, schedule, and budget for all projects.
Establish and maintain an accurate project schedule based on commitment from core team members, customer, and all project stakeholders.
Run project team meetings to drive completion of tasks, work through bottlenecks, assess risks and raise issues to leadership.
Manage project capital budgets and assure execution in alignment with business unit financial plan.
Update timelines, develop risk management, report status, and manage cross functional interfaces to ensure milestones are met for all projects.
Follow the stage gate process and ensure all gate documents are prepared and submitted for approval
Track project lessons learned and manage best practices.
Conduct project closeout meetings and post launch reviews.
Develop and manage a positive customer relationship. Overseeing/mentoring core team members as needed to ensure customers’ expectations are met or exceeded during project execution activities
Supports the client on assigned projects in terms of technical issues during the development of projects and the serial phase (. selection of critical features)
Establishes routes and specifications for current products and implements technical changes for existing products. Carries out studies related to feasibility and cost reduction and can establish necessary work standards
Investigates production processes to improve existing products and equipment in terms of production methods and the flow of materials that increase production and reduce cost.
Database implementation including product data, material composition, routes, etc. Performs routine work measurements and line triggering for new products or improvements to existing products
Establishes production methods and the sequence of the production process to ensure adequate capacity to produce quality products in the desired quantities for a convenient price
Assists in determining production specifications and recommends the material and equipment to be purchased
Assists in the analysis and planning of the capital for the necessary production equipment
Applies the principles of continuous improvement, 6 σ and solves other problems while analyzing process errors and their origin, leads efforts to solve problems related to cost and productivity
Analizeaza in permanenta programele/procesele de productie si are o abordare pozitiva referitoare la dezvoltarea si implementarea imbunatatirilor de productie si calitate;
Asigura respectarea cerintelor de productie in conformitate cu standardele de calitate ale clientului , indruma si conduce dezvoltarea si mentinerea procedurilor standard de operare necesare si instructiunilor de lucru pentru a permite o procesare constanta a pieselor de calitate. Gestioneaza respectarea perceptelor stabilite, evidentiate in standarde precum TS, ISO, etc;
Participa la planificarea bugetului annual, de capital si strategica prin furnizarea de informatii referitoare la cerinte si capacitate;
Actioneaza ca persoana de legatura cu sefii de department pentru a ajuta la imbunatatirea calitatii produsului prin modificari ale proceselor de productie;
Solutioneaza plangeri si comunica tuturor angajatilor din subordine informatii referitoare la politici, proceduri si schimbari operationale;
Gestioneaza responsabilitatea de supervizare directa pentru personalul care lucreaza in departamentele de fabricare, intretinere si livrare/primire inclusive selectia, angajarea, instruirea, evaluarea privind performanta, recomandari de promovare si realizarea programului de lucru;
Gestioneaza, coordoneaza si influenteaza pregatirea personalului care ocupa posture de supervizare/Team Leader a productiei pentru dezvoltarea abilitatilor esentiale de conducere, interpersonale si de comunicare;
Coordoneaza si comunica cu functia de planificare a programului fabricii pentru a asigura o intelegere completa a capacitatii de utilizare si dezavantajele echipamentului/uneltelor pentru a putea respecta cerintele clientilor;
Este responsabil de asigurarea unui mediu de lucru sigur, curat si instiinteaza departamentele de suport corespunzatoare cu privire la actiunile necesare pentru imbunatatirea conditiilor de siguranta si materiale din cadrul unitatii;
Informeaza regulat managementul unitatii si al corporatiei despre evolutia proiectelor. Pregateste si trimite rapoarte referitor la stadiul de completare al proiectelor