Bucureşti Sectorul 3, Str. CÂMPIA LIBERTĂŢII, Nr. 43, Bloc MC6, Scara A, Etaj 4, Apartament 19
Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Provide support in administrative, scheduling and organizing activities; acts as a nodal; information point; punctual PR activities and participation in different activities that support the Group’s image;
Interactions with customers’ and suppliers’ upper management, potential customers;
Directly involves in or collaborate with third parties that provide business travelling and accommodation arrangements, car rentals, etc;
Schedule, organize and provide support for and/or participate in different business meetings;
Provide support for opening businesses in other countries, including searching, negotiating up to some extent and contracting services that support the new business (. providers of services, accommodation, office or apartment rental, etc.);
Act as a Document Controller (including documents organization, archiving and registering)
Senior Legal Advisor – with international exposure
expirat: 31.08.2017
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Write, adjust, offer input on existing commercial contracts, both international and Romanian
Documents, gather relevant information and provide advices to key players (shareholders, HR, Sales) regarding commercial or labor legislation in a specific country (from or outside European Union)
Perform all necessary activities pertaining opening and closing of commercial companies in all countries of interest
Act as a legal resource for different entities from the Consorzio group on different legal issues related to, but not limited to, labor legislation, international trade, risks pertaining opening new businesses etc
Support HR and Business Development functions in areas like immigration to Romania or other countries where we conduct businesses
Act as a resource in contract negotiation and contract signing to all interested parties from the Group
Review, records and maintain the contract data base both electronically and in hard copy
Participate to the daily toolbox meetings and inform about the installation progress planned and expected results;
Ensure that all the workers have a clear understanding of the installation tasks they are required to undertake, and that they have all necessary blueprints, tools and equipment available;
Continuously monitoring the installation progress in accordance with the proposed target, fill in the activities check lists;
Raise red flags / communicate to other decision makers and direct leaders whenever the progress is behind the schedule, and propose suitable solution and catch-up plan;
Participate in evening debriefing meetings and offer his input as requested;
Monitor, control & report project overall progress based on Budget & MH Budget
Prepare and send periodical reports including work progress & workers evaluation.
Job Requirements
Engineering degree preferably
Good written and verbal communication skills in English and French Language ;
Minimum 5 years relevant experience in the shipbuilding industry (commercial and cruise ships), pipe erection and fabrication, GRE Piping
Ability to demonstrate professional, and proactive relationships;
Ability to understand the processes, apply resources, assess progress and react in a timely manner to any variations in the process;
Ability to write reports, interpret technical data and procedure manuals, effectively present information, and respond to questions from groups of managers, customers and all involved parties;
Strong organizational and time management skills;
Strong Microsoft Office Suites and computer skills;
The ability to maintain a professional, and composed conduct in stressful situations
Întocmește proiecte de amenajare interioara (desenează, proiectează, redactează pe calculator)
Concepe designul special pentru lucrări complexe de mobilier si amenajări interioare
Realizează fisele tehnice pentru produsele proiectate si pentru produsele din portofoliu
Realizează desenului 2d si 3d - AutoCAD conform măsurătorilor si dorințelor clientului, randarile 3d si schițele de montaj
Pregătește ofertele tehnice si comerciale pentru licitații
Coordonează implementarea proiectului (planifica etape, organizează activitatea, ierarhizează corect prioritățile, coordonează echipa care se ocupa de implementare etc.)
Estimează costurile necesare si întocmește bugetul proiectului
Identifica si contactează furnizorii potriviți (materiale, mobilier etc)
Participa, in cazul in care este solicitat, la antemăsurători si măsurători pentru relevare a construcțiilor existente, precum si verificarea pe șantier a cotelor si dimensiunilor de execuție
Calculează cantitățile necesare de material pentru derularea proiectului
Participa la coordonarea unor faze importante de lucrări in șantier
Relaționează optim cu clienții, identifica corect si ușor cerințele acestora si poate sa explice soluția propusa clienților într-o maniera clara si ușor de înțeles de către aceștia