Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Str. ALEXANDRU VAIDA VOEVOD, Nr. 53 B, spațiu T_OFFICE, Etaj 2
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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Direct and oversee projects from RfQ, preliminary offer, final offer, EPC contract
Direct and oversee EPC contracts from conception to completion while monitoring compliance with safety and building regulations
Coordinate subcontractors and the construction team to meet contractual conditions of performance
Prepare external and internal reports relating to job status, daily progress, estimates, and deliverables
Negotiate agreement terms, manage construction contract drafts, bid on projects, and obtain permits to analyze and mitigate risks
Communicate with the responsible parties to ensure quality construction exceeds company standards and proper industry techniques and processes are utilized, while ensuring the client’s needs and wants are efficiently met
Review projects on a daily basis to ensure quality construction standards exist and estimates remain within budget
Supervise construction projects to ensure they are completed on time and exceed the customer’s requirements
Work under deadlines in a fast-paced environment to plan and coordinate all aspects of the building process from hiring contractors to working with engineers, architects, and vendors
Measure project performance using appropriate tools and techniques
Report and escalate to management as needed
Manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders
Perform risk management to minimize project risks
Manage changes to the project scope, project schedule and project costs using appropriate verification techniques
Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation
Perform other related duties as assigned
Preparation of minutes of meetings, notes, project tracker
Monitor all project documentation for PAC (Provisional Acceptance Certificate) and FAC (Final Acceptance Certificate)
sa asigure inregistrarea cronologica si sistematica, prelucrarea informatiilor si a documentelor contabile pana la nivel de balanta ,conform cerintelor legislatiei in vigoare
verificare si inregistrare deconturi cheltuieli
inregistrare facturi achizitii, registru casa , extrase bancare
generare in format electronic a documente fiscale aferente livrarilor
completarea registrelor contabile ale societatii
sortarea documentelor pentru arhivare
participarea in mod activ la rezolvarea sarcinilor echipei
Direct and oversee projects from RfQ, preliminary offer, final offer, EPC contract
Direct and oversee EPC contracts from conception to completion while monitoring compliance with safety and building regulations
Coordinate subcontractors and the construction team to meet contractual conditions of performance
Prepare external and internal reports relating to job status, daily progress, estimates, and deliverables
Negotiate agreement terms, manage construction contract drafts, bid on projects, and obtain permits to analyze and mitigate risks
Communicate with the responsible parties to ensure quality construction exceeds company standards and proper industry techniques and processes are utilized, while ensuring the client’s needs and wants are efficiently met
Review projects on a daily basis to ensure quality construction standards exist and estimates remain within budget
Supervise construction projects to ensure they are completed on time and exceed the customer’s requirements
Work under deadlines in a fast-paced environment to plan and coordinate all aspects of the building process from hiring contractors to working with engineers, architects, and vendors
Measure project performance using appropriate tools and techniques
Report and escalate to management as needed
Manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders
Perform risk management to minimize project risks
Manage changes to the project scope, project schedule and project costs using appropriate verification techniques
Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation
Perform other related duties as assigned
Preparation of minutes of meetings, notes, project tracker
Monitor all project documentation for PAC (Provisional Acceptance Certificate) and FAC (Final Acceptance Certificate)
Asigura redactarea/pregatirea de documente, rapoarte, procese verbale, note interne, corespondenta si alte documente de specialitate;
Preia, verifica si centralizeaza solicitarile zilnice primite din partea colegilor de departament, pe care le va redirectiona Managerului direct;
Participa la sedintele departamentului si asigura redactarea proceselor verbale ale subiectelor discutate din cadrul acestora, procese verbale care urmeaza sa fie directionate catre partile participante;
Asigura elaborarea si redactarea documentelor si situatiilor cerute de management;
Redactarea corespondenței de afaceri necesară desfășurării activității zilnice;
Asigurarea suportului administrativ superiorului direct;
sa asigure inregistrarea cronologica si sistematica, prelucrarea informatiilor si a documentelor contabile pana la nivel de balanta ,conform cerintelor legislatiei in vigoare
verificare si inregistrare deconturi cheltuieli
inregistrare facturi achizitii, registru casa , extrase bancare
generare in format electronic a documente fiscale aferente livrarilor
completarea registrelor contabile ale societatii
sortarea documentelor pentru arhivare
participarea in mod activ la rezolvarea sarcinilor echipei
Create and present financial and tax strategy recommendations to CEO
Participates in the development, administration and implementation of the Strategic Plan, organizational objectives and company policies
Coordinates the functions and operations of the finance department to ensure that activities are aligned with strategic objectives and meeting the expectations of internal and external customers
Responsible for planning and updating the annual revenue and expenditure budget
Oversee cash flow, cash management, working capital, investment, insurance, company audits, budgeting and financial reporting activities
Prepare financial statements and reports, including the ones requested by the group
Ensure legal compliance on all financial functions
Elaborates and follows the implementation of the strategy and working procedures regarding the human resources of the company and integrates them into the overall strategy of the company
Develops, reviews, implements and updates employment, motivation and benefits policies for the company’s human resources
Coordinates the preparation of the personnel file of each employee and periodically checks the validity of the documents in the personnel file of all employees
Participates in the elaboration and coordination of annual training programs and is responsible for organizing internal and external training courses
Coordinates the process of termination of work relationships and checks the documents necessary for the termination of the individual employment contract
Coordinates the remuneration of the company’s staff
Coordinates recruitment and selection activities, guidance and integration of new employees, performance evaluation and motivation, manages conflict situations, crisis situations, etc
Responsible for the execution, verification, reporting, monitoring, transmission, taking over, archiving and/or any other activities that the direct hierarchical superior assigns to him, respecting the deadlines indicated by him
Responsible for the correctness and completeness of personnel documents and documents issued in the Human Resources department
Ensures compliance with the legislation in force by monitoring and implementing the legal requirements according to the labor legislation
Asigura redactarea/pregatirea de documente, rapoarte, procese verbale, note interne, corespondenta si alte documente de specialitate;
Preia, verifica si centralizeaza solicitarile zilnice primite din partea colegilor de departament, pe care le va redirectiona Managerului direct;
Participa la sedintele departamentului si asigura redactarea proceselor verbale ale subiectelor discutate din cadrul acestora, procese verbale care urmeaza sa fie directionate catre partile participante;
Asigura elaborarea si redactarea documentelor si situatiilor cerute de management;
Redactarea corespondenței de afaceri necesară desfășurării activității zilnice;
Asigurarea suportului administrativ superiorului direct;
Settlement of travel expenses and other expenses incurred by employees
Recovery of amounts owed by employees Issuance and collection of invoices
Acceptance and payment of invoices
Transfers between own accounts
Accounting records
Evidence and administration of contracts
Financial and managerial reporting
Authority control
Participation and preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements in accordance with the group's instructions and local legal requirements;
Determining the company's annual success (profit and loss account);
Budget planning and forecasting support;
Collaboration in reports / statistics to authorities and offices;
Active participation in commercial transactions in the field of accounts receivable, payable and asset accounting;
Support and explanation of balance sheet accounts;
Preparation and verification of G / L accounts including open objects;
Preparation and implementation of payment transactions;
Process development and optimization;
Participate in and prepare monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements in accordance with the group's guidelines and local legal regulations;
Update the financial data in the databases to ensure that the information will be accurate and immediately available when needed
Asigura redactarea/pregatirea de documente, rapoarte, procese verbale, note interne, corespondenta si alte documente de specialitate;
Preia, verifica si centralizeaza solicitarile zilnice primite din partea colegilor de departament, pe care le va redirectiona Managerului direct;
Participa la sedintele departamentului si asigura redactarea proceselor verbale ale subiectelor discutate din cadrul acestora, procese verbale care urmeaza sa fie directionate catre partile participante;
Asigura elaborarea si redactarea documentelor si situatiilor cerute de management;
Redactarea corespondenței de afaceri necesară desfășurării activității zilnice;
Asigurarea suportului administrativ superiorului direct;