Bucureşti Sectorul 3, B-dul Nicolae Grigorescu, Nr. 29A, Bloc N22, Scara B, Etaj 3, Apartament 39
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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Ensure legal compliance with evolving data protection law that impacts a diverse business (especially GDPR);
Implements a work schedule to ensure that the company meets all GDPR requirements;
Locating, adapting, updating and harmonizing Group’s data protection procedures, integrating data protection aspects in company’s workflows, monitoring and evaluating their implementation;
Assessment of protection risks and compliance requirements in company’s projects;
Keeps up-to-date information from the group systems on reporting data protection processes for the group companies;
Provide ongoing training to company’s employees, support data protection awareness campaign;
Conduct new iterations of data mapping for GDPR compliance;
Support new iterations of IT data security assessments;
Suggest and provide specifications for enhancements to business processes aiming to reduce data security risks;
Support data security certification audits, internal audits, authorities’ audits regarding data privacy aspects;
Conduct on a regular basis an independent review of the access rights from data privacy perspective;
Draft and negotiate data protection provisions into contracts to be signed with clients, merchant and suppliers;
Answer to the data protection requests addressed by clients and data subjects;
Investigate, document and report data security breaches;
Conduct/ support data protection impact assessments;
Report to Group’s DPO and data protection governance committees;
Provide support on any data protection related matter to other Group’s local companies
Responsible for providing data with high accuracy for both strategic and tactical reports and to develop analyses and presentations for various teams and business departments;
Engage proactively and effectively with key internal stakeholders where needed at the local and global level;
Analyze stakeholder data and research to identify trends, key indicators, patterns, and insights;
Design and deploy surveys to gather customer feedback, both relational and transactional, using survey platforms;
Develop and curate customer databases, including merging different sources and information to create a single customer view;
Partnering with Marketing and other functions to identify information gaps, validate customer insights and customer behavior and needs;
Extract insights to support product development, process improvements and sales initiatives;
Coordinate and collaborate with other internal stakeholders on the Voice of the Customer initiatives within the organization;
Develop and curate call center metrics databases, including merging different sources and information;
Ensure reporting and dashboards through different platforms – . Power BI
Coordinate and provide support and feedback to the team members regarding the productivity and quality of their work;
Develops and update workflows in collaboration with other team leaders or the trainer;
Gathers data related to customer contact and interactions and use this data to prepare analyses of which services and processes are working according to the promise and which can be improved;
Ensures customer onboarding process is completed and/or onboarding of new hires of the customers;
Actively contributes to the internal project development and implementation cross departments and participates in project meetings;
Trains new hires in their departments and/or organizes training programs for newcomers together with the trainer. Work closely with new team members to instruct them on company policies and best practices for resolving customer queries (through various channels like calls, e-mails, contact forms, chats etc);
Conducts periodic reviews and evaluations of team members, coaching them for evolving in their career path;
Monitors employee performance and notes strengths but also areas for improvement, using an employee evaluation form and the skill matrix. Agrees together with the employee monthly improvement actions;
Identifies solutions to the customer’s query or escalates the query to another department that can provide more assistance ensuring the communication towards the customer but also that the issue is resolved. Managing escalations requires significant customer service skills and diplomacy to ensure that the customer is satisfied;
React fast in helping/resolving complains from clients and a good analytic and understanding of complaints reports;
Collaborates closely with the sales department and marketing in finding the best approach to implement and maintain for the success of the portfolio;
Visits (online/off line) the customers, if needed for solving issues or setting new programs
Participate in all aspects of the software development lifecycle which includes estimating, technical design, implementation, documentation, testing, deployment developed for our stakeholders within an Agile Scrum environment;
Provide UI development leadership and expertise;
Work with product managers, UI/UX designers, solution architects, technical leads and developers on interpretation/translation of wireframes and creative designs into functional requirements, and subsequently into technical design;
Embrace the established standards and best practices that currently exist for software applications, and contribute ideas in these areas to keep our technology moving forward;
Collaborate and communicate effectively and efficiently with other developers on the team to achieve the highest quality code & product;
Assist/Mentor other developers on the team in software development best practices and continual improvement of service
Defining and driving an unmatched customer experience for B2B customers from all portfolio segments;
Driving and supporting continuous improvement initiatives to deliver innovative experiences and value;
Coordinating together with the other stakeholders in a collaborative approach the voice of customer initiates within our organization;
Capture customer feedback from transactional surveys, operational data, staff input in order to identify CX impactful improvements;
Work with the Customer success teams as service promoters, representing the customer and his needs whenever new products or services are launched. Ensure smooth onboarding and adoption through well thought processes and trained staff;
Organize periodical experience review meetings to discuss and share customer voice data (complaints, operational data, staff input) and find together with all stakeholders (marketing, sales, customer success, IT and business analysts) the right measures;
Research and develop new approaches to recurring problems and compile recommendation through presentations, business cases and pilots (MVP’s) and coordinate approved initiatives with the other stakeholders;
Develop and distribute CX dashboard monthly;
Participate to the cultural change toward customer centric thinking and behavior together with the training and communication function;
Be the caretaker of the CX roadmap ensuring that the objectives and key results are in tune with customer needs and the company’s main objectives
Create and/or edit technical documentation and to maintain documentation for Smart Investigator product Work with internal teams to obtain an in-depth understanding of the product and the documentation requirements;
Gather more information from reading reports and directly using the Product;
Write documentation for developers, customers and end-users, as well as general architecture documentation;
Deliver technical documentation within agreed deadlines, identify documentation needs in advance;
Perform quality checks on other deliverables and ensure high quality of own work before publishing;
Identify product issues and flag them to developers;
Communicate information and ideas clearly, and concisely, in writing;
Create and maintain information architecture and internal system architecture views
asigura vanzarea directa a marfurilor ce fac obiectul ofertei comerciale a organizatiei: produse chirurghie dentara, aparate dezinfectare, produse protectie;
identifica solutii optime pentru fiecare client si personalizeaza ofertele;
raspunde pentru corecta executare a contractelor si acordurilor incheiate cu clientii din portofoliu;
identifica si contacteaza potentialii clienti in vederea emiterii ofertei, negocierii, incheierii si executarii contractelor comerciale;
acorda asistenta din punct de vedere tehnic si comercial clientilor si potentialilor clienti;
negociaza, incheie si asigura executarea contractelor si a acordurilor comerciale;
Mentinerea si imbunatatirea cunostintelor profesionale si tehnice, prin participarea la workshopuri educationale, documentarea din publicatii stiintifice sau profesionale, participarea la diverse activitati profesionale;
Contribuie la efortul echipei, prin generarea de rezultate asociate;
Planifica si indeplineste atingerea targetului de vanzari si a obiectivelor de calitate, alinierea la politicile si strategiile de vanzare ale companiei;
Intalniri cu distribuitorii, resellerii si clientii, pentru a identifica si discuta nevoile lor si pentru a evalua calitatea relatiei companiei noastre cu acestia;
Prezinta caracteristicile produsului distribuitorilor, resellerilor si clientilor
Vanzarea catre conturi existente si potentiale, precum si furnizarea suportului la vanzare partenerilor de distributie, pentru a realiza diverse etape ale comenzilor, sau pentru a facilita si adauga valoare la procesul de vanzare;
Asista clientii cu privire la probleme tehnice si recomanda configuratii adecvate;
Elaboreaza prezentari de produse si solutii de vanzare;
Analizeaza documentele de precalificare sau raspunde la informatiile din documentele de oferta;
Elaboreaza ofertele comerciale;
Negociaza acorduri comerciale;
Identifica si recruteaza in mod proactiv noi parteneri, distribuitori, reselleri si clienti
Participa cu reprezentantii de vanzari la intalnirile cu clientii, pentru a identifica cerintele tehnice si de business si pentru a se asigura ca toate informatiile necesare sunt colectate, inainte de a propune o solutie tehnica;
Asigura instruire cu privire la solutii tehnice si ofera produse partenerilor de canal si echipelor de vanzari;
Creeaza documentatia de configurare si design a proiectelor in lucru;
Colaboreaza strans cu echipa de Management al Produsului si echipa Tehnica pentru a oferi feedback cu privire la portofoliul de clienti existent si potential si pentru a genera contributii la roadmapul produsului;
Construieste relatii productive interne si externe, incurajand munca in echipa prin informarea update-urilor la zi cu privire la activitati;
Se implica in dezvoltarea de solutii personalizate bazate pe cerintele specifice ale clientilor;
Prezinta si face demonstratii ale solutiei tehnice clientilor si partenerilor;
Ofera informatii de gestionare exacte si in timp util, incluse in rapoarte de activitate, recenzii ale ofertelor, previziuni ale proiectului, KPI’s;
Studiaza, verifica si actualizeaza documentatia tehnica a produselor comercializate
Participa cu reprezentantii de vanzari la intalnirile cu clientii, pentru a identifica cerintele tehnice si de business si pentru a se asigura ca toate informatiile necesare sunt colectate, inainte de a propune o solutie tehnica;
Asigura instruire cu privire la solutii tehnice si ofera produse partenerilor de canal si echipelor de vanzari;
Creeaza documentatia de configurare si design a proiectelor in lucru;
Colaboreaza strans cu echipa de Management al Produsului si echipa Tehnica pentru a oferi feedback cu privire la portofoliul de clienti existent si potential si pentru a genera contributii la roadmapul produsului;
Construieste relatii productive interne si externe, incurajand munca in echipa prin informarea update-urilor la zi cu privire la activitati;
Se implica in dezvoltarea de solutii personalizate bazate pe cerintele specifice ale clientilor;
Prezinta si face demonstratii ale solutiei tehnice clientilor si partenerilor;
Ofera informatii de gestionare exacte si in timp util, incluse in rapoarte de activitate, recenzii ale ofertelor, previziuni ale proiectului, KPI’s;
Studiaza, verifica si actualizeaza documentatia tehnica a produselor comercializate
Create and/or edit technical documentation and to maintain documentation for Smart Investigator product Work with internal teams to obtain an in-depth understanding of the product and the documentation requirements;
Gather more information from reading reports and directly using the Product;
Write documentation for developers, customers and end-users, as well as general architecture documentation;
Deliver technical documentation within agreed deadlines, identify documentation needs in advance;
Perform quality checks on other deliverables and ensure high quality of own work before publishing;
Identify product issues and flag them to developers;
Communicate information and ideas clearly, and concisely, in writing;
Create and maintain information architecture and internal system architecture views
Create and/or edit technical documentation and to maintain documentation for Smart Investigator product Work with internal teams to obtain an in-depth understanding of the product and the documentation requirements;
Gather more information from reading reports and directly using the Product;
Write documentation for developers, customers and end-users, as well as general architecture documentation;
Deliver technical documentation within agreed deadlines, identify documentation needs in advance;
Perform quality checks on other deliverables and ensure high quality of own work before publishing;
Identify product issues and flag them to developers;
Communicate information and ideas clearly, and concisely, in writing;
Create and maintain information architecture and internal system architecture views