Bucureşti Sectorul 1, Şos. BUCUREŞTI-PLOIEŞTI, Nr. 89A
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Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (110)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 110 )
Social Media Specialist
expirat: 08.01.2023
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Chief Financial Officer
Șoseaua București-Ploiești, București
expirat: 23.12.2022
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Marketing Manager
Șoseaua București-Ploiești, București
expirat: 23.12.2022
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Build and coordinate the marketing department;
Develop the brand strategy;
Plan the annual budget related to the business plan and marketing strategy;
Develop content for brand-specific campaigns;
Obtain a thorough understanding of our products, internal standards, and differentiators to develop strategies aimed at increasing effective communications and brand awareness;
Document process procedures and process flow, recommending any changes to make process more efficient;
Analyze qualitative and quantitative data to understand how marketing activity turns into customers;
Assist with all internal and external marketing campaigns, producing content and creative for marketing projects and initiatives to enhance lead generation;
Analyze existing marketing collateral with a critical eye to identify and improve current processes when needed;
Testing using a variety of tools to gain insights and shape marketing strategy;
Take part in brainstorming sessions, offering analytical insights to develop and plan creative marketing campaigns that increase brand awareness;
Collaborate with team members to optimize marketing automation and lead-nurturing processes through email, content, events, and social channels;
Assist in execution of marketing plans to reach target audience through identified channels;
Create, maintain, and distribute monthly marketing reports showing achievement of critical metrics regarding lead generation, content creation, website traffic, and other KPIs;
Coordinate team in development and execution of marketing campaigns, including content creation, new product launches, social media, upsell, cross sell, and sales enablement
Preparation of annual budget, monthly and weekly forecast incorporating historical results and future assumptions,
Perform in-depth analysis of P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash flow. Analyze the variances of financial & business KPIs reported to budget/ forecast assumptions,
Perform analysis of the performance of cost/ profit centers,
In-depth analysis of financial/accounting process within the company and capacity to design, implement and monitor of financial flows, processes and procedures,
Maintain strong collaboration with the relevant stakeholders in order to provide clear picture of company’s performance,
Provide & sustain reports to Management,
Part of CFO team; direct reporting to company’s CFO
Preparation of annual budget, monthly and weekly forecast incorporating historical results and future assumptions,
Perform in-depth analysis of P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash flow. Analyze the variances of financial & business KPIs reported to budget/ forecast assumptions,
Perform analysis of the performance of cost/ profit centers,
In-depth analysis of financial/accounting process within the company and capacity to design, implement and monitor of financial flows, processes and procedures,
Maintain strong collaboration with the relevant stakeholders in order to provide clear picture of company’s performance,
Provide & sustain reports to Management,
Part of CFO team; direct reporting to company’s CFO
Testing using a variety of tools to gain insights and shape marketing strategy
Take part in brainstorming sessions, offering analytical insights to develop and plan creative marketing campaigns that increase brand awareness
Collaborate with team members to optimize marketing automation and lead-nurturing processes through email, content, events, and social channels
Assist in execution of marketing plans to reach target audience through identified channels
Create, maintain, and distribute monthly marketing reports showing achievement of critical metrics regarding lead generation, content creation, website traffic, and other KPIs
Assist marketing manager and team in development and execution of marketing campaigns, including content creation, new product launches, social media, upsell, cross sell, and sales enablement
Evidenta si inregistrarea contabila zilnica a facturilor de achizitie de bunuri si servicii de la furnizorii externi, a facturilor intocmite pentru clientii interni etc
Evidenta si inregistrarea scoaterii din evidenta a mijloacelor fixe, rulare si verificare amortizare lunara etc
Verificarea contabilizarii corecte a iesirilor din gestiunile de stocuri
Evidenta contului contabil, inregistrarea in contabilitate a descarcarii aferente
Verificarea si evidenta cheltuielilor de protocol, a cheltuielilor cu deductibilitate limitata aferente parcului auto si alte cheltuieli nedeductibile;
Alocarea cheltuielilor inregistrate in contabilitate pe centre de cost si/sau profit;
Verificarea corectitudinii informatiilor jurnalului de cumparari cu facturile de achizitii de bunuri si servicii;
Intocmirea diverselor rapoarte si situatii financiar-contabile
Participarea la operatiunile de inventarire anuala ale companiei
Participarea la desfasurarea lucrarilor specifice activitatii de audit intern si extern, conform responsabilitatilor delegate in cadrul departamentului
Asigurarea respectarii dispoziţiilor legale referitoare la întocmirea si inregistrarea documentelor specifice activităţii financiar contabile