Municipiul Tîrgu Mureş, Str. ALEXANDRU PAPIU ILARIAN, Nr. 28
Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (268)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 268 )
expirat: 24.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Lacatus mecanic
expirat: 24.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inginer mecanic Junior
expirat: 15.11.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Lacatus mecanic
expirat: 25.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
expirat: 25.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inginer mecanic Junior
expirat: 16.10.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inginer tehnolog - Proiectant
expirat: 26.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Manager de proiect
expirat: 25.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
expirat: 25.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Lacatus mecanic
expirat: 25.09.2024
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Agent achizitii si contractari
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 04.09.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Manager de proiect
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 25.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inginer mecanic
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 25.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
1130 - 1250 € net / lună
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inginer tehnolog - Proiectant
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 25.08.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Lacatus mecanic
Târgu Mureș,
expirat: 25.08.2024
Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
300 Strada Gheorghe Doja, Târgu Mureș
expirat: 25.08.2024
Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inginer mecanic
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 20.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
1130 - 1250 € net / lună
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Manager de proiect
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 12.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inginer tehnolog - Proiectant
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 12.07.2024
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Lacatus mecanic
Târgu Mureș,
expirat: 12.07.2024
Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
300 Strada Gheorghe Doja, Târgu Mureș
expirat: 12.07.2024
Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Inginer mecanic
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 14.06.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
1130 - 1250 € net / luna
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Quality and Management System Manager
Târgu Mureș
expirat: 14.06.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Coordinates inspection and testing activities, specific certifications and authorizations in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and according to the Manufacturing Schedule
Performs testing activities in collaboration with third parties
Participates in production analysis and proposes, according to inspection and testing capabilities, revisions to the Manufacturing Program
Coordinates the implementation of the Action Plans, Internal and External Audit Program and establishes corrective actions, plan revisions
Coordinates certification and authorization actions according to regulatory rules applicable to operational activities (inspections, tests)
Coordinates the implementation of specific documented company rules, regulatory rules and decisions. Pays particular attention to regulatory standards in the field of occupational health and safety and environmental protection
Verifies compliance of products with project requirements and applicable regulatory standards. Checks quality documents and attests conformity by signing the Declaration of Conformity and the Quality Certificate
Is the secretary of the Management Committee and organises the Management Review (convenes, prepares the review materials, records the results of the review and monitors the implementation of actions)
Coordinates certifications/recertifications, ISO9001, ISHSAS18001 surveillance, other company certifications/authorizations (ASME, PED, etc.). Cooperates with the organisational structures involved
Implements ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 management requirements in dept. Quality, Service. Environment, SSM SU and dept. Functional Departments according to the Organization Chart
Organises the Internal Audit and carries it out with the designated auditors from COMOSERV. Draws up and presents the audit report in the management analysis. At the request of dept. Commercial Department and with the approval of the Management Committee provides the external audit according to the specific procedure
Ensures the implementation of the Management Policy and Program. Monitors the Management Program and the implementation of actions. Reports to the Director General
Ensures the development and continuous update of the Regulatory Requirements, Stakeholders, Risks and Opportunities - SWOT, processes and sub-processes and the implementation of changes in the Management Program and Action Plan
Coordinates the implementation of the Action Plans, Internal and External Audit Program and establishes actions, plan revisions
Ensures control of internal documented information (preparation, revision, dissemination, maintenance of internal regulatory documents - manuals, procedures, instructions, regulations, job descriptions, according to ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001, other applicable regulations)
Coordinates inspection and testing activities, specific certifications and authorizations in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and according to the Manufacturing Schedule
Performs testing activities in collaboration with third parties
Participates in production analysis and proposes, according to inspection and testing capabilities, revisions to the Manufacturing Program
Coordinates the implementation of the Action Plans, Internal and External Audit Program and establishes corrective actions, plan revisions
Coordinates certification and authorization actions according to regulatory rules applicable to operational activities (inspections, tests)
Coordinates the implementation of specific documented company rules, regulatory rules and decisions. Pays particular attention to regulatory standards in the field of occupational health and safety and environmental protection
Verifies compliance of products with project requirements and applicable regulatory standards. Checks quality documents and attests conformity by signing the Declaration of Conformity and the Quality Certificate
Is the secretary of the Management Committee and organises the Management Review (convenes, prepares the review materials, records the results of the review and monitors the implementation of actions)
Coordinates certifications/recertifications, ISO9001, ISHSAS18001 surveillance, other company certifications/authorizations (ASME, PED, etc.). Cooperates with the organisational structures involved
Implements ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 management requirements in dept. Quality, Service. Environment, SSM SU and dept. Functional Departments according to the Organization Chart
Organises the Internal Audit and carries it out with the designated auditors from COMOSERV. Draws up and presents the audit report in the management analysis. At the request of dept. Commercial Department and with the approval of the Management Committee provides the external audit according to the specific procedure
Ensures the implementation of the Management Policy and Program. Monitors the Management Program and the implementation of actions. Reports to the Director General
Ensures the development and continuous update of the Regulatory Requirements, Stakeholders, Risks and Opportunities - SWOT, processes and sub-processes and the implementation of changes in the Management Program and Action Plan
Coordinates the implementation of the Action Plans, Internal and External Audit Program and establishes actions, plan revisions
Ensures control of internal documented information (preparation, revision, dissemination, maintenance of internal regulatory documents - manuals, procedures, instructions, regulations, job descriptions, according to ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001, other applicable regulations)
primeste reperele de pe fluxul de fabricatie, verifica materialele, reperele, subansamblele inainte de utilizare;
pregăteşte şi verifică echipamentele (cuptor, ciocan), SDV-urile;
aseaza/prinde piesa in dispozitivele de prindere;
opereaza/regleaza/verifica parametrii procesului stabiliti prin tehnologie, specificatii tehnice, standarde si norme;
efectueaza prelucrarea la cald;
controlează piesele finite utilizând dispozitive/echipamente de măsură specifice; remediaza;
preda reperele pe fluxul de fabricatie la sectorul urmator din tehnologie;
Efectueaza si mentine curatenia echipamentelor. Colecteaza si depoziteaza, la locurile marcate, deseurile rezultate din operatiile pe care le-a efectuat
se îngrijeşte permanent de integritatea şi buna funcţionare a uneltelor şi dispozitivelor folosite în cadrul activităţii desfăşurate; ia toate măsurile pentru protejarea elementelor patrimoniale ale societăţii, informând conducerea asupra neregulilor constatate;
avertizează verbal, vizual si sonor celelalte structuri de personal asupra pericolelor existente în timpul desfăşurării activităţii;
Informeaza seful cand identifica neconformitati in desfasurarea activitatii, neconformitati ale produselor, echipamentelor de lucru, materialelor
primeste reperele de pe fluxul de fabricatie, verifica materialele, reperele, subansamblele inainte de utilizare;
pregăteşte şi verifică echipamentele (cuptor, ciocan), SDV-urile;
aseaza/prinde piesa in dispozitivele de prindere;
opereaza/regleaza/verifica parametrii procesului stabiliti prin tehnologie, specificatii tehnice, standarde si norme;
efectueaza prelucrarea la cald;
controlează piesele finite utilizând dispozitive/echipamente de măsură specifice; remediaza;
preda reperele pe fluxul de fabricatie la sectorul urmator din tehnologie;
Efectueaza si mentine curatenia echipamentelor. Colecteaza si depoziteaza, la locurile marcate, deseurile rezultate din operatiile pe care le-a efectuat
se îngrijeşte permanent de integritatea şi buna funcţionare a uneltelor şi dispozitivelor folosite în cadrul activităţii desfăşurate; ia toate măsurile pentru protejarea elementelor patrimoniale ale societăţii, informând conducerea asupra neregulilor constatate;
avertizează verbal, vizual si sonor celelalte structuri de personal asupra pericolelor existente în timpul desfăşurării activităţii;
Informeaza seful cand identifica neconformitati in desfasurarea activitatii, neconformitati ale produselor, echipamentelor de lucru, materialelor
Coordinates inspection and testing activities, specific certifications and authorizations in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and according to the Manufacturing Schedule
Performs testing activities in collaboration with third parties
Participates in production analysis and proposes, according to inspection and testing capabilities, revisions to the Manufacturing Program
Coordinates the implementation of the Action Plans, Internal and External Audit Program and establishes corrective actions, plan revisions
Coordinates certification and authorization actions according to regulatory rules applicable to operational activities (inspections, tests)
Coordinates the implementation of specific documented company rules, regulatory rules and decisions. Pays particular attention to regulatory standards in the field of occupational health and safety and environmental protection
Verifies compliance of products with project requirements and applicable regulatory standards. Checks quality documents and attests conformity by signing the Declaration of Conformity and the Quality Certificate
Is the secretary of the Management Committee and organises the Management Review (convenes, prepares the review materials, records the results of the review and monitors the implementation of actions)
Coordinates certifications/recertifications, ISO9001, ISHSAS18001 surveillance, other company certifications/authorizations (ASME, PED, etc.). Cooperates with the organisational structures involved
Implements ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 management requirements in dept. Quality, Service. Environment, SSM SU and dept. Functional Departments according to the Organization Chart
Organises the Internal Audit and carries it out with the designated auditors from COMOSERV. Draws up and presents the audit report in the management analysis. At the request of dept. Commercial Department and with the approval of the Management Committee provides the external audit according to the specific procedure
Ensures the implementation of the Management Policy and Program. Monitors the Management Program and the implementation of actions. Reports to the Director General
Ensures the development and continuous update of the Regulatory Requirements, Stakeholders, Risks and Opportunities - SWOT, processes and sub-processes and the implementation of changes in the Management Program and Action Plan
Coordinates the implementation of the Action Plans, Internal and External Audit Program and establishes actions, plan revisions
Ensures control of internal documented information (preparation, revision, dissemination, maintenance of internal regulatory documents - manuals, procedures, instructions, regulations, job descriptions, according to ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001, other applicable regulations)
primeste reperele de pe fluxul de fabricatie, verifica materialele, reperele, subansamblele inainte de utilizare;
pregăteşte şi verifică echipamentele (cuptor, ciocan), SDV-urile;
aseaza/prinde piesa in dispozitivele de prindere;
opereaza/regleaza/verifica parametrii procesului stabiliti prin tehnologie, specificatii tehnice, standarde si norme;
efectueaza prelucrarea la cald;
controlează piesele finite utilizând dispozitive/echipamente de măsură specifice; remediaza;
preda reperele pe fluxul de fabricatie la sectorul urmator din tehnologie;
Efectueaza si mentine curatenia echipamentelor. Colecteaza si depoziteaza, la locurile marcate, deseurile rezultate din operatiile pe care le-a efectuat
se îngrijeşte permanent de integritatea şi buna funcţionare a uneltelor şi dispozitivelor folosite în cadrul activităţii desfăşurate; ia toate măsurile pentru protejarea elementelor patrimoniale ale societăţii, informând conducerea asupra neregulilor constatate;
avertizează verbal, vizual si sonor celelalte structuri de personal asupra pericolelor existente în timpul desfăşurării activităţii;
Informeaza seful cand identifica neconformitati in desfasurarea activitatii, neconformitati ale produselor, echipamentelor de lucru, materialelor