Loc. Otopeni, Oraş Otopeni, Calea BUCURESTILOR, Nr. 247
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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Reparatii utilaje agricole (tractoare, combine, alte echipamente: semanatori, echipamente de ierbicidat si fertilizat, pluguri, etc) la sediul clientului sau in atelierul propriu;
Diagnoza, reparatii in garantie si post garantie;
Efectuarea operatiunilor de punere in functiune si intretinere ulterioara a utilajelor
Activitati specifice de gestiune a depozitului de piese de schimb prin folosirea scannerului intr-un sistem de gestiune integrata ERP pentru realizarea miscarii stocurilor;
Desfasoara activitati de manipulare, incarcare si descarcare marfuri in cadrul depozitului, manual si cu liza;
Mentinerea controlului strict asupra stocului de piese;
Participa la inventarul stocului de marfa;
Utilizeaza casa de marcat pentru emiterea bonurilor fiscale aferenta vanzarilor cu plata in numerar;
Track, process and complete service reports to comply with the supplier warranty requirements;
Participate in external/internal trainnings
Implement warranty and reporting procedures as per producer guidelines
Continue building and structuring a knowledge database accessible to all Service employees
Participate in critical field interventions, machinery set-up and monitor product improvement program implementation launched by suppliers;
Make sure that all machines sold in the country are having proper documentation ie. Operator Manuals, Repair Manuals, PDI-, Taking Over- and Handing Over Protocols in Romanian Language;
Organize and participate in Field Visits together with technical representatives of suppliers;
Support Sales in machinery configuration and technical inttroduction of machines to clients;
Quality Control on interventions and repairs done for allocted suppliers/service areas
Overall technical support for allocted service zones and first contact for the Regional Team Leaders in the branches for any service related issue;
Reparatii utilaje agricole (tractoare, combine, alte echipamente: semanatori, echipamente de ierbicidat si fertilizat, pluguri, etc) la sediul clientului sau in atelierul propriu;
Diagnoza, reparatii in garantie si post garantie;
Efectuarea operatiunilor de punere in functiune si intretinere ulterioara a utilajelor
Competition monitoring of products offered on the market, campaigns, promo and trends on the products or financial side, equipment and aftersales
Participating at defining the marketing plan and budget and following up the implementation
Coordinate with the Sales team and propose campaigns and marketing actions
Create original content and edit existing content to be used over multiple platforms and social media including web site, blogs, Facebook, emails and formats, including writing technical articles, case studies, testimonials, newsletters and emails to meet business objectives
Maintain the website of the company always up to date with the latest news on products, offers and promotions, job section, event section, keeping the proper image of the company on the market
Monitoring the Sales team need in term of give-aways, brochures, leaflets and other marketing materials and taking care that the need is always properly covered
Supporting the marketing team in organizing the company events, fairs, demos, etc
Communicate technical data in a clear and compelling manner to customers
Update status reports for assigned campaigns & evaluate the performance of various marketing strategies
Reparatii utilaje agricole (tractoare, combine, alte echipamente: semanatori, echipamente de ierbicidat si fertilizat, pluguri, etc) la sediul clientului sau in atelierul propriu;
Diagnoza, reparatii in garantie si post garantie;
Efectuarea operatiunilor de punere in functiune si intretinere ulterioara a utilajelor