Municipiul Timişoara, Str. MIORIŢA, Nr. 2, Bloc 3, Etaj 2, Apartament 66
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Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (183)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 183 )
Trade Marketing Specialist
expirat: 08.10.2020
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Identifies growth opportunities, development and implementation of actions in close cooperation with local KAMs, RCM and RPCM, using central and regional communication and promotional platforms;
Responsible for local adaptation and operational execution of regional marketing activities;
Local linking-pin between RCPM, RCM, sales, customers, CS, sales force
Initiates customer growth activities (listings, catalogues, promotions) by activating the right customer sell-out model, using central and regional communication and promotional platforms and providing necessary support to key customers;
Implements all regional marketing activities (category, communication, promotion, pricing, legislation)
Ownership of customer catalogue process;
Handles local pricelist translating policies and guidelines issued by RCM into local pricing;
Monthly reporting on sales results and marketing budget;
Gathers market intelligence, customer and competitor analysis and provides impulses and ideas to RCM, RCPM, RMD & CM;
Gets involved in customer presentations, sales forecasting, listing process and training
Works closely with RMD, RCM and RCPM;
Provides support to customers (listings, catalogues, web content) across whole portfolio of products;
Takes care of whole marketing agenda at the market incl. ensuring that products / packaging comply with all local rules and requirements (provides information and feedback to RCM and RCPM);
Prepares local pricelist following instructions from RMD, RCM and CM;
Ensures implementation of regional rules on pricing, product launches etc.;
Prepares local offer and web catalogue (in cooperation with Central Marketing Service);
Participates in customer meetings to understand and document their requirements
Consult with and gather information from technicians, engineers, contractors, etc
Carries out the analysis and definition of the processes within the projects, the list of requirements and their prioritization, creates the process diagram and project documentation including Project Plan, Project Scope, Test Plan Scenarios
Validates the specification documents and coordinates the testing phase and UAT
Assist in ensuring compliance with necessary specifications
administration connected to orders (entering the order into the internal system, ordering the products in the warehouse, issuing proforma invoice, credit notes, order check, sending the invoices)
phone and e-mail contact with customers (update on delivery of products)
phone and e-mail contact with the marketing department and with the warehouses, with demand planners and with speditors
solving the claims of customers
daily statistics (controls of backorders, EDI orders and Tool Commerce)
Monitor, control and manage business operations to meet customer expectations and company goals
Handling on daily basis order to cash process
Cooperation with relevant DC`s on flow of DNs & shipments
Cooperation with Marketing on promotions, update of offer, pricing
Cooperation with CFL on UFR, changes of RDD
Cooperation with AR, Finance
Cooperation with Sales on flow of orders
Handling of customer claims based on DOA
Close cooperation with vendors to make purchases & reconcile invoices (if applicable – FOB)
Assisting clients with questions regarding product availability
Follow standard operating procedures for efficient business operations
Securing fulfillment of the Team tasks adjusting everyday headcounts to workload
Setting up daily priorities
Control and handling the UAT tests
Coordinate and manage project tasks within the Team
Maintaining clear and accurate operations documents/procedures for reference purposes
Addressing to Leaders productivity and systems constrains by offering suitable solutions
Responding to CS Leaders tasks, projects, Corporate Social Responsibility ideas, Team, Company challenges
Eager to develop leadership skills. To be focused on potential talent development and succession planning within a team to secure CS organization effectiveness and growth
People management responsibilities (recruitment, onboarding, performance management, employee development, attendance management, EHS of the Team)
Build and maintain strong customer relationship through regular Team meetings and communications, motivation, engagement, Team spirit
Regular meetings with CS Leaders on status of all above mentioned
Mentinerea evidentei la zi a contractelor de inchiriere, a actelor aditionale, a Notificarilor, a proceselor Verbale de Intrare in Spatiu si Iesire din spatiu;
Urmarirea derularii contractelor de inchiriere pentru spatiile de birouri inchiriate de la primirea contractului pana la inchiderea contractului prin: emiterea facturilor de garantie, emiterea facturilor de chirie lunara si mentenanta pe baza Proceselor Verbale de Intrare in spatiu, emiterea facturilor de utilitati pe baza consumurilor inregistrate, emiterea de facturi de stornare de garantie la inchiderea contractului de inchiriere pe baza Procesului Verbal de Iesire din spatiu;
Indosariere documente contabile respectiv: facturi de achizitii si facturi de servicii prestate, extrase bancare, deconturi de cheltuieli, registre de casa, etc
Mentinerea relatiei cu furnizorii de servicii externalizate, preluarea de documente contabile de la acestia, mentinerea relatiei cu Administratia Finantelor Publice si DITL pe baza dosarelor intocmite de contabilii seniori
Repartizeaza și ordoneaza mărfurile în spațiile special allocate;
Scanarea produselor in sistemul informatic si verificare marfa;
Participarea la operațiunile de încărcare / descărcare marfa în / din depozit astfel încât să asigure fluxul optim de expediere și recepție a produselor;
Verifica și recepționeaza mărfurile pe baza documentelor de livrare;
Participarea la inventarierea mărfurilor din gestiune
Ensures the proper merchandising implementation to customers (Actively participates in the merchandising process) & cooperation with Key Account Manager;
Serves as representative of the commercial team to Distributors & Shops;
Implementation of established sales plans and other tasks related to customers;
Building and maintaining strong relationships with clients on subordinate areas;
Controlling the activities of distributors - the level of orders for the stores, and the availability of goods offered and the level of services;
Active cooperation and coordination of activities linked to Distributors’ Representatives;
Preparation and submission of commercial offers and the active promotion of the products (product presentations; conducting product training);
Reporting Sales activities;
Active cooperation with other departments to implement the tasks set;
The above duties shall concern the employer’s business activity in Romania (Bucharest Area)
Identificarea potentialilor clienti, persoane juridice, din baza de date alocata, conform criteriilor de calificare;
Contactarea telefonica a potentialilor clienti calificati, prospectarea profilului real al societatii si in urma informatiilor obtinute stabilirea de intalniri pentru forta de vanzari, in vederea incheierii si derularii contractelor de furnizare a serviciilor medicale oferite;
Actualizarea bazei de date cu informatiile obtinute;
Raportare periodica;
Promovarea unei imagini pozitive a companiei in relatia cu clientii si prospectii contactati
Ensures the proper merchandising implementation to customers (Actively participates in the merchandising process) & cooperation with Key Account Manager;
Serves as representative of the commercial team to Distributors & Shops;
Implementation of established sales plans and other tasks related to customers;
Building and maintaining strong relationships with clients on subordinate areas;
Controlling the activities of distributors - the level of orders for the stores, and the availability of goods offered and the level of services;
Active cooperation and coordination of activities linked to Distributors’ Representatives;
Preparation and submission of commercial offers and the active promotion of the products (product presentations; conducting product training);
Reporting Sales activities;
Active cooperation with other departments to implement the tasks set;
The above duties shall concern the employer’s business activity in Romania (Cluj Area)
Identify, research, and contact prospective customers and build positive relationships that will generate future sales and repeat business;
Refer sales leads, customer feedback, and information on competitor activity to appropriate contacts within the organization so that they can respond to changing market conditions and customer demands;
Establish annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly sales plans and priorities and schedule own activities so that these targets are met;
Promote and sell the organization’s products in the showroom;
Assess customer needs and suggest appropriate products;
Respond to customer enquiries;
Negotiate prices and delivery times within limits of authority; and conclude sales orders to meet revenue targets;
analizeaza necesarul de personal, intocmeste profilele joburilor, initiaza si deruleaza procesele de recrutare;
identifica si aplica metode de recrutare noi in vederea indeplinirii obiectivelor de recrutare;
ofera suport la fiecare noua angajare pentru indeplinirea formalitatilor de angajare si pastrarea unei stranse legaturi cu noii colegi si este responsabil de aplicarea corecta a procesului de inductie pentru noii-veniti;
Identify, research, and contact prospective customers and build positive relationships that will generate future sales and repeat business;
Refer sales leads, customer feedback, and information on competitor activity to appropriate contacts within the organization so that they can respond to changing market conditions and customer demands;
Establish annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly sales plans and priorities and schedule own activities so that these targets are met;
Promote and sell the organization’s products in the showroom;
Assess customer needs and suggest appropriate products;
Respond to customer enquiries;
Negotiate prices and delivery times within limits of authority; and conclude sales orders to meet revenue targets;
Identify, research, and contact prospective customers and build positive relationships that will generate future sales and repeat business;
Refer sales leads, customer feedback, and information on competitor activity to appropriate contacts within the organization so that they can respond to changing market conditions and customer demands;
Establish annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly sales plans and priorities and schedule own activities so that these targets are met;
Promote and sell the organization’s products within an assigned geographic area, to meet or exceed sales targets
Visit existing and new customers;
Assess customer needs and suggest appropriate products;
Respond to customer enquiries;
Negotiate prices and delivery times within limits of authority; and conclude sales orders to meet revenue targets
prepare local translations, POSM for new launches - brochures, leaflets and other POSM
manage the brand visibility plans and get involved in the planning together with sales managers, keeping on proving our reputation on tool brands expertise and innovation capability
evaluate the effect of various activities together with sales
administer various tasks (. updating systems, price set ups etc.)