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Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
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Fara continut. Această companie nu a completat fila „Despre companie”.
Recrutări conduse de firmă:
Toate (322)Active ( 0 )Arhivă ( 322 )
Asistent Comercial
expirat: 28.03.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Asistent Comercial
expirat: 20.01.2024
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Assistant Manager (pharma industry)
expirat: 22.12.2023
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Administrative support to Immunology team
Organize big medical events at national & mainly international level for the team and business partners: congresses, travels, master class, summits, courses, internal meetings, product launches etc
Organize all participants’ travel arrangements: airplane tickets, transfers, train etc.; coordinate all participants’ accommodation process
Collaborate with travel agencies for organizing events
Administrate the contracts with doctors and suppliers: sponsorship, speaker contracts fiscal sales / return / discount invoices for distributors
Extracts reports on sales and returns and send them to the interested parts
On request, offer administrative support to other departments
Offer business support for the team by elaboration specific reports
Maintain a permanent contact with direct manager
Administer promotional materials
Be part of a collaborative team and enjoy the support of your peers in a positive atmosphere
Make use of your excellent planning and organizational skills to ensure effective and timely output in an independent way
Be proactive and efficient in the management of your activities and contribution to key projects
Maintain confidentiality and professionalism in exchanges with stakeholders
Asigura conducerea administrativa a Departamentului
Asigura dimensionarea corecta a Departamentului
Asigura o buna motivare a subordonatilor
Gestioneaza resursele materiale si financiare care sunt alocate Departamentului
Asigura permanenta perfectionare si informare a personalului din subordine
Realizeaza toate activitatile ce-i revin ca Sef de Departament, conform procedurilor privind asigurarea calitatii
Verifica respectarea in cadrul Departamentului a legislatiei, normativelor si standardelor in vigoare, a procedurilor de asigurare a calitatii si a tuturor regulamentelor si normelor interne ale societatii
Asigura realizarea activitatilor de teren asociate proiectelor si asistenta tehnice pe parcursul executiei proiectelor
Acorda sprijin profesional personalului din subordine pe parcursul elaborarii proiectelor, desfasurarii activitatilor de teren si a rezolvarii insarcinarilor ocazionale
Elaboreaza partile scrise si desenate ale proiectului
Realizeaza activitati de proiectare in domeniul planului general, retele de apa si de canalizare, drumuri, in conformitate cu functia fixata de catre Directorul de Directie PROIECTARE – CERCETARE;
Primește, înregistrează și sintetizează necesarul de materiale și servicii;
Cercetează piața pentru a obține cele mai bune oferte dpdv calitate-preț;
Identifică potențiali furnizori și propune evaluarea acestora conform criteriilor stabilite;
Întocmește și analizează cererile de ofertă;
Organizează și participă la licitații. Negociază cu furnizorii prețurile de achiziție, încheie contractele cu aceștia;
Înregistrează și transmite comenzi la furnizori. Urmărește aprovizionarea la prețurile și termenele stabilite;
Obține validarea tehnică a articolelor de aprovizionat împreună cu departamentul de calitate și departamentul care a făcut solicitarea;
Menține un control permanent asupra documentelor contractuale și a modificărilor acestora;
Asigură obținerea de la furnizori a tuturor documentelor însoțitoare (privind calitatea, autorizații de funcționare/furnizare a serviciilor, licențe etc.);
Primește, înregistrează și sintetizează necesarul de materiale și servicii;
Cercetează piața pentru a obține cele mai bune oferte dpdv calitate-preț;
Identifică potențiali furnizori și propune evaluarea acestora conform criteriilor stabilite;
Întocmește și analizează cererile de ofertă;
Organizează și participă la licitații. Negociază cu furnizorii prețurile de achiziție, încheie contractele cu aceștia;
Înregistrează și transmite comenzi la furnizori. Urmărește aprovizionarea la prețurile și termenele stabilite;
Obține validarea tehnică a articolelor de aprovizionat împreună cu departamentul de calitate și departamentul care a făcut solicitarea;
Menține un control permanent asupra documentelor contractuale și a modificărilor acestora;
Asigură obținerea de la furnizori a tuturor documentelor însoțitoare (privind calitatea, autorizații de funcționare/furnizare a serviciilor, licențe etc.);
Respectarea prevederilor legale cu privire la circulatia pe drumurile publice in trafic intern si international de marfuri
Intocmirea documentelor de transport conform legii in vigoare
Intocmirea Conventiei CMR
Cunoasterea hartei administrative si rutiere pentru tarile din Europa
Adoptarea unui comportament si a unui ton civilizat in relatiile cu clientii, personalul de la firmele cu care colaboram, colegii de serviciu, superiorii ierarhici si subordonati
Planificarea, organizarea si controlul activitatilor legate de transport
Administrarea flotei auto si a bugetului alocat
Coordonarea echipei care intocmeste toate documentele si obtine toate actele necesare pentru circulatia legala pe drumurile publice, avand obligatia de a verifica daca vignetele necesare spatiului intern si comunitar sunt achizitionate inainte de intrarea pe teritoriul statului tranzitat
Responsabil de derularea activitatilor de inmatriculari si radieri
Programarea si optimizarea rutelor de transport
Pastrarea legaturii cu autoritatile rutiere si furnizorii relevanti
Responsabil de obtinerea licentelor de transport si a celor de executie pentru autovehicule
Reprezarea societatii in raport cu ARR, RAR, organele de politie precum si cu alte structuri ale statului
Organizarea transporturile in cele mai bune conditii, cu respectarea calitatii si termenelor cerute de standardele societatii
Optimizarea costurile legate de transport
Realizarea rapoartelor de activitate si prognoza asupra cheltuielilor aferente departamentului
Covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
Welcoming visitors and announcing to relevant Company staff;
Liaising with building maintenance and third party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues;
Maintaining common office areas including conference rooms and the kitchen by refilling coffee machines, performing basic clean-up duties, etc.;
Liaising with office suppliers, preparing lists with necessary supplies, placing orders for stationary, water supply, protocol, couriers, toners;
Receiving the company’s mail and fax documents and registering on Document Management System, the incoming mail, invoices, the newspapers, and distributing to staff;
Archiving offline and online documents for legal, audit, or historical purposes based on requirements and procedures;
Courier - ensuring that urgent and important documents are delivered in good time;
Updating calendars and schedule meetings; ensure administrative support for meetings;
May assist all staff with travel arrangements;
Performing other secretarial duties such as basic correspondence, filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing;
Scanning and uploading the documents accordingly to Company requirements;
Liaising with housekeeper for different needs and suppliers connection
Primește, înregistrează și sintetizează necesarul de materiale și servicii;
Cercetează piața pentru a obține cele mai bune oferte dpdv calitate-preț;
Identifică potențiali furnizori și propune evaluarea acestora conform criteriilor stabilite;
Întocmește și analizează cererile de ofertă;
Organizează și participă la licitații. Negociază cu furnizorii prețurile de achiziție, încheie contractele cu aceștia;
Înregistrează și transmite comenzi la furnizori. Urmărește aprovizionarea la prețurile și termenele stabilite;
Obține validarea tehnică a articolelor de aprovizionat împreună cu departamentul de calitate și departamentul care a făcut solicitarea;
Menține un control permanent asupra documentelor contractuale și a modificărilor acestora;
Asigură obținerea de la furnizori a tuturor documentelor însoțitoare (privind calitatea, autorizații de funcționare/furnizare a serviciilor, licențe etc.);
Respectarea prevederilor legale cu privire la circulatia pe drumurile publice in trafic intern si international de marfuri
Intocmirea documentelor de transport conform legii in vigoare
Intocmirea Conventiei CMR
Cunoasterea hartei administrative si rutiere pentru tarile din Europa
Adoptarea unui comportament si a unui ton civilizat in relatiile cu clientii, personalul de la firmele cu care colaboram, colegii de serviciu, superiorii ierarhici si subordonati
Planificarea, organizarea si controlul activitatilor legate de transport
Administrarea flotei auto si a bugetului alocat
Coordonarea echipei care intocmeste toate documentele si obtine toate actele necesare pentru circulatia legala pe drumurile publice, avand obligatia de a verifica daca vignetele necesare spatiului intern si comunitar sunt achizitionate inainte de intrarea pe teritoriul statului tranzitat
Responsabil de derularea activitatilor de inmatriculari si radieri
Programarea si optimizarea rutelor de transport
Pastrarea legaturii cu autoritatile rutiere si furnizorii relevanti
Responsabil de obtinerea licentelor de transport si a celor de executie pentru autovehicule
Reprezarea societatii in raport cu ARR, RAR, organele de politie precum si cu alte structuri ale statului
Organizarea transporturile in cele mai bune conditii, cu respectarea calitatii si termenelor cerute de standardele societatii
Optimizarea costurile legate de transport
Realizarea rapoartelor de activitate si prognoza asupra cheltuielilor aferente departamentului
Covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring the incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
Welcoming the visitors and announcing to relevant Company staff;
Managing the cards for employees, visitors and consultants, changing info with Building Administration;
Liaising with building maintenance and third party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues; Sending monthly utility counters for the printers;
Maintaining common office areas including conference rooms and the kitchen by refilling coffee machines, performing basic clean-up duties, etc.;
Liaising with office suppliers, preparing lists with necessary supplies, placing orders for stationary, water supply, protocol, couriers, toners, and prepare monthly reports waste recycling;
Ordering fruit, setting up the kitchen, managing the quantities;
Receiving the company’s mail and fax documents and registering on Document Management System, the incoming mail, invoices, the newspapers, and distributing to departments;
Archiving offline and online documents for legal, audit, or historical purposes based on requirements and procedures;
Courier - ensuring that urgent and important documents are delivered in good time; may assist and directly deliver the correspondence to different authorities based on needs
Updating calendars and schedule meetings; ensure administrative support for meetings;
Keeping daily time-sheet record for all employees;
May assist all staff and consultants by preparing Business Travel Approval/Vacation forms;
Coordinating the translation of corporate and technical documents with the translation agency; perform correspondence translation on request;
Contribute on the event preparation and organisation when is necessary;
Performing other clerical receptionist duties such as filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing;
Scanning and uploading the documents accordingly to Company requirements;
Prepare monthly report about recycle waste materials;
Liaising with housekeeper for different needs and suppliers connection;
Analyze client business requirements and benchmark them to T24 TRANSACT products features;
Review client organization, processes and workflows and propose changes to maximize the benefit from T24 TRANSACT;
Identify and validate any gaps together with proposals for resolution (. workarounds or changes in processes) and ensure any solutions proposed are realistic and within the agreed scope of the project;
Define, validate and document customization needs for T24 TRANSACT as per agreed business requirements;
Perform the configuration of T24 TRANSACT through the definition of static data and parameters’ configurations;
Prepare and perform the functional testing to support User Acceptance Testing (UAT);
Covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring the incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
Welcoming the visitors and announcing to relevant Company staff;
Managing the cards for employees, visitors and consultants, changing info with Building Administration;
Liaising with building maintenance and third party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues; Sending monthly utility counters for the printers;
Maintaining common office areas including conference rooms and the kitchen by refilling coffee machines, performing basic clean-up duties, etc.;
Liaising with office suppliers, preparing lists with necessary supplies, placing orders for stationary, water supply, protocol, couriers, toners, and prepare monthly reports waste recycling;
Ordering fruit, setting up the kitchen, managing the quantities;
Receiving the company’s mail and fax documents and registering on Document Management System, the incoming mail, invoices, the newspapers, and distributing to departments;
Archiving offline and online documents for legal, audit, or historical purposes based on requirements and procedures;
Courier - ensuring that urgent and important documents are delivered in good time; may assist and directly deliver the correspondence to different authorities based on needs
Updating calendars and schedule meetings; ensure administrative support for meetings;
Keeping daily time-sheet record for all employees;
May assist all staff and consultants by preparing Business Travel Approval/Vacation forms;
Coordinating the translation of corporate and technical documents with the translation agency; perform correspondence translation on request;
Contribute on the event preparation and organisation when is necessary;
Performing other clerical receptionist duties such as filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing;
Scanning and uploading the documents accordingly to Company requirements;
Prepare monthly report about recycle waste materials;
Liaising with housekeeper for different needs and suppliers connection;
Covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring the incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
Welcoming the visitors and announcing to relevant Company staff;
Liaising with building maintenance and third party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues;
Maintaining common office areas including conference rooms and the kitchen by refilling coffee machines, performing basic clean-up duties, etc.;
Liaising with office suppliers, preparing lists with necessary supplies, placing orders for stationary, water supply, protocol, couriers, toners;
Ordering fruit, setting up the kitchen, managing the quantities;
Receiving the company’s mail and fax documents and registering on Document Management System, the incoming mail, invoices, the newspapers, and distributing to staff;
Archiving offline and online documents for legal, audit, or historical purposes based on requirements and procedures;
Courier - ensuring that urgent and important documents are delivered in good time;
Updating calendars and schedule meetings; ensure administrative support for meetings;
May assist all staff with travel arrangements;
Performing other secretarial duties such as basic correspondence, filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing;
Scanning and uploading the documents accordingly to Company requirements;
Liaising with housekeeper for different needs and suppliers connection
Covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
Welcoming visitors and announcing to relevant Company staff;
Liaising with building maintenance and third party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues;
Maintaining common office areas including conference rooms and the kitchen by refilling coffee machines, performing basic clean-up duties, etc.;
Liaising with office suppliers, preparing lists with necessary supplies, placing orders for stationary, water supply, protocol, couriers, toners;
Receiving the company’s mail and fax documents and registering on Document Management System, the incoming mail, invoices, the newspapers, and distributing to staff;
Archiving offline and online documents for legal, audit, or historical purposes based on requirements and procedures;
Courier - ensuring that urgent and important documents are delivered in good time;
Updating calendars and schedule meetings; ensure administrative support for meetings;
May assist all staff with travel arrangements;
Performing other secretarial duties such as basic correspondence, filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing;
Scanning and uploading the documents accordingly to Company requirements;
Liaising with housekeeper for different needs and suppliers connection
Răspunde de menținerea certificării sistemului de management integrat (calitate, mediu), in conformitate cu cerințele din standardele ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 4500 (in curs de implementare);
Sin curs de implementare);
Coordonează activitățile de elaborare/revizie si implementare a documentelor aferente sistemelor de management (manual, proceduri, instrucțiuni, etc.) si le supune validării/aprobării top managementului;
Colaborează cu responsabilii de procese la elaborarea documentelor de lucru (proceduri operaționale, instrucțiuni de lucru etc.) specifice activităților desfășurate in cadrul sistemului;
Întocmește programul de audit si efectuează auditurile interne si de secunda parte ale sistemelor de management;
Coordonează si gestionează întocmirea Raportului anual privind analiza de management;
Conștientizează angajații cu privire la importanța îndeplinirii cerințelor organismelor de certificare / auditare;
Sprijină departamentele companiei la identificarea, evaluarea si prioritizarea riscurilor si gestionează planurile / programele asociate evaluărilor de risc
Pursue a proactive partnership approach to working with tenants, monitoring formalized joint objectives geared to targeted increases in retail sales and densities;
Maintain and develop highest possible retail standards, including visual merchandising, promotional activity, customer conversion, loyalty and the quality of store management;
Ensure open and effective communication with tenants, encouraging new business development ideas and facilitating the exchange of best practice;
Champion customer service performance to both internal and external customers;
Assist in the ongoing asset management process relating to the centre taking ultimate responsibility for the tracking and implementation of all agreed-upon action points;
Monitor effective use of a significant marketing budget spend, including continuous budget monitoring, performance analysis, and expenditure tracking;
Identify and remove/reduce all non-productive costs to ensure that the expenditures represent value for money;
Ensure all operational standards, including health and safety requirements, are met so that customers can enjoy shopping in a clean and secure environment;
Ensure tenants fulfill their obligations under their lease agreements;
Motivate, train and develop team members to deliver on their agreed objectives;
Act as the organization’s ambassador and spokesperson in the local community, promoting the company’s brand values and objectives;
Regular reviews/management reporting to key executives;
Lead, develop and monitor all other members of the onsite management team and ensure behavioral compliance of all visiting contractors;
Provide leadership, guidance and direction to the other members of the onsite management team
Covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring the incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
Welcoming the visitors and announcing to relevant Company staff;
Liaising with building maintenance and third party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues;
Maintaining common office areas including conference rooms and the kitchen by refilling coffee machines, performing basic clean-up duties, etc.;
Liaising with office suppliers, preparing lists with necessary supplies, placing orders for stationary, water supply, protocol, couriers, toners;
Ordering fruit, setting up the kitchen, managing the quantities;
Receiving the company’s mail and fax documents and registering on Document Management System, the incoming mail, invoices, the newspapers, and distributing to staff;
Archiving offline and online documents for legal, audit, or historical purposes based on requirements and procedures;
Courier - ensuring that urgent and important documents are delivered in good time;
Updating calendars and schedule meetings; ensure administrative support for meetings;
May assist all staff with travel arrangements;
Performing other secretarial duties such as basic correspondence, filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing;
Scanning and uploading the documents accordingly to Company requirements;
Liaising with housekeeper for different needs and suppliers connection
Covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring the incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
Welcoming the visitors and announcing to relevant Company staff;
Managing the cards for employees, visitors and consultants, changing info with Building Administration;
Liaising with building maintenance and third party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues; Sending monthly utility counters for the printers;
Maintaining common office areas including conference rooms and the kitchen by refilling coffee machines, performing basic clean-up duties, etc.;
Liaising with office suppliers, preparing lists with necessary supplies, placing orders for stationary, water supply, protocol, couriers, toners, and prepare monthly reports waste recycling;
Ordering fruit, setting up the kitchen, managing the quantities;
Receiving the company’s mail and fax documents and registering on Document Management System, the incoming mail, invoices, the newspapers, and distributing to departments;
Archiving offline and online documents for legal, audit, or historical purposes based on requirements and procedures;
Courier - ensuring that urgent and important documents are delivered in good time;
Updating calendars and schedule meetings; ensure administrative support for meetings;
Keeping daily time-sheet record for all employees;
May assist all staff and consultants by preparing Business Travel Approval/Vacation forms;
Coordinating the translation of corporate and technical documents with the translation agency;
Performing other clerical receptionist duties such as filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing;
Scanning and uploading the documents accordingly to Company requirements;
Prepare monthly report about recycle waste materials;
Liaising with housekeeper for different needs and suppliers connection;
Respectă prevederile sistemului de management al calităţii aplicabil în societate cuprins în manualul calităţii, procedurile de sistem şi operaţionale existente aplicabile
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Business Unit Administrative Assistant
expirat: 02.02.2020
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Be part of a collaborative team and enjoy the support of your peers in a positive atmosphere
Make use of your excellent planning and organizational skills to ensure effective and timely output in an independent way
Be proactive and efficient in the management of your activities and contribution to key projects
Maintain confidentiality and professionalism in exchanges with stakeholders
Show diplomacy and a good team spirit
Offer support to Business Unit on any administrative issues
Organize big medical events at national & mainly international level
Keep contact with travel agencies, events planning agencies etc
Ensure that all aspects of the handling and distribution of pharmaceutical products comply with the requirements of the EU Good Manufacturing Practices / Good Distribution Practices and relevant local regulatory and legislative requirements
Ensure, in collaboration with Quality Leader, the implementation, maintenance and upgrading of the local Quality System in order to drive compliance with local/International GDP regulatory requirements and Company's global standard operating procedures
Provide quality oversight to local GDP vendors particularly such as warehouse/distribution service providers in compliance with Company's Quality Standards (qualification, quality agreements, vendor management)
Analizeaza preturile diferitelor categorii de produse si servicii cu scopul elaborarii strategiei de pret pe diferite segmente de piata
Analizeaza si cuantifica preturile competitiei pe diferite segmente de piata
Utilizeaza metode statistice pentru a prezenta impactul diferitelor strategii de pret pe domenii de activitate, tipuri de produse si servicii
Propune modele de pret personalizate pe tipuri de clienti cu scopul maximizarii marjelor de profit si calculeaza ROI pentru vanzari complexe
Dezvolta metode simple si rapide de pricing/cotare preturi, adaptabile la schimbarile rapide ale pietei, pentru echipa de Customer Sales (pentru vanzarile simple facute de aceasta echipa)
Pregateste documentatii de Cost Break Down pentru licitatii internationale
Pregateste analize complexe de cost/pret pentru negocierile strategice ale companiei
Pregateste analize de pret periodice (saptamanale, lunare si anuale) pentru Top Management, si echipa comerciala
Urmareste evolutiile de piata in domenii industriale diferite, in functie de obiectivele specifice ale companiei, si recomanda strategii de pret diferentiate, in functie de marjele specifice
Covering the telephone exchange: receiving and transferring the incoming calls, taking messages when staff not available;
Welcoming the visitors and announcing to relevant Company staff;
Managing the cards for employees, visitors and consultants, changing info with Building Administration;
Liaising with building maintenance and third party office services’ providers for routine service and unexpected issues; Sending monthly utility counters for the printers;
Maintaining common office areas including conference rooms and the kitchen by refilling coffee machines, performing basic clean-up duties, etc.;
Liaising with office suppliers, preparing lists with necessary supplies, placing orders for stationary, water supply, protocol, couriers, toners, and prepare monthly reports waste recycling;
Ordering fruit, setting up the kitchen, managing the quantities;
Receiving the company’s mail and fax documents and registering on Document Management System, the incoming mail, invoices, the newspapers, and distributing to departments;
Archiving offline and online documents for legal, audit, or historical purposes based on requirements and procedures;
Courier - ensuring that urgent and important documents are delivered in good time;
Updating calendars and schedule meetings; ensure administrative support for meetings;
Keeping daily time-sheet record for all employees;
May assist all staff and consultants by preparing Business Travel Approval/Vacation forms;
Coordinating the translation of corporate and technical documents with the translation agency;
Performing other clerical receptionist duties such as filing, photocopying, transcribing and faxing;
Scanning and uploading the documents accordingly to Company requirements;
Prepare monthly report about recycle waste materials;
Liaising with housekeeper for different needs and suppliers connection;
Efectuarea calculelor de rezistență utilizând analiza cu elemente finite
Veti lucra in stransa colaborare cu celelalte discipline ca si membru sau coordonator al echipei
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Sales & Distributors Relations Responsible
expirat: 17.08.2018
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
CEE Marketing Product Planner
expirat: 16.08.2018
Entry (0-2 ani), Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
ROV Pilot Tech
expirat: 31.07.2018
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
ROV Supervisor
expirat: 31.07.2018
Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Offshore Installation Operation Manager
expirat: 31.07.2018
Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
HSE Advisor / Engineer
expirat: 31.07.2018
Middle (2-5 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Office Assistant (full time)
expirat: 26.07.2018
Middle (2-5 ani), Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Receptionist (part-time: 6 hours)
expirat: 14.07.2018
Entry (0-2 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Financial/Cost Controller in Oil & Gas Constanta
expirat: 08.07.2018
Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Personal Assistant to General Manager
expirat: 08.07.2018
Middle (2-5 ani), Senior (5-10 ani)
Salariu confidențial
Anunțuri Arhivate
Anunțuri Arhivate
Project Planner/Scheduler in Oil & Gas Constanta
expirat: 08.07.2018
Middle (2-5 ani)
Develops and maintains comprehensive integrated master project schedules
Be aware of the importance of the activity carried on for the good of the organization
Use only plans, instructions, procedures and documents reviewed, updated and approved
Maintains schedule during the project life cycle monitoring progress and incorporating modifications where changes in the original scope occur or delays are encountered.
Leads project teams in forecasting schedule challenges and offers analyses and solutions to complete the project on schedule
Performs critical path analysis to determine problem areas in regards to project schedule and resource overloads and offers alternative courses of action to the project team
Applies established schedule management practices to ascertain critical schedule issues and recommend corrective actions
To be familiar with, respect and actively participate in the implementation of the company Integrated Management System and of the established quality objectives
To actively contribute to the improvement of the company management system
To use only the latest versions of approved documents, plans, instructions, procedures
To inform superiors with respect to non-conformities, incidents, etc
To participate and lend support any time audits are carried out
To ensure accuracy of data
To control the handling of general, project related and eventually confidential correspondences
To edit/ format documents as per document control guidelines and approved templates
To check/validate/verify all documentation, including correct numbering, revisions, status, format, title and legibility- Issue of standard and ad hoc reports and registers
To assist in the development of standard process descriptions and documents commonly use in proposals, projects, operations, HSE and engineering
Communicate document management issues
Maintain updated records of all approved documents and drawings and their distribution clearly, ensuring these reflect accurate attribute and current document status
Ensure the effective application of the Project document management processes, procedures, coding standards and tools
Document Number, Revision Coding, Revision Status allocation
Conducting market research to find answers about consumer requirements, habits and trends
Brainstorming and developing ideas for creative marketing campaigns
Liaise with external vendors to execute promotional campaigns and events
Assist in analyzing marketing data (campaign results, conversion rates, traffic etc.) to help shape future marketing strategies
Assist in marketing activities by demonstrating expertise in various areas (content development and optimization, advertising, graphic design, presentation portfolio, events planning etc.)
Plan and execute initiatives to reach the target audience through appropriate channels (social media, catalogs, flyers, banners, etc.)
To be familiar with, respect and actively participate in the implementation of the company Integrated
Management System and of the established quality objectives
To actively contribute to the improvement of the company management system
To use only the latest versions of approved documents, plans, instructions, procedures
To inform superiors with respect to non-conformities, incidents, etc
To participate and lend support any time audits are carried out
To ensure accuracy of data
To control the handling of general, project related and eventually confidential correspondences
To edit/ format documents as per document control guidelines and approved templates
To check/validate/verify all documentation, including correct numbering, revisions, status, format, title and legibility- Issue of standard and ad hoc reports and registers
To assist in the development of standard process descriptions and documents commonly use in proposals, projects, operations, HSE and engineering
Communicate document management issues
Maintain updated records of all approved documents and drawings and their distribution clearly, ensuring these reflect accurate attribute and current document status
Ensure the effective application of the Project document management processes, procedures, coding standards and tools
Document Number, Revision Coding, Revision Status allocation
Responsible for the HR function within the Company;
Contribute to the development and enablement of the business strategy as both a human resource business partner & employee advocate;
Management of the full recruitment process including sourcing strategy, interviewing, reference checking, making offers to candidates, driving and delivering induction training;
HR manager must establish and lead the standard recruiting and hiring practices and procedures necessary to recruit the “best” workforce for the Company;
HR Manager leads HR practices and objectives that will provide an employee-oriented, high-performance culture that emphasizes empowerment, quality, productivity, and goal attainment
HR Manager will prepare the induction program to be carried out together with the CEO and Head of Department;
Ensure effective & appropriate performance management processes occur as appropriate;
Fosters a positive employer-employee relationship and promote a high level of employee morale and motivation;
Proposes and monitors the implementation of process with non-performing employees - review, guide, and approve management recommendations for employment terminations;
Coaches and support managers in their communication, feedback, recognition and interaction responsibilities with the employees;
Effective and timely management of employee relations issues;
Provide guidance and advice on compensation issues;
Deliver a superior HR service, by providing HR support, communication and guidance in line with the Company’s policies and procedures;
Analyse and improve HR processes;
Provide consultation to management on employee relations issues and manage all disciplinary issues within the company;
Work closely with management and employees on all grievance issues within the company;
Work closely with senior management to identity, develop and implement training and development programs in line with the business objectives;
Provide senior management and others with various types of employee reports including absence, compensation, annual leave, overtime costs and headcount;
Develop and up-date job descriptions as required;
Undertake administration activities as pertain to the employment relationship including contract provision, letters, legally required and general communications;
Analizeaza si prospecteaza piata in vederea imbunatatirii bazei de date a furnizorilor, inclusiv a conditiilor de achizitie/livrare;
Dezvolta si intretine lista de furnizori interni si externi ai firmei;
Negociaza, intocmeste si urmareste contractele comerciale, analizeaza modul de indeplinire al clauzelor contractuale;
Analizeaza, selecteaza si negociaza ofertele de pret primite de la furnizori pentru materiale, echipamente si prestari servicii;
In cadrul activitatii de achizitii, actioneaza permanent in scopul reducerii costurilor achizitiilor;
Asigura acoperirea necesarului de achizitii al companiei in termenii de timp si calitate necesari pentru proiectele aflate in derulare;
Realizeaza achizitiile de materiale si echipamente pentru atingerea scopului lucrarilor realizate de societate;
Intocmeste impreuna cu Directorul Tehnic/Seful de Santier si seful ierarhic necesarul de aprovizionat, in concordanta cu lucrarile aflate in curs de executie;
Intocmeste, transmite si urmareste comenzile pana la livrarea in termen a produselor comandate;
Organizeaza transporturile de materiale cu respectarea termenelor primite din santier;
Verifica facturile primite de la furnizori pentru a fi in conformitate cu comenzile lansate si livrate;
Asista departamantul tehnic in vederea realizarii ofertarii;
Pastreaza in permanenta legatura cu managerii proiectelor aflate in derulare;
Colaboreaza cu departamentele companiei pentru realizarea activitatii in conditii de eficienta;
Inventariaza si evalueaza produsele aflate in stoc;
Raspunde de calitatea procesului de aprovizionare si depozitare;
Realizeaza imbunatatirea continua a sistemului de aprovizionare, elaborarea politicilor, procedurilor si instrumentelor de lucru necesare gestionarii activitatii de aprovizionare in cadrul firmei;
Elaboreaza raporte diverse privind activitatea de achizitii
Pe baza proiectului, va calcula extrasul de materiale necesar investitiei, atat pe fiecare faza a procesului de executie, cat si pe total, si-l va compara cu cel al proiectantilor, urmarind sa se incadreze in consumurile normate;
Organizeaza si programeaza lucrarile din santier, impreuna cu Managerul de Proiect;
Intocmeste, impreuna cu sefii formatiunilor de lucru, necesarul de materiale, utilaje, dispozitive, scule si forta de munca;
Raspunde de tinerea evidentei: lucrarilor executate, orelor lucrate de personalul din subordine si utilajelor, dispozitivelor si sculelor din dotare;
Raspunde de primirea lucrarilor si repartizarea lor pe formatiuni de lucru sau pe executanti, de organizarea, impreuna cu sefii formatiunilor/de lucru si a personalului executant, a fiecarui loc de munca;
Supravegheaza executia lucrarilor pe tot timpul programului de lucru;
Coordoneaza echipe de muncitori in cadrul societatii sau subcontractori pentru realizarea lucrarilor de constructii pe santierul pe care il conduce;
Organizeaza si urmareste activitatea in vederea asigurarii calitatii executiei, incadrarii in termenele stabilite, incadrarii consumului de materiale in normele de consum;
Inainte de inceperea programului, discuta cu formatiile de lucru, pe care le coordoneaza, tehnologia de executie a lucrarilor contractate;
Explica personalului executant, inainte de inceperea lucrului, tehnologia pe faze, insistand asupra fazelor periculoase si a masurilor specifice de protectie a muncii, prevenire si stingere a incendiilor;
Gestioneaza activitatea firmelor colaboratoare in subantrepriza;
Gestioneaza aprovizionarea cu materiale a santierului;
Asigura circulatia informatiei in cadrul proiectului;
Raspunde de raportarea realizarilor pentru decontarea lunara a productiei executate de santier, corespunzator stadiilor fizice inregistrate si confinnate de clienti
Intocmeste programul de lucru pentru saptamana urmatoare;
Intocmeste raportul de activitate pentru saptamana anterioara
Mentinerea unui contact permanent cu departamentul de Achizitii si departamentul de Management de Proiect, respectiv Productie
Optimizarea procesului de Control Calitativ pentru reducerea erorilor
Implementarea de actiuni corective, respectiv a actiunilor specifice si urmarirea implementarii planului de actiuni in urma neconformitatilor primite de la client
Asigurarea unei bune comunicari si colaborari cu echipa clientului
Mentinerea unui contact permanent cu departamentul de Achizitii si departamentul de Management de Proiect, respectiv Productie
Optimizarea procesului de Control Calitativ pentru reducerea erorilor
Implementarea de actiuni corective, respectiv a actiunilor specifice si urmarirea implementarii planului de actiuni in urma neconformitatilor primite de la client
Asigurarea unei bune comunicari si colaborari cu echipa clientului