Adaugă o evaluare și ajută-i pe alții să găsească un angajator bun.
Toate ( 0 )Pozitiv ( 0 )Neutru ( 0 )Negativ ( 0 )
Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Identifică și execută proiecte pentru a optimiza procesele de depozitare si transport intern marfa;
Gestionează angajații din departamentul Magazie. Sprijină, motivează și stimulează angajații în ceea ce privește inovația, cunoștințele logistice, conștientizarea calității;
Este responsabil pentru funcționarea zilnică eficientă în zonele de depozitare sau de producție (de exemplu: stații de ambalare, numai pentru locația în care este necesar);
Coordonează desfasurarea activitatilor de receptie/aprovizionare/inventariere/livrare;
Este responsabil pentru inventarierea și gestionarea stocurilor din depozit si productie, piese de schimb și alte materiale depozitate in Magazie;
Supraveghează utilizarea responsabilă și sigură a materialelor, a echipamentelor și utilajelor;
Se asigura de respectarea instructiunilor si a procedurilor de lucru in asa fel incat munca oamenilor sa se desfasoare in siguranta
Create and update SPAs according to approved pricing, this activity involves data entry in Oracle
Enter SPA renewal requests in the renewal database
Process different requests type such as new spa request, add & changes, links, renewals, urgent and others based on the instructions provided ensuring the following steps are followed:
Prioritize requests based on urgency
Create a new SPA if necessary
Load all necessary information for each quote into the system, such as part number, quantity, and prices or discounts
Make any price changes or corrections to existing quotes
Create and update SPAs according to approved pricing, this activity involves data entry in Oracle
Enter SPA renewal requests in the renewal database
Process different requests type such as new spa request, add & changes, links, renewals, urgent and others based on the instructions provided ensuring the following steps are followed:
Prioritize requests based on urgency
Create a new SPA if necessary
Load all necessary information for each quote into the system, such as part number, quantity, and prices or discounts
Make any price changes or corrections to existing quotes
Supports the project with technical advice for the integration of Panduit systems in the Robotic/PLC driven applications
Solves issues of machines via Training or repairs on site
Back-up for the Tool Service Technician in Netherlands
Assists the business group with the implementation of new tool products
Carries out research to find out the problems and develops solution for them
Does the maintenance of the equipment and infrastructure available at the site
Helps, from a tools point of view, in the installation process of new and advanced technologies interpreting the requirements specified by the Technical Support Coordinator and by the Sales team
Covers Central and Eastern Europe, occasionally Western Europe if needed
Offers support for the Engineering Manager; contributes with improvement ideas in the engineering department (mechanics and automation)
Utilizes tracking tools such as CRM and ticket systems to communicate regular updates to the account team and/or customer on status
Able to respond to technical inquiries from co-workers and customers
2+ years of experience in Mechatronics
Bachelor in Mechatronics
Spoken languages: English, German/French/Italian
Experience in handling customer issues and difficult situations
Able to communicate fluently with the customers and should possess good customer service skills
Able to handle concurrent customer issues and requests
Ability to travel, sometimes on short notice (1-2 times per month), depending on the growth and need
Create and update SPAs according to approved pricing, this activity involves data entry in Oracle
Enter SPA renewal requests in the renewal database
Process different requests type such as new spa request, add & changes, links, renewals, urgent and others based on the instructions provided ensuring the following steps are followed:
Prioritize requests based on urgency
Create a new SPA if necessary
Load all necessary information for each quote into the system, such as part number, quantity, and prices or discounts
Make any price changes or corrections to existing quotes