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Aveți informații despre mediul de lucru din această companie? Care este atmosfera? Salariul este unul motivant? Oferă și alte beneficii? Care sunt condițiile pe care le oferă? Mulțumim anticipat!
Coordination of the acquisition activity of the parts / products executed in collaboration with companies from the internal market;
Negotiation and approval of procurement contracts for raw materials / services and compliance with contractual terms;
Negotiating payment terms;
Elaboration of the necessary acquisitions for raw materials and materials in accordance with the production plan and with the quarterly sales forecast ;
Monthly elaboration of situations regarding the level of stocks of raw materials and outsourced parts/products;
Evaluation and selection of suppliers and preparation of the "List of accepted suppliers";
Identification of new suppliers for in term purchase of materials and parts from the production process
Manages possible problems arising on the production lines regarding their identification, communication and resolution;
Good interdepartmental communication skills as well as with clients;
Preparation and follow-up of inspection plans; Inspection planning based on the points in the inspection and test plan;
The ability to stop production in the event of a possible non-conformity;
Check of final technical documentation prepared by Technical documentation department. Drafting work instructions for production workers;
Promptly identify and informs about the qualitative deficiencies found, with a view to ordering measures;
It informs about the aspects regarding the observance of the technologies or the need of the enterprise for preventive or corrective actions; Preparation and follow-up of nonconformity reports;
Checks compliance with the use in execution only of construction products with certificates of conformity, declarations of conformity or technically approved;
It carries out technical quality control of the finished product in all stages of the production process in order to ensure the conformity of the products with the client's requirements and with the applicable quality standards;
Realizing the control of technological process parameters in order to keep under control the processes that influence the quality of the products;
Develop monitor and manage the overall project plan (budget, resources, timeline, conditions and responsibilities);
Tracks the progress of projects (planning, monitoring from a technical and financial point of view, tracking the progress of procurement and project execution, supervising all phases of the project and related deliveries and taking measures to complete the projects within the established deadlines);
Coordinates the activities within the project and ensures communication with all the people involved in it;
Ensure a system for monitoring and reporting project progress and prepare monthly reports to partners
Analiza specificațiilor proiectului și a standardelor aplicabile;
Întocmirea Consumurilor de materiale/componente (BOM) ale echipamentelor sub presiune în conformitate cu documentația tehnică primită de la Client;
Estimarea costurilor echipamentelor pe baza Consumurilor de materiale (BOM) și a prețurilor materialelor primite de la departamentul de achiziții, sau estimate din experiență;
Întocmirea ofertelor tehnico-economice parțiale în documentația clientului;
Dimensionarea preliminară a echipamentelor sub presiune cu ajutorul programelor de calculator, pentru acest proces veți fi instruit cu privire la programul software Pv Elit de către angajatorul dumneavoastră;
Analiza comparativă a documentației de licitație față de documentația de comandă
Coordination of the acquisition activity of the parts / products executed in collaboration with companies from the internal market;
Negotiation and approval of procurement contracts for raw materials / services and compliance with contractual terms;
Negotiating payment terms;
Elaboration of the necessary acquisitions for raw materials and materials in accordance with the production plan and with the quarterly sales forecast ;
Monthly elaboration of situations regarding the level of stocks of raw materials and outsourced parts/products;
Evaluation and selection of suppliers and preparation of the "List of accepted suppliers";
Identification of new suppliers for in term purchase of materials and parts from the production process
Manages possible problems arising on the production lines regarding their identification, communication and resolution;
Good interdepartmental communication skills as well as with clients;
Preparation and follow-up of inspection plans; Inspection planning based on the points in the inspection and test plan;
The ability to stop production in the event of a possible non-conformity;
Check of final technical documentation prepared by Technical documentation department. Drafting work instructions for production workers;
Promptly identify and informs about the qualitative deficiencies found, with a view to ordering measures;
It informs about the aspects regarding the observance of the technologies or the need of the enterprise for preventive or corrective actions; Preparation and follow-up of nonconformity reports;
Checks compliance with the use in execution only of construction products with certificates of conformity, declarations of conformity or technically approved;
It carries out technical quality control of the finished product in all stages of the production process in order to ensure the conformity of the products with the client's requirements and with the applicable quality standards;
Realizing the control of technological process parameters in order to keep under control the processes that influence the quality of the products;
Analiza specificațiilor proiectului și a standardelor aplicabile;
Întocmirea Consumurilor de materiale/componente (BOM) ale echipamentelor sub presiune în conformitate cu documentația tehnică primită de la Client;
Estimarea costurilor echipamentelor pe baza Consumurilor de materiale (BOM) și a prețurilor materialelor primite de la departamentul de achiziții, sau estimate din experiență;
Întocmirea ofertelor tehnico-economice parțiale în documentația clientului;
Dimensionarea preliminară a echipamentelor sub presiune cu ajutorul programelor de calculator, pentru acest proces veți fi instruit cu privire la programul software Pv Elit de către angajatorul dumneavoastră;
Analiza comparativă a documentației de licitație față de documentația de comandă
Develop monitor and manage the overall project plan (budget, resources, timeline, conditions and responsibilities);
Tracks the progress of projects (planning, monitoring from a technical and financial point of view, tracking the progress of procurement and project execution, supervising all phases of the project and related deliveries and taking measures to complete the projects within the established deadlines);
Coordinates the activities within the project and ensures communication with all the people involved in it;
Ensure a system for monitoring and reporting project progress and prepare monthly reports to partners
Middle (2-5 ani), Fara experienta, Entry (0-2 ani)
Planificarea cu Departamentele implicate a programului de fabricatie si livrare a echipamentelor
Elaborarea planului general al proiectului (buget, resurse, calendar, conditii si responsabilitati)
Urmareste progresul proiectelor (planificarea, monitorizarea din punct de vedere tehnic si financiar, urmarirea progresului achizitiilor si executiei proiectului, supravegherea tuturor fazelor proiectului si livrarilor aferente si luarea masurilor de finalizare a proiectelor in termenele stabilite)
Coordoneaza activitatile din cadrul proiectului si asigura comunicarea cu toate persoanele implicate in acesta